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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki

Treasure Beach is a place located in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. It has very few trainers and no obvious items (one can still find items with the Itemfinder). It is also the smallest area in the Sevii Islands.


To access Treasure Beach, the player must use Surf by going around the ferry dock from One Island village and traveling south while on the water. By going south, the player will find some land composed of sand on a beach before some patches of tall grass. There are hidden items that can be used while using the Itemfinder. A select few items may regenerate after the player has walked a certain amount of steps. In addition, there is a single person wandering around the land, searching for items.



Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0021Spearow Pokémon HOME Spearow FR/LG 31-32 30%
0114Tangela Pokémon HOME Tangela FR/LG 33-35 30%
0022Fearow Pokémon HOME Fearow FR/LG 36-40 20%
0052Meowth Pokémon HOME Meowth FR/LG 31 10%
0053Persian Pokémon HOME Persian FR/LG 37-40 5%
0054Psyduck Pokémon HOME Psyduck FR 31 5%
0079Slowpoke Pokémon HOME Slowpoke LG 31 5%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0072Tentacool Pokémon HOME Tentacool FR/LG 5-40 95%
0073Tentacruel Pokémon HOME Tentacruel FR/LG 35-40 5%


Wild Pokémon
Fishing; Old Rod
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0129Magikarp Pokémon HOME Magikarp FR/LG 5 100%

Wild Pokémon
Fishing; Good Rod
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0116Horsea Pokémon HOME Horsea FR 5-15 80%
0098Krabby Pokémon HOME Krabby LG 5-15 80%
0129Magikarp Pokémon HOME Magikarp FR/LG 5-15 20%

Wild Pokémon
Fishing; Super Rod
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0116Horsea Pokémon HOME Horsea FR 15-25 80%
0098Krabby Pokémon HOME Krabby LG 15-25 80%
0130Gyarados Pokémon HOME Gyarados FR/LG 15-25 15%
0117Seadra Pokémon HOME Seadra FR 25-35 4%
0099Kingler Pokémon HOME Kingler LG 25-35 4%
0054Psyduck Pokémon HOME Psyduck FR 25-35 1%
0079Slowpoke Pokémon HOME Slowpoke LG 25-35 1%

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