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Pokémon Wiki

The following is a list of Who's That Pokémon? segments from Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon. An asterisk beside a Pokémon's name indicates that the Pokémon species featured is the same as in the respective Dare da? segment in the original Japanese version; the presence of hover text on any asterisk indicates that the Pokémon is of the same species however of a different form in the original Japanese version.

Season 20: Sun & Moon[]

Pokémon Episode Image
Grubbin SM001: Alola to New Adventure! WhosThatPokémonSMGrubbin
Rockruff SM002: The Guardian's Challenge! WhosThatPokémonSMRockruff
Mimikyu SM003: Loading the Dex! WhosThatPokémonMimikyu
Rowlet* SM004: First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style! WhosThatPokémonSMRowlet
Popplio* SM005: Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio! WhosThatPokémonSMPopplio
Togedemaru* SM006: A Shocking Grocery Run! WhosThatPokémonSMTogedemaru
Alolan Persian SM007: That's Why the Litten Is a Scamp! WhosThatPokémonAlolaPersian
Salandit* SM008: Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge! WhosThatPokémonSalandit
Alolan Rattata SM009: To Top a Totem! WhosThatPokémonAlolaRattata
Crabrawler* SM010: Trial and Tribulation! WhosThatPokémonSMCrabrawler
Pelipper SM011: Young Kiawe Had a Farm! WhosThatPokémonSMPelipper
Mareanie* SM012: The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair! SM012 WTP after
Alolan Raichu* SM013: Racing to a Big Event! WhosThatPokémonAlolaRaichu
Alolan Vulpix* SM014: Getting to Know You! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanVulpix
Lycanroc (Midday Form)* SM015: Rocking Clawmark Hill! WhosThatPokémonLycanroc Midday
Bewear SM016: They Might Not Be Giants! WhosThatPokémonSMBewear
Smeargle SM017: Crystal-Clear Sleuthing! WhosThatPokémonSMSmeargle
Bounsweet* SM018: A Seasoned Search! WhosThatPokémonSMBounsweet
Mudbray* SM019: A Guardian Rematch! WhosThatPokémonSMMudbray
Alolan Exeggutor* SM020: Partner Promises! WhosThatPokémonAlolaExeggutor
Stoutland* SM021: One Journey Ends, Another Begins… WhosThatPokémonSMStoutland
Sandygast SM022: A Shivering Shovel Search! WhosThatPokémonSMSandygast
Alolan Dugtrio* SM023: Getting the Band Back Together! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanDugtrio
Mr. Mime* SM024: Alolan Open House! WhosThatPokémonSMMr Mime
Alolan Raticate SM025: A Team-on-Team Tussle! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanRaticate
Charizard* SM026: So Long, Sophocles! WhosThatPokémonSMCharizard
Lycanroc (Midnight Form)* SM027: A Glaring Rivalry! WhosThatPokémonLycanroc Midnight
Scyther SM028: Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper! WhosThatPokémonSMScyther
Morelull* SM029: Lulled to La-La Land! WhosThatPokémonSMMorelull
Bonsly SM030: The Ol' Raise and Switch! WhosThatPokémonSMBonsly
Tauros* SM031: The Island Whisperer! WhosThatPokémonSMTauros
Herdier* SM032: Treasure Hunt, Akala Style! WhosThatPokémonSMHerdier
Wishiwashi (Solo Form)* SM033: Big Sky, Small Fry! WhosThatPokémonSMWishiwashiSolo
Alolan Marowak* SM034: A Crowning Moment of Truth! WhosThatPokémonAlolaMarowak
Fomantis SM035: Currying Favor and Flavor! WhosThatPokémonSMFomantis
Probopass* SM036: Trials and Determinations! WhosThatPokémonSMProbopass
Tapu Lele* SM037: Rising From the Ruins! WhosThatPokémonTapu Lele
Lycanroc (Dusk Form) SM038: Mimikyu Unmasked! WhosThatPokémonLycanroc Dusk
Oranguru* SM039: Mallow and the Forest Teacher! WhosThatPokémonSMOranguru
Brionne SM040: Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence! WhosThatPokémonBrionne
Charjabug* SM041: Mounting an Electrifying Charge! WhosThatPokémonSMCharjabug
Rapidash SM042: Alola, Kanto! WhosThatPokémonSMRapidash
Psyduck SM043: When Regions Collide! WhosThatPokémonSMPsyduck

Season 21: Ultra Adventures[]

