This walkthrough will guide you from the beginning of your adventure to the end - the Pokémon League. There will be also bonus maps, such as the Cerulean Cave. This walkthrough does not include the Pokémon Yellow's information (including Pokémon Appearances, Trainers), but this walkthrough have some use to this version. If you are reading this guide, you are expected to know (or at least read the in-game tutorials regarding) basic mechanics such as battling, catching, and using items on Pokémon.
Detailed Walkthrough[]
- Section 1 - Pallet Town, Route 1, Viridian City
- Section 2 - Route 22, Route 2, Viridian Forest, Pewter City
- Section 3 - Route 3, Mt. Moon, Route 4.
Welcome to Pokémon Red and Blue Walkthrough!
Prof. Oak appears in the introduction and presents to you the world of Pokémon.
Unlike the succeeding games in the franchise, you do not have the ability to choose your gender and you only have 7 characters to name your character.
After naming yourself, you can also name your Rival, whom I'll be referring to as 'Gary' throughout the walkthrough.
Your journey starts after a few more messages from Prof. Oak, starting from your very own home in Pallet Town.