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X Strait Y Scenery (Japanese: X海峡(かいきょう)景色(けしき) (エックス海峡(かいきょう)ワイ景色(けしき)), HepburnX Kaikyou Y Keshiki (Ekkusu Kaikyou Wai Keshiki)) is the first Japanese ending theme of the XY series.



TV Size[]

♪ バイバイするのは まだ(はや)い おやすみなさおは ちょっと()ってね

カチュウ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

ロマツ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

ついついこの(うた) ついうっかりと おぼえてしまうも せんないことよ そのときゃ (だれ)かに(うた)って()かせて 自分(じぶん)は さっさと(わす)れましょう

ニャース ニャがつく ニャんざえもん ニャんから(とうげ)を ニャろりと()えりゃ ニャがらし ニャニャー ニャっぷかれもするが ニャーんときました ニャーんときた ああ ニャらんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ ニャにゃ景色(けしき)

(うた)うキャモメに ()くキャモメ (おな)じキャモメなら (うた)わにゃワニャワニャ! ♪

XY005 - XY008, XY017 - XY020[]

♪ バイバイするのは まだ(はや)い おやすみなさおは ちょっと()ってね

デンネ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

フォッコ フォがつく フォんざえもん フォんから(とうげ)を フォろりと()えりゃ フォがらし フォフォー フォっぷかれもするが フォんときました フォんときた ああ フォらんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ フォにゃ景色(けしき)

ついついこの(うた) ついうっかりと おぼえてしまうも せんないことよ そのときゃ (だれ)かに(うた)って()かせて 自分(じぶん)は さっさと(わす)れましょう

ケッチャ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

(うた)うキャモメに ()くキャモメ (おな)じキャモメなら (うた)わにゃワニャワニャ! ♪

XY009 - XY012, XY021 - XY023[]

♪ バイバイするのは まだ(はや)い おやすみなさおは ちょっと()ってね

ルビー がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

リマロン がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

ついついこの(うた) ついうっかりと おぼえてしまうも せんないことよ そのときゃ (だれ)かに(うた)って()かせて 自分(じぶん)は さっさと(わす)れましょう

ヤコマ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

(うた)うキャモメに ()くキャモメ (おな)じキャモメなら (うた)わにゃワニャワニャ! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ バイバイするのは まだ(はや)い おやすみなさおは ちょっと()ってね

カチュウ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

ロマツ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

ついついこの(うた) ついうっかりと おぼえてしまうも せんないことよ そのときゃ (だれ)かに(うた)って()かせて 自分(じぶん)は さっさと(わす)れましょう

ニャース ニャがつく ニャんざえもん ニャんから(とうげ)を ニャろりと()えりゃ ニャがらし ニャニャー ニャっぷかれもするが ニャーんときました ニャーんときた ああ ニャらんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ ニャにゃ景色(けしき)

デンネ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

フォッコ フォがつく フォんざえもん フォんから(とうげ)を フォろりと()えりゃ フォがらし フォフォー フォっぷかれもするが フォんときました フォんときた ああ フォらんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ フォにゃ景色(けしき)

ついついこの(うた) ついうっかりと おぼえてしまうも せんないことよ そのときゃ (だれ)かに(うた)って()かせて 自分(じぶん)は さっさと(わす)れましょう

ケッチャ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

(うた)うキャモメに ()くキャモメ (おな)じキャモメなら (うた)わにゃワニャワニャ!

ルビー がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

リマロン がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

つぎつぎ(いろ)づく (こと)()は ふうわりくるりと ()うよ(あそ)ぶよ いたずらこだまが それをまねして ほら ほら もう(うた)ってる

いついつまでも いつまでも (あたら)しい(うた)は うまれつづける (くち)から(みみ)へ ここからどこかへ 今日(きょう)から明日(あした)へ あっさてへ

ヤコマ がつく んざえもん んから(とうげ)を ろりと()えりゃ がらし ー っぷかれもするが ーんときました ーんときた ああ らんら海峡(かいきょう) ああ にゃ景色(けしき)

(うた)うキャモメに ()くキャモメ (おな)じキャモメなら (うた)わにゃワニャワニャ! ♪


TV Size[]

♪ It's still too early to say bye-bye Hold on just a bit before we say good night

Pikachyuu contains a Pi, which becomes Pinzaemon If I start from the piginning and piwiftly go over the pass Although the pintry wind piwhooshes and my skin is piwollen It hit me, it hit me with a pin Ah, there's the Piranra Strait. Ah, what a Pinya scenery

Keromatsu contains a Ke, which becomes Kenzaemon If I start from the keginning and kewiftly go over the pass Although the kentry wind kewhooshes and my skin is kewollen It hit me, it hit me with a ken Ah, there's the Keranra Strait. Ah, what a Kenya scenery

Without thinking, this song inadvertently Gets stuck in your brain, and it can't be helped When it comes to that, just let somebody sing it for you And quickly forget about it yourself

Nyaasu contains a Nya, which becomes Nyanzaemon If I start from the nyaginning and nyawiftly go over the pass Although the nyantry wind nyawhooshes and my skin is nyawollen It hit me, it hit me with a nyan Ah, there's the Nyaranra Strait. Ah, what a Nyanya scenery

There's the Wingull that sings and there's the Wingull that listens If we're both Wingull, we've got to sing Wanya-wanya! ♪

XY005 - XY008, XY017 - XY020[]

♪ It's still too early to say bye-bye Hold on just a bit before we say good night

Dedenne contains a De, which becomes Denzaemon If I start from the deginning and dewiftly go over the pass Although the dentry wind dewhooshes and my skin is dewollen It hit me, it hit me with a den Ah, there's the Deranra Strait. Ah, what a Denya scenery

