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Training Lowlands is a location on the Isle of Armor in the Galar region.


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Item Balls[]

Item Games Location/Method
  Carbos SW/SH Next to the stairs to Challenge Road, under a tree near a river
  TR49 SW/SH On the small piece of land near the farthest end of the river to Honeycalm Sea
  Upgrade SW/SH Northwest from the entrance to Warm-Up Tunnel, behind a large stone
  Moomoo Milk SW/SH South from the entrance to Warm-Up Tunnel, under the cliff

Hidden Items[]

Item Games Location/Method
  Galarica Twig SW/SH By a tree near the river to Honeycalm Sea
  Rare Candy SW/SH On the "tip" of the island with a den in the middle of a river to Honeycalm Sea
  Dawn Stone SW/SH On the stones at the farthest end of the river to Honeycalm Sea
  Pearl SW/SH On the beach connecting to Honeycalm Sea (2 locations)
Big Pearl Sprite Big Pearl
Soft Sand Soft Sand
Stardust Stardust
  Ultra Ball SW/SH On a stone near the beach to Honeycalm Sea
Absorb Bulb Sprite Absorb Bulb
  Great Ball SW/SH On the other side of the same stone
Revival Herb Sprite Revival Herb
  Great Ball SW/SH By the tree next to the same stone as the Upgrade
Ultra Ball Sprite Ultra Ball
  Max Potion SW/SH Near the Upgrade
Star Piece Sprite Star Piece
  Large Leek SW/SH On a stone far from the beach to Honeycalm Sea
  Great Ball SW/SH Among the grass left of the entrance to Warm-Up Tunnel
  Great Ball SW/SH Among the grass south of the entrance to Warm-Up Tunnel

Berry Trees[]

Item Games Location/Method
  Grepa Berry SW/SH Can fall from the Berry tree on the small piece of land in the river to Honeycalm Sea
  White Apricorn SW/SH Can fall from the Berry tree near the entrance to Warm-Up Tunnel
Coba Berry Coba Berry
Kee Berry Kee Berry

Diglett Locations[]

There are 15 Alolan Diglett in Training Lowlands.

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Pokémon Dens[]

There are 7 Pokémon Dens in Training Lowlands.

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