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Zero Isle Center is the fifth of the dungeons that compose Zero Isle, introduced in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, unlocked after recycling 150 times at Spinda's Cafe. At the end of the dungeon are four Deluxe Boxes containing items corresponding to the Pokémon in the party.

Like Zero Isle North, party members will not gain experience in this dungeon, and all enemies are unrecruitable; and like Zero Isle East, only 16 items are allowed to be brought into the dungeon, and the item beyond the 16th slot will disappear upon entry. Hidden traps that are triggered also remain invisible as well, and the player cannot be rescued upon losing.

Zero Isle Center is located in the lake in the center of Zero Isle on the Wonder Map.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0055Golduck MD Golduck B1-6 90-93 Unrecruitable
0320Wailmer MD Wailmer B1-7 90-93 Unrecruitable
0369Relicanth MD Relicanth B1-7 90-93 Unrecruitable
0458Mantyke MD Mantyke B1-7 90-93 Unrecruitable
0076Golem MD MD Golem B1-18 90-98 Unrecruitable
0299Nosepass MD Nosepass B1-20 90-99 Unrecruitable
0305Lairon MD Lairon B1-20 90-99 Unrecruitable
0443Gible MD Gible B1-20 90-99 Unrecruitable
0095Onix MD Onix B1-27 90-99 Unrecruitable
0106Hitmonlee MD Hitmonlee B1-30 90-99 Unrecruitable
0057Primeape MD Primeape B1-49 90-99 Unrecruitable
0227Skarmory MD Skarmory B1-49 90-99 Unrecruitable
0260Swampert MD Swampert B1-49 90-99 Unrecruitable
0395Empoleon MD Empoleon B1-49 90-99 Unrecruitable
0448Lucario MD Lucario B1-49 90-99 Unrecruitable
0248Tyranitar MD Tyranitar B6-20 93-99 Unrecruitable
0302Sableye MD Sableye B8-20 93-99 Unrecruitable
0175Togepi MD Togepi B10-13, B17-18, B21-22 5 Unrecruitable
0124Jynx MD Jynx B14-16 96-97 Unrecruitable
0221Piloswine MD Piloswine B14-16 96-97 Unrecruitable
0362Glalie MD Glalie B14-16 96-97 Unrecruitable
0365Walrein MD Walrein B14-16 96-97 Unrecruitable
0461Weavile MD Weavile B14-16 96-97 Unrecruitable
0471Glaceon MD Glaceon B14-16 96-97 Unrecruitable
0473Mamoswine MD Mamoswine B14-16 96-97 Unrecruitable
0112Rhydon MD Rhydon B14-35 96-99 Unrecruitable
0048Venonat MD Venonat B19-20 99 Unrecruitable
0049Venomoth MD Venomoth B19-20 99 Unrecruitable
0267Beautifly MD Beautifly B19-20 99 Unrecruitable
0269Dustox MD Dustox B19-20 99 Unrecruitable
0284Masquerain MD Masquerain B19-20 99 Unrecruitable
0313Volbeat MD Volbeat B19-20 99 Unrecruitable
0414Mothim MD Mothim B19-20 99 Unrecruitable
0107Hitmonchan MD Hitmonchan 19-49 99 Unrecruitable
0444Gabite MD Gabite B21-35 99 Unrecruitable
0306Aggron MD Aggron B21-29 99 Unrecruitable
0476Probopass MD Probopass B21-29 99 Unrecruitable
0153Bayleef MD Bayleef B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0154Meganium MD Meganium B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0191Sunkern MD Sunkern B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0192Sunflora MD Sunflora B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0274Nuzleaf MD Nuzleaf B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0275Shiftry MD Shiftry B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0357Tropius MD Tropius B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0470Leafeon MD Leafeon B23-25 99 Unrecruitable
0006Charizard MD Charizard B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0058Growlithe MD Growlithe B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0126Magmar MD Magmar B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0218Slugma MD Slugma B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0219Magcargo MD Magcargo B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0228Houndour MD Houndour B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0229Houndoom MD Houndoom B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0467Magmortar MD Magmortar B28-30 99 Unrecruitable
0208Steelix MD Steelix B28-49 99 Unrecruitable
0149Dragonite MD Dragonite B31-49 99 Unrecruitable
0334Altaria MD Altaria B31-49 99 Unrecruitable
0082Magneton MD Magneton B33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0125Electabuzz MD Electabuzz B33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0171Lanturn MD Lanturn B33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0239Elekid MD Elekid B33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0405Luxray MD Luxray B33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0462Magnezone MD Magnezone B33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0466Electivire MD Electivire B33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0479Rotom MD Rotom 33-35 99 Unrecruitable
0035Clefairy MD Clefairy B33-45 5 Unrecruitable
0445Garchomp MD Garchomp B36-49 99 Unrecruitable
0023Ekans MD Ekans B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0024Arbok MD Arbok B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0088Grimer MD Grimer B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0089Muk MD Muk B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0109Koffing MD Koffing B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0110Weezing MD Weezing B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0453Croagunk MD Croagunk B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0454Toxicroak MD Toxicroak B38-40 99 Unrecruitable
0064Kadabra MD Kadabra 43-45 99 Unrecruitable
0065Alakazam MD Alakazam B43-45 99 Unrecruitable
0122Mr. Mime MD Mr. Mime B43-45 99 Unrecruitable
0343Baltoy MD Baltoy B43-45 99 Unrecruitable
0344Claydol MD Claydol B43-45 99 Unrecruitable
0436Bronzor MD Bronzor B43-45 99 Unrecruitable
0437Bronzong MD Bronzong B43-45 99 Unrecruitable
0439Mime Jr. MD Mime Jr. B43-45 99 Unrecruitable