Pokémon Episode Image
Nebby SM044: A Dream Encounter! WhosThatPokémonSMNebby
Jigglypuff* SM045: Now You See Them, Now You Don't! WhosThatPokémonSMJigglypuff
Ditto* SM046: Deceiving Appearances! WhosThatPokémonSMDitto
Umbreon SM047: A Masked Warning! WhosThatPokémonSMUmbreon
Steenee SM048: Night of a Thousand Poses! WhosThatPokémonSMSteenee
Hypno* SM049: Mission: Total Recall! WhosThatPokémonSMHypno
Silvally SM050: Faba's Revenge! WhosThatPokémonSMSilvally
Hariyama* SM051: Family Determination! WhosThatPokémonSMHariyama
Tapu Koko SM052: Revealing the Stuff of Legend! WhosThatPokémonSMTapuKoko
Salazzle SM053: Rescuing the Unwilling! WhosThatPokémonSMSalazzle
Absol SM054: 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight! WhosThatPokémonSMAbsol
Luvdisc SM055: The Professors' New Adventure! WhosThatPokémonSMLuvdisc
Munchlax SM056: Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie! WhosThatPokémonSMMunchlax


SM057: The Dex Can't Help It! WhosThatPokémonSMRotom
Toxapex* SM058: Fighting Back the Tears! WhosThatPokémonSMToxapex
Drampa* SM059: Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet! WhosThatPokémonSMDrampa
Alolan Ninetales* SM060: Getting a Jump on the Competition! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanNinetales
Buzzwole* SM061: A Mission of Ultra Urgency! WhosThatPokémonSMBuzzwole
Alolan Meowth* SM062: Acting True to Form! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanMeowth
Incineroar* SM063: Pushing the Fiery Envelope! WhosThatPokémonSMIncineroar
Alolan Grimer SM065: Turning Heads and Training Hard! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanGrimer
Eevee SM066: Smashing With Sketch! WhosThatPokémonSMEevee
Torracat* SM067: Love at First Twirl! WhosThatPokémonSMTorracat
Garbodor SM068: Real Life…Inquire Within! WhosThatPokémonSMGarbodor
Celesteela* SM069: Rise and Shine, Starship! WhosThatPokémonSMCelesteela
Electivire* SM070: The Young Flame Strikes Back! WhosThatPokémonSMElectivire
Dewpider* SM071: Dewpider Ascending! WhosThatPokémonSMDewpider
Lickitung* SM072: Sours for the Sweet! WhosThatPokémonSMLickitung
Gengar* SM073: Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime? WhosThatPokémonSMGengar
Oricorio (Baile Style)* SM074: Tough Guy Trials! WhosThatPokémonSMRedOricorio
Tapu Bulu* SM075: Some Kind of Laziness! WhosThatPokémonSMTapuBulu
Krookodile SM076: A Battle Hand-Off! WhosThatPokémonSMKrookodile
Sableye SM077: Guiding an Awakening! WhosThatPokémonSMSableye
Blacephalon* SM078: Twirling With a Bang! WhosThatPokémonSMBlacephalon
Minior (Meteor Form)* SM079: Showering the World with Love! WhosThatPokémonSMMinior
Alolan Sandshrew* SM080: Not Caving Under Pressure! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanSandshrew
Magmortar* SM081: A Young Royal Flame Ignites! WhosThatPokémonSMMagmortar
Oricorio (Pa'u Style)* SM082: All They Want to Do Is Dance, Dance! WhosThatPokémonSMPinkOricorio
Tsareena SM083: Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids! WhosThatPokémonSMTsareena
Ribombee* SM084: The Shape of Love to Come! WhosThatPokémonSMRibombee
Stakataka* SM085: The Long Vault Home! WhosThatPokémonSMStakataka
Altaria SM086: I Choose Paradise! WhosThatPokémonSMAltaria
Lunala SM087: Filling the Light with Darkness! WhosThatPokémonSMLunala
Noivern SM088: Full Moon and Many Arms! WhosThatPokémonSMNoivern
Poipole* SM089: The Prism Between Light and Darkness! WhosThatPokémonSMPoipole
Necrozma* SM090: Securing the Future! WhosThatPokémonSMNecrozma
Pikachu* SM091: A Plethora of Pikachu! WhosThatPokémonSMPikachu
Wobbuffet SM092: Turning the Other Mask! WhosThatPokémonSMWobbuffet

Season 22: Ultra Legends[]

