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Pokémon Wiki

The following is a list of Who's That Pokémon? segments from Pokémon the Series: The Beginning. An asterisk beside a Pokémon's name indicates that the Pokémon featured is the same as in the respective Dare da? segment in the original Japanese version.

Season 1: Indigo League (Part 1)[]

Pokémon Episode Image (English) Image (Japanese)
Pikachu* TB001: Pokémon - I Choose You! WhosThatPokémon1US TB001 Japanese It's Pikachu (original)
Koffing* TB002: Pokémon Emergency! WhosThatPokémon2US Japanese It's Koffing
Caterpie* TB003: Ash Catches a Pokémon WhosThatPokémon3US Japanese It's Caterpie
Metapod* TB004: Challenge of the Samurai* WhosThatPokémon4US Japanese It's Metapod
Onix* TB005: Showdown in Pewter City WhosThatPokémon5US TB005 Japanese Onix
Clefairy* TB006: Clefairy and the Moon Stone WhosThatPokémon6US TB006 Im012
Seel* TB007: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City WhosThatPokémon7US TB007 Im006
Sandshrew* TB008: The Path to the Pokémon League WhosThatPokémon8USRedo TB008 Im002
Cubone* TB009: The School of Hard Knocks WhosThatPokémon9USRedo Japanese It's Cubone
Bulbasaur* TB010: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village WhosThatPokémon10US TB010 Im012
Charmander* TB011: Charmander - The Stray Pokémon WhosThatPokémon11US TB011 Im002
Squirtle* TB012: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad WhosThatPokémon12USRedo Pokemon TB012 Dare Da
Krabby* TB013: Mystery at the Lighthouse WhosThatPokémon13US TB013 Im002
Raichu* TB014: Electric Shock Showdown WhosThatPokémon14US TB014 Im002
Raticate* TB015: Battle Aboard the St. Anne WhosThatPokémon15US TB015 Im002
Magikarp* TB016: Pokémon Shipwreck WhosThatPokémon16US TB016 Dare Da Magikarp
Slowbro* TB017: Island of the Giant Pokémon! WhosThatPokémon17US Pokemon TB017 Dare Da
Brutella (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,

South Korea, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Iran, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Singapore, Czech Republic)
Pidgeotto (United States, internationally)

TB018: Beauty and the Beach


WhosThatPokémon18US TB018 Dare da after
Horsea* TB019: Tentacool & Tentacruel WhosThatPokémon19US Pokemon 019 Dare Da Horsea
Gastly* TB020: The Ghost of Maiden's Peak WhosThatPokémon20US TB020 Image001
Butterfree* TB021: Bye Bye Butterfree WhosThatPokémon21US TB021 Image001
Abra* TB022: Abra and the Psychic Showdown WhosThatPokémon22US Pokemon 022 Dare Da
Gengar* TB023: The Tower of Terror WhosThatPokémon23US Pokémon 023 Dare Da
Haunter* TB024: Haunter vs. Kadabra WhosThatPokémon24US Pokémon 024 Dare Da
Primeape* TB025: Primeape Goes Bananas WhosThatPokémon25US
Gloom* TB026: Pokémon Scent-sation! WhosThatPokémon26US
Psyduck* TB027: Hypno's Naptime WhosThatPokémon27US
Vulpix* TB028: Pokémon Fashion Flash WhosThatPokémon28US
Hitmonchan* TB029: The Punchy Pokémon WhosThatPokémon29US
Magnemite* TB030: Sparks Fly for Magnemite WhosThatPokémon30US
Diglett* TB031: Dig Those Diglett! WhosThatPokémon31US
Venonat* TB032: The Ninja Poké-Showdown WhosThatPokémon32US
Ponyta* TB033: The Flame Pokémon-athon! WhosThatPokémon33US
Kangaskhan* TB034: The Kangaskhan Kid WhosThatPokémon34US
Tauros TB035: The Legend of Dratini* Pokemon TB035 Dare Da Taruos
Cloyster* TB036: The Bridge Bike Gang WhosThatPokémon36US
Ditto* TB037: Ditto's Mysterious Mansion WhosThatPokémon37US
Porygon TB038: Cyber Soldier Porygon* TB038 Dare da after
Pikachu* TB039: Pikachu's Goodbye WhosThatPokémon1US
Eevee* TB040: The Battling Eevee Brothers WhosThatPokémon40US
Snorlax* TB041: Wake Up Snorlax! WhosThatPokémon41US
Scyther* TB042: Showdown at Dark City WhosThatPokémon42US
Exeggcute* TB043: The March of the Exeggutor Squad WhosThatPokémon43US
Paras* TB044: The Problem with Paras WhosThatPokémon44US
Jigglypuff* TB045: The Song of Jigglypuff WhosThatPokémon45US
Kabutops* TB046: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon WhosThatPokémon46US
Arbok* TB047: A Chansey Operation WhosThatPokémon47US
Vileplume* TB048: Holy Matrimony! WhosThatPokémon48US
Farfetch'd* TB049: So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd WhosThatPokémon49US
Aerodactyl* TB050: Who Gets to Keep Togepi? WhosThatPokémon50US
Ivysaur* TB051: Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden WhosThatPokémon51US
Growlithe* TB054: The Case of the K-9 Caper WhosThatPokémon53US
Geodude* TB055: Pokémon Paparazzi WhosThatPokémon54US
Jigglypuff from above (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Iran, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Singapore, Czech Republic)
Vulpix (United States, internationally)
TB056: The Ultimate Test WhosThatPokémon28US
Victreebel (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Iran, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Singapore, Czech Republic)
Psyduck (United States, internationally)
TB057: The Breeding Center Secret WhosThatPokémon27US


