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Pokémon Wiki

The following is a list of Who's That Pokémon? segments from Pokémon the Series: XY and Pokémon the Series: XYZ. An asterisk beside a Pokémon's name indicates that the Pokémon species featured is the same as in the respective Pokémon Quiz segment in the original Japanese version; the presence of hover text on any asterisk indicates that the Pokémon is of the same species however of a different form in the original Japanese version.

Season 17: XY[]

Pokémon Episode Image
Spritzee XY001: Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! WhosThatPokémonXYSpritzee
Froakie* XY002: Lumiose City Pursuit! WhosThatPokémonXYFroakie
Fletchling XY003: A Battle of Aerial Mobility! WhosThatPokémonXYFletchinder
Dedenne* XY004: A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship! WhosThatPokémonDedenne
Vivillon* XY005: A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle! WhosThatPokémonVivillon
Noivern XY006: Battling on Thin Ice! WhosThatPokémonXYNoivern
Fennekin* XY007: Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race! WhosThatPokémonXYFennekin
Furfrou* XY008: Grooming Furfrou! WhosThatPokémonXYFurfrou
Heliolisk XY009: Clemont's Got a Secret! WhosThatPokémonHeliolisk
Chespin* XY010: Mega-Mega Meowth Madness! WhosThatPokémonChespin
Pancham* XY011: The Bamboozling Forest! WhosThatPokémonXYPancham
Scatterbug XY012: To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler! WhosThatPokémonXYScatterbug
Sylveon* XY013: Kindergarten Chaos! WhosThatPokémonSylveon
Espurr* XY014: Seeking Shelter From the Storm! WhosThatPokémonXYEspurr
Delphox* XY015: An Appetite for Battle! WhosThatPokémonDelphox
Pichu* XY016: A Jolting Switcheroo! WhosThatPokémonXYPichu
Frogadier* XY017: A Rush of Ninja Wisdom! WhosThatPokémonFrogadier
Snorlax* XY018: Awakening the Sleeping Giant! WhosThatPokémonXYSnorlax
Malamar* XY019: A Conspiracy to Conquer! WhosThatPokémonMalamar
Fletchinder* XY020: Breaking Titles at the Chateau! WhosThatPokémonFletchinder
Bunnelby XY021: A Pokévision of Things to Come! WhosThatPokémonXYBunnelby
Clauncher* XY023: Going for the Gold! WhosThatPokémonClauncher
Amaura* XY024: Coming Back Into the Cold! WhosThatPokémonAmaura
Tyrunt* XY025: Climbing the Walls! WhosThatPokémonXYTyrunt
Slurpuff* XY026: A Battle by Any Other Name! WhosThatPokémonXYSlurpuff
Flabébé (Red Flower)* XY027: To Find a Fairy Flower! WhosThatPokémonFlabebe
Gardevoir* XY028: The Bonds of Evolution! WhosThatPokémonXYGardevoir
Inkay* XY029: Heroes—Friends and Faux Alike! WhosThatPokémonXYInkay
Lucario* XY030: Mega Revelations! WhosThatPokémonXYLucario
Blaziken* XY031: The Cave of Trials! WhosThatPokémonBlaziken
Wigglytuff XY032: The Aura Storm! WhosThatPokémonXYWigglytuff
Noibat XY033: Calling From Beyond the Aura! WhosThatPokémonNoibat
Mawile* XY034: The Bonds of Mega Evolution! WhosThatPokémonXYMawile
Hawlucha* XY035: The Forest Champion! WhosThatPokémonXYHawlucha
Talonflame* XY036: Battles in the Sky! WhosThatPokémonTalonflame
Wobbuffet* XY037: The Cave of Mirrors! WhosThatPokémonXYWobbuffet
Trevenant* XY038: Forging Forest Friendships! WhosThatPokémonTrevenant
Squirtle* XY039: Summer of Discovery! WhosThatPokémonXYSquirtle
Bulbasaur* XY040: Day Three Blockbusters! WhosThatPokémonXYBulbasaur
Charmander* XY041: Foggy Pokémon Orienteering! WhosThatPokémonXYCharmander
Meowth XY042: Battling Into the Hall of Fame! WhosThatPokémonXYMeowth
Pumpkaboo XY043: Origins of Mega Evolution! WhosThatPokémonXYPumpkaboo
Mienfoo XY044: Showdown at the Shalour Gym! WhosThatPokémonXYMienfoo
Meowstic (Female)* XY045: Splitting Heirs! WhosThatPokémonXYMeowstic
Salamence XY046: The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos! WTP XY128
Braixen XY047: Dreaming a Performer's Dream! WhosThatPokémonBraixen
Luxio XY048: A Campus Reunion! WhosThatPokémonLuxio
Lapras XY049: Bonnie for the Defense! WhosThatPokémonXYLapras

