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Pokémon Wiki

Zero Isle South is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, and it is considered the ultimate dungeon of the games, along with Destiny Tower in Explorers of Sky.

Zero Isle South is located on the south end of Zero Isle on the Wonder Map.


As with Rescue Team's Purity Forest, the player character is reduced to level 1, lose all items and money upon entry, and must travel alone with no enemy Pokémon joining the team. This means that victory relies mainly on the luck that the right items appear at the right times.

Just as with the other Zero Isle dungeons, Zero Isle South has locked chambers containing exclusive items for legendary Pokémon and/or rare, useful items. The locked chambers are located on floors 15, 25, 30, and 96. However, only the first two locked chambers have a chance of containing a box with an exclusive item for a legendary Pokémon (the item in the box will be exclusive for Celebi, Jirachi, or Dialga for the first chamber and Raikou, Entei, Suicune, or Ho-Oh for the second chamber). Therefore, returning to Zero Isle South is necessary if one wishes to collect the exclusive items of all the legendary Pokémon in the games. The reward for making it to the end of the dungeon is a Deluxe Box with either a Life Seed or a Joy Seed, as well as being able to fill an entry of your adventure log if you have explored the other three (four for Sky) Zero Isle dungeons.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0016Pidgey MD Pidgey 1-3 1-4 Unrecruitable
0039Jigglypuff MD Jigglypuff 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0090Shellder MD Shellder 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0117Seadra MD Seadra 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0120Staryu MD Staryu 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0121Starmie MD Starmie 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0433Chingling MD Chingling 1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0173Cleffa MD Cleffa 1-4 1-4 Unrecruitable
0069Bellsprout MD Bellsprout 2-3 2-3 Unrecruitable
0265Wurmple MD Wurmple 2-3 2-3 Unrecruitable
0010Caterpie MD Caterpie 2-4 2-4 Unrecruitable
0102Exeggcute MD Exeggcute 3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
0170Chinchou MD Chinchou 3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
0431Glameow MD Glameow 3-6 3-6 Unrecruitable
0261Poochyena MD Poochyena 4-6 4-6 Unrecruitable
0316Gulpin MD Gulpin 4-6 4-6 Unrecruitable
0029Nidoran♀ MD Nidoran♀ 5-7 5-7 Unrecruitable
0019Rattata MD Rattata 5-8 5-8 Unrecruitable
0104Cubone MD Cubone 6-8 6-8 Unrecruitable
0246Larvitar MD Larvitar 6-8 6-8 Unrecruitable
0175Togepi MD Togepi 6-10 6-9 Unrecruitable
0263Zigzagoon MD Zigzagoon 7-8 7-8 Unrecruitable
0035Clefairy MD Clefairy 7-9 7-8 Unrecruitable
0239Elekid MD Elekid 7-9 7-8 Unrecruitable
0050Diglett MD Diglett 7-11 7-9 Unrecruitable
0304Aron MD Aron 8-9 9 Unrecruitable
0067Machoke MD Machoke 8-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
0070Weepinbell MD Weepinbell 8-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