Season 2: Indigo League (Part 2), Adventures in the Orange Islands (Part 1)[]

Pokémon Episode Image (English) Image (Japanese)
Lickitung (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Butterfree (United States, internationally)
TB052: Princess vs. Princess WhosThatPokémon21US
Meowth] (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Wartortle (United States, internationally)
TB053: The Purr-fect Hero WhosThatPokémon52US
Electabuzz (Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan)
Magmar (United States, internationally)
Jigglypuff (Canada)
TB058: Riddle Me This WhosThatPokémon55US
Magmar (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Paras (United States, internationally)
TB059: Volcanic Panic WhosThatPokémon44US
Blastoise (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Horsea (United States, internationally)
TB060: Beach Blank-Out Blastoise WhosThatPokémon19US
Horsea] (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Clefairy (United States, internationally)
TB061: The Misty Mermaid WhosThatPokémon6US
The Clefairy Commander (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Arcanine (United States, internationally)
TB062: Clefairy Tales WhosThatPokémon56US
Arcanine] (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Mr. Mime (United States, internationally)
TB063: The Battle of the Badge WhosThatPokémon57US
Mr. Mime (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Jynx (United States, internationally)
TB064: It's Mr. Mime Time WhosThatPokémon58US
Jynx (Japan)
Pidgeotto (United States, internationally)
TB065: Holiday Hi-Jynx WhosThatPokémon18US
Pidgeotto (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Muk (United States, internationally)
TB066: Snow Way Out! WhosThatPokémon39US
Muk (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Slowbro (United States, internationally)
TB067: Showdown at the Po-ké Corral WhosThatPokémon17US
Slowbro (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Raichu (United States, internationally)
TB068: The Evolution Solution WhosThatPokémon14US
Puka (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Gloom (United States, internationally)
TB069: The Pi-Kahuna WhosThatPokémon26US
Gloom (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Clefable (United States, internationally)
TB070: Make Room for Gloom WhosThatPokémon59US
Wigglytuff (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Snorlax (United States, internationally)
TB071: Lights, Camera, Quack-tion WhosThatPokémon41US
Meowth (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Onix (United States, internationally)
TB072: Go West Young Meowth WhosThatPokémon5US
Onix (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Alakazam (United States, internationally)
TB073: To Master the Onixpected! WhosThatPokémon60US
Alakazam (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Jigglypuff (United States, internationally)
TB074: The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis WhosThatPokémon45US
Marowak (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Moltres (United States, internationally)
TB075: Bad to the Bone WhosThatPokémon61US
Moltres (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Seaking (United States, internationally)
TB076: All Fired Up! WhosThatPokémon62US
Seaking (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Nidoran♂ (United States, internationally)
TB077: Round One—Begin! WhosThatPokémon63US
Nidorino (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Koffing (United States, internationally)
TB078: Fire and Ice WhosThatPokémon2US
Beedrill (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Bellsprout (United States, internationally)
TB079: The Fourth Round Rumble WhosThatPokémon64US
Weezing (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Diglett (United States, internationally)
TB080: A Friend in Deed WhosThatPokémon31US
Sparky (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Aerodactyl (United States, internationally)
TB081: Friend and Foe Alike WhosThatPokémon50US
Spearow (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Fearow (United States, internationally)
TB082: Friends to the End WhosThatPokémon65US
Pidgey (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Pidgeot (United States, internationally)
TB083: Pallet Party Panic WhosThatPokémon66US
Vulpix TB084: A Scare in the Air WhosThatPokémon28US
Poliwhirl (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Lapras (United States, internationally)
TB085: Poké Ball Peril WhosThatPokémon67US
Lapras (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Ninetales (United States, internationally)
TB086: The Lost Lapras WhosThatPokémon68US
Seadra (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Primeape (United States, internationally)
TB087: Fit to Be Tide WhosThatPokémon25US
Drowzee (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Kangaskhan (United States, internationally)
TB088: Pikachu Re-Volts WhosThatPokémon34US
The Crystal Onix (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Rhyhorn (United States, internationally)
TB089: The Crystal Onix WhosThatPokémon69US
Rhyhorn (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Kabuto (United States, internationally)
TB090: In the Pink WhosThatPokémon70US
Kabuto (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Ponyta (United States, internationally)
TB091: Shell Shock! WhosThatPokémon33US
Kay's Raichu (Japan)
Golduck (United States, internationally)
TB092: Stage Fight! WhosThatPokémon71US
Golduck (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Mewtwo (United States, internationally)
TB093: Bye Bye Psyduck WhosThatPokémon72US
Chansey (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Geodude (United States, internationally)
TB094: The Joy of Pokémon WhosThatPokémon54US
Geodude (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Exeggcute (United States, internationally)
TB095: Navel Maneuvers WhosThatPokémon43US
Snorlax (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Ivysaur (United States, internationally)
TB096: Snack Attack WhosThatPokémon51US
Gastly* TB097: A Shipful of Shivers WhosThatPokémon20US
Meowth (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Magnemite (United States, internationally)
TB098: Meowth Rules! WhosThatPokémon30US
Scyther (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Pinsir (United States, internationally)
TB099: Tracey Gets Bugged WhosThatPokémon73US
Farfetch'd (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Porygon (United States, internationally)
TB100: A Way Off Day Off WhosThatPokémon74US
Cloyster (Japan)
Machop (United States, internationally)
TB101: The Mandarin Island Miss Match WhosThatPokémon75US
Tony and Maria (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Venonat (United States, internationally)
TB102: Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? WhosThatPokémon32US
Magnemite (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Chansey (United States, internationally)
TB103: Get Along, Little Pokémon WhosThatPokémon76US
Bulbasaur (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Zapdos (United States, internationally)
TB104: The Mystery Menace WhosThatPokémon77US
Seel (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Scyther (United States, internationally)
TB105: Misty Meets Her Match WhosThatPokémon42US
Pidgeot (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Charizard (United States, internationally)
TB106: Bound for Trouble WhosThatPokémon78US
Poliwrath (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea)
Caterpie (United States, internationally)
TB107: Charizard Chills WhosThatPokémon3US