Season 18: XY Kalos Quest[]

Pokémon Episode Image
Smoochum* XY051: Pathways to Performance Partnering! WhosThatPokémonXYSmoochum
Snubbull XY053: When Light and Dark Collide! WhosThatPokémonXYSnubbull
Skrelp* XY052: An Undersea Place to Call Home! WhosThatPokémonSkrelp
Barbaracle* XY054: A Stealthy Challenge! WhosThatPokémonBarbaracle
Skiddo* XY055: A Race for Home! WhosThatPokémonSkiddo
Bidoof XY056: Facing the Grand Design! WhosThatPokémonXYBidoof
Goomy* XY057: A Slippery Encounter! WhosThatPokémonXYGoomy
Lotad XY058: One for the Goomy! WhosThatPokémonXYLotad
Vanillite* XY059: Thawing an Icy Panic! WhosThatPokémonXYVanillite
Jumpluff XY060: The Green, Green Grass-Types of Home! WhosThatPokémonXYJumpluff
Dunsparce* XY061: Under the Pledging Tree! WhosThatPokémonXYDunsparce
Klefki* XY062: A Showcase Debut! WhosThatPokémonKlefki
Spoink XY063: An Oasis of Hope! WhosThatPokémonXYSpoink
Luxray XY064: The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! WhosThatPokémonLuxray
Wynaut* XY065: A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways! WhosThatPokémonXYWynaut
Treecko XY066: Battling With Elegance and a Big Smile! WhosThatPokémonXYTreecko
Sliggoo* XY068: Good Friends, Great Training! WhosThatPokémonSliggoo
Magneton XY069: Confronting the Darkness! WhosThatPokémonXYMagneton
Goodra XY070: The Moment of Lumiose Truth! WhosThatPokémonGoodra
Garchomp* XY071: Garchomp's Mega Bond! WhosThatPokémonXYGarchomp
Wooper XY072: Defending the Homeland! WhosThatPokémonXYWooper
Florges (Red Flower) XY073: Beyond the Rainbow! WhosThatPokémonFlorges
Pangoro* XY074: So You're Having a Bad Day! WhosThatPokémonXYPangoro
Gastly* XY075: Scary Hospitality! WhosThatPokémonGastly
Bagon* XY076: A Fashionable Battle! WhosThatPokémonBagon
Mr. Mime XY077: Fairy-Type Trickery! WhosThatPokémonXYMr Mime
Grovyle XY078: Rivals: Today and Tomorrow! WhosThatPokémonGrovyle
Altaria XY079: A Not-So-Flying Start! WhosThatPokémonXYAltaria
Noctowl XY080: A Relay in the Sky! WhosThatPokémonXYNoctowl
Staraptor XY082: A Frenzied Factory Fiasco! WhosThatPokémonStaraptor
Plusle & Minun XY083: Performing With Fiery Charm! WhosThatPokémonPlusle Minun
Rotom* XY084: Rotom's Wish! WhosThatPokémonXYRotom
Gourgeist* XY085: A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell? WhosThatPokémonXYGourgeist
Abomasnow* XY086: Over the Mountain of Snow! WhosThatPokémonAbomasnow
Jigglypuff XY087: Adventures in Running Errands! WhosThatPokémonJigglypuff
Gallade* XY088: Mending a Broken Spirit! WhosThatPokémonGallade
Charmeleon XY089: A Legendary Photo Op! WhosThatPokémonXYCharmeleon
Tyrantrum XY090: The Tiny Caretaker! WhosThatPokémonXYTyrantrum
Trubbish XY091: A Trip Down Memory Train! WhosThatPokémonXYTrubbish
Eevee* XY092: A Frolicking Find in the Flowers! WhosThatPokémonXYEevee
Ivysaur XY093: Tag Team Battle Inspiration! WhosThatPokémonXYIvysaur
Gloom XY094: A Performance Pop Quiz! WhosThatPokémonXYGloom
Sableye* XY095: Cloudy Fate, Bright Future! WhosThatPokémonXYSableye
Sigilyph XY096: All Eyes on the Future! WhosThatPokémonXYSigilyph