0291Ninjask MD Ninjask 8-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
0187Hoppip MD Hoppip 9-10 8-9 Unrecruitable
0202Wobbuffet MD Wobbuffet 9-11 8-9 Unrecruitable
0021Spearow MD Spearow 9-12 8-10 Unrecruitable
0011Metapod MD Metapod 10 9 Unrecruitable
0013Weedle MD Weedle 10-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
0466Electivire MD Electivire 10-15 9-11 Unrecruitable
0072Tentacool MD Tentacool 11-13 9-10 Unrecruitable
0280Ralts MD Ralts 11-13 9-10 Unrecruitable
0133Eevee MD Eevee 11-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
0183Marill MD Marill 11-14 9-11 Unrecruitable
0269Dustox MD Dustox 12-14, 27-30 10-11, 16-17 Unrecruitable
0343Baltoy MD Baltoy 12-15 10-11 Unrecruitable
0307Meditite MD Meditite 13-14 10-11 Unrecruitable
0313Volbeat MD Volbeat 13-16 10-12 Unrecruitable
0097Hypno MD Hypno 14-17 11-12 Unrecruitable
0177Natu MD Natu 14-17 11-12 Unrecruitable
0171Lanturn MD Lanturn 14-18 11-13 Unrecruitable
0103Exeggutor MD Exeggutor 15-16 11-12 Unrecruitable
0074Geodude MD Geodude 15-17 11-12 Unrecruitable
0434Stunky MD Stunky 15-19 11-13 Unrecruitable
0123Scyther MD Scyther 16-18 12-13 Unrecruitable
0163Hoothoot MD Hoothoot 16-18 12-13 Unrecruitable
0436Bronzor MD Bronzor 16-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
0474Porygon-Z MD Porygon-Z 16-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
0209Snubbull MD Snubbull 16-21 12-14 Unrecruitable
0185Sudowoodo MD Sudowoodo 17-19 12-13 Unrecruitable
0227Skarmory MD Skarmory 17-19 12-13 Unrecruitable
0348Armaldo MD Armaldo 17-19 12-13 Unrecruitable
0287Slakoth MD Slakoth 17-12 12-14 Unrecruitable
0311Plusle MD Plusle 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
0312Minun MD Minun 17-20 12-14 Unrecruitable
0015Beedrill MD Beedrill 17-21 12-14 Unrecruitable
0023Ekans MD Ekans 12-21 12-14 Unrecruitable
0088Grimer MD Grimer 17-21, 30-35, 80-85 12-14, 17-19, 27-28 Unrecruitable
0264Linoone MD Linoone 18-20 13-14 Unrecruitable
0043Oddish MD Oddish 18-25 13-16 Unrecruitable
0161Sentret MD Sentret 19-21 13-14 Unrecruitable
0220Swinub MD Swinub 19-22 13-15 Unrecruitable
0317Swalot MD Swalot 19-22 13-15 Unrecruitable
0073Tentacruel MD Tentacruel 20-22 14-15 Unrecruitable
0192Sunflora MD Sunflora 20-24 14-15 Unrecruitable
0460Abomasnow MD Abomasnow 20-24 14-15 Unrecruitable
0351Castform MD Castform 12-22, 34-38, 54-59, 70-79, 89-94 14-15, 19-20, 24-27, 29-30 Unrecruitable
0285Shroomish MD Shroomish 21-25 14-16 Unrecruitable
0374Beldum MD Beldum 21-25 14-16 Unrecruitable
0425Drifloon MD Drifloon 21-25 14-16 Unrecruitable
0165Ledyba MD Ledyba 22-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0327Spinda MD Spinda 22-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0083Farfetch'd MD Farfetch'd 23-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
0058Growlithe MD Growlithe 24-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
0060Poliwag MD Poliwag 24-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
0328Trapinch MD Trapinch 24-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
0100Voltorb MD Voltorb 25-28 16 Unrecruitable
