With You is the first opening theme song for Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series, and the twenty-fifth opening theme song of the international series.
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♪ I'll go anywhere if I'm with you Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Lightning strikes or any shade of blue Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh The journey's the best part Even when the road gets hard I'll go anywhere if I'm with you With you! ♪
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♪ You've been there for me when I needed someone fightin' on my team. You were always believe'n that's how it's supposed to be. I would never leave your side
I'll go anywhere if I'm with you. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Lightning strikes or any shade of blue. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. The journey's the best part even when the road gets hard. I'll go anywhere if I'm with you. With you.
You know doesn't matter where we go. You can count on me staying rain or shine it won't break us. That's how it's supposed to be. I would never leave your side.
I'll go anywhere if I'm with you. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Lightning strikes or any shade of blue. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. The journey's the best part even when the road gets hard. I'll go anywhere if I'm with you. With you!
Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. The journey's the best part even when the road gets hard. I'll go anywhere if I'm with you. Oh! If I'm with you! ♪
- Mew
- Ash's Pikachu
- Goh's Grookey
- Professor Cerise's Yamper
- Chloe's Eevee
- Goh's Cinderace
- Goh's Inteleon
- Ash's Lucario
- Ash's Dragonite
- Ash's Gengar
- Ash's Sirfetch'd
- Ash's Dracovish
- Leon's Charizard
- Flareon
- Leafeon
- Vaporeon
- Umbreon
- Espeon
- Glaceon
- Jolteon
- Sylveon
- Team Rocket's Meowth
- James' Morpeko
- Jessie's Wobbuffet
- This is the second English opening song without the lyric "Pokémon" in it, following The Journey Starts Today.
- All of the visuals in the opening sequence come from the fourth variant of One, Two, Three.
- This is the shortest English opening of the series.