Season 19: XYZ[]

Pokémon Episode Image
Squishy* XY098: From A to Z! WhosThatPokémonXYSquishy
Quilladin* XY099: Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes! WhosThatPokémonXYQuilladin
Audino* XY100: A Giga Battle with Mega Results! WhosThatPokémonXYAudino
Litleo* XY101: A Fiery Rite of Passage! WhosThatPokémonXYLitleo
Darkrai* XY102: Dream a Little Dream from Me! WhosThatPokémonXYDarkrai
Venusaur* XY103: The Legend of the Ninja Hero! WhosThatPokémonXYVenusaur
Greninja* XY104: A Festival of Decisions! WTP XY100
Gothita XY105: A Dancing Debut! WhosThatPokémonXYGothita
Drapion* XY106: Meeting at Terminus Cave! WTP XY102
Toxicroak* XY107: A Cellular Connection! WTP XY103
Floette (Orange Flower) XY108: A Windswept Encounter! WTP XY104
Furret XY109: Party Dancecapades! WTP XY105
Honedge XY110: A Meeting of Two Journeys! WTP XY106
Persian XY111: An Explosive Operation! WTP XY107
Chesnaught* XY112: A Watershed Moment! WTP XY108
Espeon XY113: Master Class Choices! WTP XY109
Zapdos* XY114: An Electrifying Rage! WTP XY110
Binacle* XY115: Unlocking Some Respect! WhosThatPokémonXYBinacle
Scraggy XY116: Master Class Is in Session! WhosThatPokémonXYScraggy
Aromatisse XY117: Performing a Pathway to the Future! WhosThatPokémonXYAromatisse
Buneary* XY118: A Keeper for Keeps? WhosThatPokémonXYBuneary
Kirlia XY119: Battling at Full Volume! WTP XY115
Metang* XY120: The Synchronicity Test! WTP XY116
Phantump* XY121: Making Friends and Influencing Villains! WTP XY117
Diglett XY122: Championing a Research Battle! WhosThatPokémonXYDiglett
Doublade* XY123: A Full-Strength Battle Surprise! WTP XY119
Bergmite XY124: All Hail the Ice Battlefield! WhosThatPokémonXYBergmite
Oddish XY125: Seeing the Forest for the Trees! WhosThatPokémonXYOddish
Avalugg XY126: A Real Icebreaker! WhosThatPokémonXYAvalugg
Carbink* XY127: A Diamond in the Rough! WhosThatPokémonXYCarbink
Pinsir XY128: A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness! WTP XY124
Charizard XY129: A League of His Own! WTP XY125
Aegislash (Shield Forme) XY130: Valuable Experience for All! WTP XY126
Slaking* XY131: Analysis Versus Passion! WhosThatPokémonXYSlaking
Salamence XY132: A Riveting Rivalry! WTP XY128
Sceptile XY133: Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare! WhosThatPokémonXYSceptile
Metagross XY134: Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted! WTP XY130
Bisharp XY135: Down to the Fiery Finish! WTP XY131
Zygarde 10% Forme* XY136: A Towering Takeover! WTP XY132
Zygarde 50% Forme XY137: Coming Apart at the Dreams! WTP XY133
Crobat XY138: The Right Hero for the Right Job! WTP XY134
Weavile XY139: Rocking Kalos Defenses! WTP XY135
Houndoom XY140: Forming a More Perfect Union! WTP XY136
Psyduck XY141: Battling With a Clean Slate! WhosThatPokémonXYPsyduck
Hoppip XY142: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life! WhosThatPokémonXYHoppip
Zygarde Complete Forme* XY143: Facing the Needs of the Many! WTP XY139
Pikachu* XY144: Till We Compete Again! WTP XY140
Yveltal* XY145: The Legend of X, Y, and Z! WTP XY141