0193Yanma MD Yanma 26-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
0154Meganium MD Meganium 26-32 16-18 Unrecruitable
0167Spinarak MD Spinarak 26-32 16-18 Unrecruitable
0439Mime Jr. MD Mime Jr. 26-32 16-18 Unrecruitable
0051Dugtrio MD Dugtrio 26-32,60-69 16-18, 25-26 Unrecruitable
0216Teddiursa MD Teddiursa 27-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
0391Monferno MD Monferno 27-33 16-18 Unrecruitable
0388Grotle MD Grotle 29-33 17-18 Unrecruitable
0464Rhyperior MD Rhyperior 29-33 17-18 Unrecruitable
0309Electrike MD Electrike 30-34 17-19 Unrecruitable
0430Honchkrow MD Honchkrow 30-34 17-19 Unrecruitable
0181Ampharos MD Ampharos 31-33 18 Unrecruitable
0032Nidoran♂ MD Nidoran♂ 31-35 18-19 Unrecruitable
0207Gligar MD Gligar 31-35 18-19 Unrecruitable
0234Stantler MD Stantler 31-36 18-19 Unrecruitable
0125Electabuzz MD Electabuzz 33-39 18-21 Unrecruitable
0462Magnezone MD Magnezone 34-38 19-20 Unrecruitable
0084Doduo MD Doduo 35-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0426Drifblim MD Drifblim 35-40 19-20 Unrecruitable
0062Poliwrath MD Poliwrath 36-40 19-21 Unrecruitable
0143Snorlax MD Snorlax 36-40 19-21 Unrecruitable
0310Manectric MD Manectric 36-40 19-21 Unrecruitable
0128Tauros MD Tauros 36-43 19-22 Unrecruitable
0044Gloom MD Gloom 36-48 19-24 Unrecruitable
0331Cacnea MD Cacnea 37-39 20-21 Unrecruitable
0198Murkrow MD Murkrow 39-42 21-22 Unrecruitable
0214Heracross MD Heracross 39-42 21-22 Unrecruitable
0286Breloom MD Breloom 39-43 21-22 Unrecruitable
0461Weavile MD Weavile 39-44 21-23 Unrecruitable
0332Cacturne MD Cacturne 40-45 21-23 Unrecruitable
0451Skorupi MD Skorupi 40-45 21-23 Unrecruitable
0210Granbull MD Granbull 41-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
0130Gyarados MD Gyarados 41-48 22-24 Unrecruitable
0435Skuntank MD Skuntank 41-49 22-24 Unrecruitable
0168Ariados MD Ariados 42-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
0188Skiploom MD Skiploom 42-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
0206Dunsparce MD Dunsparce 43-46 22-23 Unrecruitable
0290Nincada MD Nincada 44-49 23-24 Unrecruitable
0476Probopass MD Probopass 45-52 23-24 Unrecruitable
0089Muk MD Muk 45-55 23-25 Unrecruitable
0042Golbat MD Golbat 46-50 23-24 Unrecruitable
0371Bagon MD Bagon 47-49 24 Unrecruitable
0030Nidorina MD Nidorina 47-50 24 Unrecruitable
0033Nidorino MD Nidorino 47-50 24 Unrecruitable
0126Magmar MD Magmar 47-52, 74-90 24, 26-27 Unrecruitable
0114Tangela MD Tangela 48-52 24 Unrecruitable
0314Illumise MD Illumise 49-54 24 Unrecruitable
0059Arcanine MD Arcanine 50-55 24-25 Unrecruitable
0022Fearow MD Fearow 51-54 24 Unrecruitable
0205Forretress MD Forretress 51-55 24-25 Unrecruitable
0213Shuckle MD Shuckle 51-55 24-25 Unrecruitable
0101Electrode MD Electrode 51-56 24-25 Unrecruitable
0106Hitmonlee MD Hitmonlee 51-56 24-25 Unrecruitable
0107Hitmonchan MD Hitmonchan 51-56 24-25 Unrecruitable
0240Magby MD Magby 53-57, 71-77 24-26 Unrecruitable
0322Numel MD Numel 53-59 24-25 Unrecruitable
0452Drapion MD Drapion 55-60 25 Unrecruitable
0262Mightyena MD Mightyena 56-60 25 Unrecruitable
0219Magcargo MD Magcargo 56-61, 71-77 25-26 Unrecruitable