Fokko contains a Fo, which becomes Fonzaemon If I start from the foginning and fowiftly go over the pass Although the fontry wind fowhooshes and my skin is fowollen It hit me, it hit me with a fon Ah, there's the Foranra Strait. Ah, what a Fonya scenery

Without thinking, this song inadvertently Gets stuck in your brain, and it can't be helped When it comes to that, just let somebody sing it for you And quickly forget about it yourself

Bakeccha contains a Ba, which becomes Banzaemon If I start from the baginning and bawiftly go over the pass Although the bantry wind bawhooshes and my skin is bawollen It hit me, it hit me with a ban Ah, there's the Baranra Strait. Ah, what a Banya scenery

There's the Wingull that sings and there's the Wingull that listens If we're both Wingull, we've got to sing Wanya-wanya! ♪

XY009 - XY012, XY021 - XY023[]

♪ It's still too early to say bye-bye Hold on just a bit before we say good night

Horubii contains a Ho, which becomes Honzaemon If I start from the hoginning and howiftly go over the pass Although the hontry wind howhooshes and my skin is howollen It hit me, it hit me with a hon Ah, there's the Horanra Strait. Ah, what a Honya scenery

Harimaron contains a Ha, which becomes Hanzaemon If I start from the haginning and hawiftly go over the pass Although the hantry wind hawhooshes and my skin is hawollen It hit me, it hit me with a han Ah, there's the Haranra Strait. Ah, what a Hanya scenery

Without thinking, this song inadvertently Gets stuck in your brain, and it can't be helped When it comes to that, just let somebody sing it for you And quickly forget about it yourself

Yayakoma contains a Ya, which becomes Yanzaemon If I start from the yaginning and yawiftly go over the pass Although the yantry wind yawhooshes and my skin is yawollen It hit me, it hit me with a yan Ah, there's the Yaranra Strait. Ah, what a Yanya scenery

There's the Wingull that sings and there's the Wingull that listens If we're both Wingull, we've got to sing Wanya-wanya! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ It's still too early to say bye-bye Hold on just a bit before we say good night

Pikachyuu contains a Pi, which becomes Pinzaemon If I start from the piginning and piwiftly go over the pass Although the pintry wind piwhooshes and my skin is piwollen It hit me, it hit me with a pin Ah, there's the Piranra Strait. Ah, what a Pinya scenery

Keromatsu contains a Ke, which becomes Kenzaemon If I start from the keginning and kewiftly go over the pass Although the kentry wind kewhooshes and my skin is kewollen It hit me, it hit me with a ken Ah, there's the Keranra Strait. Ah, what a Kenya scenery

Without thinking, this song inadvertently Gets stuck in your brain, and it can't be helped When it comes to that, just let somebody sing it for you And quickly forget about it yourself

Nyaasu contains a Nya, which becomes Nyanzaemon If I start from the nyaginning and nyawiftly go over the pass Although the nyantry wind nyawhooshes and my skin is nyawollen It hit me, it hit me with a nyan Ah, there's the Nyaranra Strait. Ah, what a Nyanya scenery

Dedenne contains a De, which becomes Denzaemon If I start from the deginning and dewiftly go over the pass Although the dentry wind dewhooshes and my skin is dewollen It hit me, it hit me with a den Ah, there's the Deranra Strait. Ah, what a Denya scenery

Fokko contains a Fo, which becomes Fonzaemon If I start from the foginning and fowiftly go over the pass Although the fontry wind fowhooshes and my skin is fowollen It hit me, it hit me with a fon Ah, there's the Foranra Strait. Ah, what a Fonya scenery

Without thinking, this song inadvertently Gets stuck in your brain, and it can't be helped When it comes to that, just let somebody sing it for you And quickly forget about it yourself

Bakeccha contains a Ba, which becomes Banzaemon If I start from the baginning and bawiftly go over the pass Although the bantry wind bawhooshes and my skin is bawollen It hit me, it hit me with a ban Ah, there's the Baranra Strait. Ah, what a Banya scenery

There's the Wingull that sings and there's the Wingull that listens If we're both Wingull, we've got to sing Wanya-wanya!

Horubii contains a Ho, which becomes Honzaemon If I start from the hoginning and howiftly go over the pass Although the hontry wind howhooshes and my skin is howollen It hit me, it hit me with a hon Ah, there's the Horanra Strait. Ah, what a Honya scenery

Harimaron contains a Ha, which becomes Hanzaemon If I start from the haginning and hawiftly go over the pass Although the hantry wind hawhooshes and my skin is hawollen It hit me, it hit me with a han Ah, there's the Haranra Strait. Ah, what a Hanya scenery

The words that change colors one after another Gently but quickly, they dance and play The mischievous echo imitates them Look! Look! They're singing again

Forever and ever and ever New songs would continue to emerge From mouth to ear, from here to somewhere From today to tomorrow to the day after tomorrow

Yayakoma contains a Ya, which becomes Yanzaemon If I start from the yaginning and yawiftly go over the pass Although the yantry wind yawhooshes and my skin is yawollen It hit me, it hit me with a yan Ah, there's the Yaranra Strait. Ah, what a Yanya scenery

There's the Wingull that sings and there's the Wingull that listens If we're both Wingull, we've got to sing Wanya-wanya! ♪


  • An Undersea Place to Call Home!, originally intended to air as XY024, used this version in the original cut before being postponed from airing, later to be replaced with DreamDream as the ending. This caused episodes XY021-XY023 playing it for only three episodes instead of four like it is in all other cases, and this wasn't fixed in Japanese re-releases such as on DVD or video on demand services.