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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Walkthrough List Part 2

Littleroot Town[]

Ruby-Sapphire Littleroot Town

Littleroot Town, the place where you begin.

You will awake in the back of a moving truck in Littleroot Town after that you've moved all the way from Johto. After that you've are of from the truck, your mother starts talking to you and is taking you into your new home. In the living room you will see Machoke's moving the boxes around the place. She then tells you that you should check out your new room and that your father bought you a new clock which you must mark the time on which you must go upstairs to do it. Once after that you've put the time of the clock your mother will come and talk to you again saying that everything has been finished and then she goes back to the living room downstairs. Before you also go to the living room check out your PC, there is a Potion stored that you can take.

Once being in the living room your mother starts to call you saying that your father is on television, but once you are getting there the show is over. Your mother then says that one of your father's friends is living in Littleroot Town a man named Professor Birch. Your mother says that he lives right next door and that you must introduce yourself.

Going to your new neighbours, once entering their house, the wife of Professor Birch starts to come to you of enthusiasm. She asks you who you are which after telling your name to her she then says that she has also a daughter May ()/son Brendan () the same ago as you. She says that her daughter/son was excited of making a new friend and said that she/he is upstairs.

Go upstairs and talk to May or Brendan. She/He then asks you who you are which after introducing yourself he/she starts to introduce their self to you. She/He then tells that she has a dream to become friends will all Pokémons over the entire world. She/He then says that he has heard about you from her/his father Professor Birch. Once talking to her/him, she/he then says that she/he has to go to help her/his father capturing wild Pokémon which she/he leaving her/his room. After that you've talk to May/Brendan, go to Route 101 one of the characters who was on guard heard someone calling for help! Go to route 101 to figure out what is happening.

Route 101[]

Route 101

Route 101.

Pokémon Only Levels Where Rate
0263 Zigzagoon R S 2 3 RSE Grass Sprite Walking 45%
0265 Wurmple R S E 2 3 RSE Grass Sprite Walking 45%
0261 Poochyena R S 2 3 RSE Grass Sprite Walking 10%

After that you've entered Route 101, you will see Professor Birch running rounds from a Poochyena. He then says that you must help him by taking one of the Pokémons in his bag. There are three Pokémons containing to be the Hoenn region Starter Pokémons, but you must choose wisely because one of the three will become your starter Pokémon:

Starter Pokémons
0252Treecko RS 0255Torchic RS 0258Mudkip RS
Treecko Torchic Mudkip
Type Grass Type Fire Type Water

Starter Pokémons Evolutions
0252Treecko RS 0253Grovyle RS 0254Sceptile RS
Treecko Level 16 Grovyle Level 36 Sceptile
0255Torchic RS 0256Combusken RS 0257Blaziken RS
Torchic Level 16 Combusken Level 36 Blaziken
0258Mudkip RS 0259Marshtomp RS 0260Swampert RS
Mudkip Level 16 Marshtomp Level 36 Swampert

You will battle the Poochyena after that you've choose one of the three Pokémons in Professor Birch's bag.

Pokémon Battle
0261Poochyena RS
Level 2

After that you've defeated the Poochyena that was attacking Professor Birch, Professor Birch thanks you and brings you to his laboratory. He will talk to you and as thanks he will give you the Pokémon from Route 101 that you've picked up to keep it. He then asks if you would like to see his daughter/son May/Brendan. Well you have to accept that offer of his, so you must meet May/Brendan at Route 203.

Oldale Town[]

Ruby-Sapphire Oldale Town

Oldale Town.

After that you've saved the professor and obtained your very first Pokémon at Route 101, he asks you to see May/Brendan at Route 103, but to get there you must pass Oldale Town.

Once you've arrived there, talk to the man with a PokéMart dress. He will show you the way to the PokéMart and will evenly give you a free Potion. You go up north to get to Route 103 and to encourage May/Brendan.

Oldale Town
"Where things start off scarce."

Route 103[]

Route 103

Route 203.

Pokémon Only Levels Where Rate
0263 Zigzagoon R S E 2 4 RSE Grass Sprite Walking 60%
0261 Poochyena R S E 2 4 RSE Grass Sprite Walking 30%
0278 Wingull R S E 2 4 RSE Grass Sprite Walking 10%
0072 Tentacool R S E 5 35 Surfing 60%
0278 Wingull R S E 10 30 Surfing 35%
0279 Pelipper R S E 25 30 Surfing 5%
0129 Magikarp R S E 5 10 Fishing 70%
0072 Tentacool R S E 5 10 Fishing 30%
0129 Magikarp R S E 10 30 Fishing 60%
0072 Tentacool R S E 10 30 Fishing 20%
0320 Wailmer R S E 10 30 Fishing 20%
0320 Wailmer R S E 25 45 Fishing 60%
0319 Sharpedo R S E 30 35 Fishing 40%

If you walk further into Route 203, you'll see May/Brendan. It turns out that she/he was looking for Pokémons that appears around Route 203. Talk to her/him to have your very first Pokémon battle.

May RS Brendan RS
Reward Pokedollar300
Location Route 103
If you choose Treecko If you choose Torchic If you choose Mudkip
0255Torchic RS 0258Mudkip RS 0252Treecko RS
Torchic Mudkip Treecko
Level 5 Level 5 Level 5
Ability Blaze Ability Torrent Ability Overgrow
Items None Items None Items None
Scratch Growl Tackle Growl Pound Growl

After the Pokémon battle, your rival goes back to Littleroot Town. Anyway, you should go there too if you want to continue with your adventure.

Littleroot Town[]

Start of your adventure


After following your rival back to Littleroot Town, you must visit Professor Birch again, but this time Professor Birch will give you a Pokédex and your rival will give you 5 Poké Balls. After paying a visit to Professor Birch your adventure is about to begin, but your mother will come to you or you can visit your mother which you will obtain the Running Shoes. After that you've defeated Norman, which will take a long path, talk to your mother again and she will give you a Amulet Coin.

Route 103[]