0132Ditto MD Ditto 56-64 25 Unrecruitable
0409Rampardos MD Rampardos 57-62 25 Unrecruitable
0078Rapidash MD Rapidash 57-64 25 Unrecruitable
0324Torkoal MD Torkoal 57-64 25 Unrecruitable
0111Rhyhorn MD Rhyhorn 58-64 25 Unrecruitable
0333Swablu MD Swablu 58-64 25 Unrecruitable
0402Kricketune MD Kricketune 59-63 25 Unrecruitable
0024Arbok MD Arbok 60-64 25 Unrecruitable
0361Snorunt MD Snorunt 60-65 25-26 Unrecruitable
0221Piloswine MD Piloswine 60-67 25-26 Unrecruitable
0162Furret MD Furret 61-63 25 Unrecruitable
0305Lairon MD Lairon 61-68 25-26 Unrecruitable
0375Metang MD Metang 62-66 25-26 Unrecruitable
0204Pineco MD Pineco 63-67 25-26 Unrecruitable
0410Shieldon MD Shieldon 63-68 25-26 Unrecruitable
0413Wormadam Steel MD Wormadam 63-58 25-26 Unrecruitable
0142Aerodactyl MD Aerodactyl 65-69 26 Unrecruitable
0372Shelgon MD Shelgon 65-69 26 Unrecruitable
0247Pupitar MD Pupitar 65-70 26 Unrecruitable
0335Zangoose MD Zangoose 65-70 26 Unrecruitable
0432Purugly MD Purugly 65-70 26 Unrecruitable
0045Vileplume MD Vileplume 65-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
0362Glalie MD Glalie 68-73 26 Unrecruitable
0404Luxio MD Luxio 69-73 26 Unrecruitable
0411Bastiodon MD Bastiodon 69-73 26 Unrecruitable
0049Venomoth MD Venomoth 70-74 26 Unrecruitable
0284Masquerain MD Masquerain 70-75 26 Unrecruitable
0289Slaking MD Slaking 70-75 26 Unrecruitable
0414Mothim MD Mothim 71-75 26 Unrecruitable
0109Koffing MD Koffing 71-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
0076Golem MD Golem 73-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
0112Rhydon MD Rhydon 73-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
0031Nidoqueen MD Nidoqueen 74-76 26 Unrecruitable
0047Parasect MD Parasect 74-78 26 Unrecruitable
0355Duskull MD Duskull 74-78 26 Unrecruitable
0473Mamoswine MD Mamoswine 74-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
0394Prinplup MD Prinplup 76-80 26-27 Unrecruitable
0419Floatzel MD Floatzel 76-80 26-27 Unrecruitable
0034Nidoking MD Nidoking 77-79 26-27 Unrecruitable
0368Gorebyss MD Gorebyss 78-82 26-27 Unrecruitable
0233Porygon2 MD Porygon2 79-84 27-28 Unrecruitable
0323Camerupt MD Camerupt 80-85 27-28 Unrecruitable
0467Magmortar MD Magmortar 80-85 27-28 Unrecruitable
0429Mismagius MD Mismagius 80-86 27-28 Unrecruitable
0445Garchomp MD Garchomp 81-86 27-28 Unrecruitable
0353Shuppet MD Shuppet 83-87 28-29 Unrecruitable
0077Ponyta MD Ponyta 84-88 28-29 Unrecruitable
0166Ledian MD Ledian 86-90 28-29 Unrecruitable
0337Lunatone MD Lunatone 86-90 28-29 Unrecruitable
0338Solrock MD Solrock 86-90 28-29 Unrecruitable
0448Lucario MD Lucario 86-90 28-29 Unrecruitable
0356Dusclops MD Dusclops 86-92 28-30 Unrecruitable
0376Metagross MD Metagross 89-95 29-30 Unrecruitable
0450Hippowdon MD Hippowdon 91-95 30 Unrecruitable
0334Altaria MD Altaria 91-98 30 Unrecruitable
0437Bronzong MD Bronzong 91-98 30 Unrecruitable
0357Tropius MD Tropius 93-98 30 Unrecruitable
0407Roserade MD Roserade 93-98 30 Unrecruitable
0342Crawdaunt MD Crawdaunt 94-98 30 Unrecruitable
0344Claydol MD Claydol 94-98 30 Unrecruitable
0212Scizor MD Scizor 95-98 30 Unrecruitable