Pokémon Episode Image
Tapu Fini SM093: Lillier and the Staff! WhosThatPokémonTapu Fini
Gourgeist* SM094: A Haunted House for Everyone! WhosThatPokémonSMGourgeist
Alolan Graveler* SM095: Sparking Confusion! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanGraveler
Whimsicott SM096: Don't Ignore the Small Stufful! WhosThatPokémonSMWhimsicott
Dartrix* SM097: No Stone Unturned! WhosThatPokémonSMDartrix
Chatot SM098: Bright Lights, Big Changes! WhosThatPokémonChatot
Salandit SM099: We Know Where You're Going, Eevee! WhosThatPokémonSalandit 2
Zeraora* SM100: Battling the Beast Within! WhosThatPokémonZeraora
Guzzlord* SM101: Parallel Friendships! WhosThatPokémonGuzzlord
Mantine* SM102: Alola, Alola! WhosThatPokémonSMMantine
Kangaskhan* SM103: Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone! WhosThatPokémonSMKangaskhan
Golurk* SM104: That's Some Spicy Island Research! WhosThatPokémonSMGolurk
Mudsdale SM105: Showdown on Poni Island! WhosThatPokémonSMMudsdale
Primarina* SM106: Evolving Research! WhosThatPokémonSMPrimarinaReupload
Vikavolt* SM107: Run, Heroes, Run! WhosThatPokémonSMVikavoltReupload
Golbat SM108: Memories in the Mist! WhosThatPokémonSMGolbatReupload
Shaymin (Land Form) SM109: A Grand Debut! WhosThatPokémonSMShaymin
Toucannon* SM110: Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball! WhosThatPokémonToucannon
Clefable SM111: Show Me the Metal! WhosThatPokémonSMClefable
Meltan SM112: Got Meltan? WhosThatPokémonSMMeltan
Magikarp* SM113: This Magik Moment! WhosThatPokémonSMMagikarp
Pheromosa* SM114: Beauty Is Only Crystal Deep! WhosThatPokémonPheromosa
Trubbish SM115: The Dealer of Destruction! WhosThatPokémonSMTrubbish
Magearna* SM116: The Secret Princess! WhosThatPokémonMagearna
Octillery SM117: Drawn with the Wind! WhosThatPokémonSMOctillery
Froslass SM118: Aiming for the Top Floor! WhosThatPokémonFroslass
Zweilous SM119: A High-Speed Awakening! WhosThatPokémonSMZweilous
Bruxish SM120: The One That Didn't Get Away! WhosThatPokémonBruxish
Gumshoos SM121: A Recipe for Success! WhosThatPokémonGumshoos
Heracross SM122: Spying for the Guy! WhosThatPokémonSMHeracross
Crawdaunt* SM123: A Fiery Training Camp Trick! WhosThatPokémonSMCrawdaunt
Kartana* SM124: Living on the Cutting Edge! WhosThatPokémonKartana
Alolan Sandslash SM125: A Timeless Encounter! WhosThatPokémonSMAlolanSandslash
Garchomp SM126: Pikachu's Exciting Adventure! WhosThatPokémonSMGarchomp
Shiinotic SM127: Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams! WhosThatPokémonShinnotic
Decidueye SM128: League Offenders and Defenders! WhosThatPokémonDecidueye
Torkoal SM129: Battle Royal 151! WhosThatPokémonSMTorkoal
Scizor* SM130: Battling Besties! WhosThatPokémonSMScizor
Parasect SM131: The Battlefield of Truth and Love! WhosThatPokémonSMParasect
Wingull SM132: Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Strategy! WhosThatPokémonWingull
Pikipek SM133: Battling on the Wing! WhosThatPokémonPikipek
Trumbeak SM134: The Road to the Semifinals! WhosThatPokémonTrumbeak
Zubat SM135: The Final Four! WhosThatPokémonSMZubat
Emolga SM136: Getting Down to the Ire! WhosThatPokémonSMEmolga
Slowbro SM137: The Wisdom Not to Run!‎ WhosThatPokémonSMSlowbro
Melmetal* SM138: Final Rivals! WhosThatPokémonSMMelmetal
Chansey SM139: Enter the Champion! WhosThatPokémonSMChansey
Machop SM140: Z-Move Showdown! WhosThatPokémonSMMachop
Naganadel* SM141: Exhibition Unmasked! WhosThatPokémonNaganadel
Venusaur* SM142: A Full Battle Bounty! WhosThatPokémonSMVenusaur
Lucario* SM143: Fiery Surprises! WhosThatPokémonSMLucario
Golisopod SM144: From Z to Shining Z! WhosThatPokémonGolisopod
Manaphy* SM145: Dreams of the Sun and Moon! WTP SM145 after
Solgaleo SM146: Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues! SM146 WTP after