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Zero Isle East is one of the four primary dungeons that compose Zero Isle. The main attractions of this dungeon are the White Silk found on B40F and the Deluxe Box that is found alongside it.

Note: Party members will be temporarily reduced to Level 1 upon entering this dungeon. Only 16 items may be brought inside. If the Treasure Bag contains more than 16 items, all items beyond the 16th slot will disappear upon entry. No Pokémon may be recruited.

Zero Isle East is located on the east end of Zero Isle on the Wonder Map.

Dungeon Inhabitants[]

A random assortment of up to fourteen of the following appears on each floor.

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0087Dewgong MD Dewgong B1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0090Shellder MD Shellder B1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0222Corsola MD Corsola B1-3 1-3 Unrecruitable
0140Kabuto MD Kabuto B1-5 1-5 Unrecruitable
0184Azumarill MD Azumarill B1-5 1-5 Unrecruitable
0079Slowpoke MD Slowpoke B2-4 2-4 Unrecruitable
0193Yanma MD Yanma B2-5 2-5 Unrecruitable
0056Mankey MD Mankey B3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
0073Tentacruel MD Tentacruel B3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
0100Voltorb MD Voltorb B3-5 3-5 Unrecruitable
0021Spearow MD Spearow B3-6 3-6 Unrecruitable
0273Seedot MD Seedot B3-7 3-7 Unrecruitable
0214Heracross MD Heracross B4-8 4-8 Unrecruitable
0057Primeape MD Primeape B6-8 6-8 Unrecruitable
0042Golbat MD Golbat B6-10 6-10 Unrecruitable
0132Ditto MD Ditto B6019 6-10 Unrecruitable
0163Hoothoot MD Hoothoot B6-10 6-10 Unrecruitable
0177Natu MD Natu B6-10 6-10 Unrecruitable
0228Houndour MD Houndour B6-10 -10 Unrecruitable
0320Wailmer MD Wailmer B6-10 6-10 Unrecruitable
0122Mr. Mime MD Mr. Mime B8-12 8-12 Unrecruitable
0048Venonat MD Venonat B9-13 9-12 Unrecruitable
0106Hitmonlee MD Hitmonlee B9-13 9-12 Unrecruitable
0082Magneton MD Magneton B11-14 11-13 Unrecruitable
0015Beedrill MD Beedrill B11-15 11-13 Unrecruitable
0037Vulpix MD Vulpix B11-15 11-13 Unrecruitable
0160Feraligatr MD Feraligatr B11-15 11-13 Unrecruitable
0167Spinarak MD Spinarak B11-15 11-13 Unrecruitable
0218Slugma MD Slugma B11-15 11-13 Unrecruitable
0113Chansey MD Chansey B11-15, B26-32 11-13, 16-18 Unrecruitable
0098Krabby MD Krabby B12-16 12-14 Unrecruitable
0126Magmar MD Magmar B13-17 12-14 Unrecruitable
0204Pineco MD Pineco B13-17 12-14 Unrecruitable
0008Wartortle MD Wartortle B14-18 13-14 Unrecruitable
0138Omanyte MD Omanyte B14-18 13-14 Unrecruitable
0075Graveler MD Graveler B15-19 13-15 Unrecruitable
0093Haunter MD Haunter B16-20 `14-15 Unrecruitable
0133Eevee MD Eevee B16-20 14-15 Unrecruitable
0176Togetic MD Togetic B16-20 14-15 Unrecruitable
0285Shroomish MD Shroomish B16-20 14-15 Unrecruitable
0436Bronzor MD Bronzor B16-20 14-15 Unrecruitable
0311Plusle MD Plusle B16-21 14-15 Unrecruitable
0312Minun MD Minun B16-21 14-15 Unrecruitable
0123Scyther MD Scyther B18-22 14-15 Unrecruitable
0127Pinsir MD Pinsir B18-22 14-15 Unrecruitable
0111Rhyhorn MD Rhyhorn B20-24 15 Unrecruitable
0292Shedinja MD Shedinja B20-24 15 Unrecruitable
0002Ivysaur MD Ivysaur B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0096Drowzee MD Drowzee B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0185Sudowoodo MD Sudowoodo B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0337Lunatone MD Lunatone B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0347Anorith MD Anorith B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0425Drifloon MD Drifloon B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0439Mime Jr. MD Mime Jr. B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0466Electivire MD Electivire B21-25 15-16 Unrecruitable
0025Pikachu MD Pikachu B23-28 15-16 Unrecruitable
0314Illumise MD Illumise B24-29 15-17 Unrecruitable
0198Murkrow MD Murkrow B25-20 16-17 Unrecruitable
0296Makuhita MD Makuhita B25-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
0153Bayleef MD Bayleef B26-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
0343Baltoy MD Baltoy B26-30 16-17 Unrecruitable
0032Nidoran♂ MD Nidoran♂ B26-31 16-18 Unrecruitable
0323Camerupt MD Camerupt B30-34 17-19 Unrecruitable
0359Absol MD Absol B30-34 17-19 Unrecruitable
0034Nidoking MD Nidoking B30-35 17-19 Unrecruitable
0307Meditite MD Meditite B30-35 17-19 Unrecruitable
0308Medicham MD Medicham B30-35 17-19 Unrecruitable
0156Quilava MD Quilava B31-35 18-19 Unrecruitable
0223Remoraid MD Remoraid B31-37 18-20 Unrecruitable
0005Charmeleon MD Charmeleon B31-39 18-21 Unrecruitable
0200Misdreavus MD Misdreavus B31-39 18-21 Unrecruitable
0335Zangoose MD Zangoose B31-39 18-21 Unrecruitable
0230Kingdra MD Kingdra B33-38 18-20 Unrecruitable
0110Weezing MD Weezing B33-39 18-21 Unrecruitable
0101Electrode MD Electrode B34-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0116Horsea MD Horsea B35-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0224Octillery MD Octillery B35-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0225Delibird MD Delibird B35-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0318Carvanha MD Carvanha B35-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0012Butterfree MD Butterfree B36-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0294Loudred MD Loudred B36-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0310Manectric MD Manectric B36-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0324Torkoal MD Torkoal B36-39 19-21 Unrecruitable
0360Wynaut MD Wynaut B36-39 19-21 Unrecruitable


Zero Isle East holds little in terms of rewards when compared to its brethren, Zero Isle North and Zero Isle South. The White Silk on B40F is by far the rarest prize, but another silk may also be found. The Royal Silk lies on B20F, and it is readily available to any explorers with access to a Key. Other lesser treasures may be found along the way to B40F. The Edify Robe, the Charity Robe, and the Hope Robe can be obtained from locked boxes from B15F, but their use is limited. Unless Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf are active members of the team, obtaining these items is generally not worth the effort required.

Additionally, it should be noted that Gold Ribbon appears in Zero Isle East. Explorers seeking easy wealth should stay on the lookout for this valuable item as they journey through the dungeon.