Season 3: Adventures in the Orange Islands (Part 2)[]

Pokémon Episode Image (English) Image (Japanese)
Tangela TB108: The Pokémon Water War WhosThatPokémon79US
Marowak TB109: Pokémon Food Fight! WhosThatPokémon80US
Dodrio TB110: Pokémon Double Trouble WhosThatPokémon81US
Poliwag TB111: The Wacky Watcher! WhosThatPokémon82US
Dragonair TB112: The Stun Spore Detour WhosThatPokémon83US
Dragonite TB113: Hello, Pummelo! WhosThatPokémon84US
Tentacruel TB114: Enter the Dragonite WhosThatPokémon85US
Electrode TB115: Viva Las Lapras WhosThatPokémon86US
Kingler TB116: The Underground Round-Up WhosThatPokémon87US
Omastar TB117: A Tent Situation WhosThatPokémon88US
Dewgong TB118: The Rivalry Revival WhosThatPokémon89US


  • "The Ultimate Test" and "The Breeding Center Secret" are the only two episodes aired in Season 1 to feature different "Who's that Pokémon?" answers from their "Dare da?" counterparts.
  • "A Shipful of Shivers" is the only episode aired in Season 2 to feature the same Pokémon as the "Dare da?" segment and the last episode of the entire series until "Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!" to do so.
  • For unknown reasons, the Who's That Pokémon? segments are removed on digital video releases of this series.