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Pokémon Wiki
Team Rocket Grunts HeartGold and SoulSilver

Rocket Grunts in HeartGold and SoulSilver

Team Rocket Grunts (ロケットだんいん Roketto-dan In, lit. "Team Rocket Member" in Generation I, ロケットだんいんのしたっぱ Roketto-dan In no Shitappa, lit. "Team Rocket Underling Member" in Generation II, ロケットだんのしたっぱ Roketto-dan no Shitappa, lit. "Team Rocket Underling" in Generations III, IV, and VII) are the lowest-leveled agents of Team Rocket. They work under Giovanni and Madame Boss. They have mean attitudes, and they only appear in the anime in Season 1 through 5 and in two movies, Mewtwo Strikes Back and its sequel. They are usually easy to defeat in the games. They appear in Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, Crystal, FireRed, LeafGreen, HeartGold, SoulSilver, and Let's Go Pikachu! and Let's Go Eevee!.


Gen. I

Jessie and James

Gen. II Male

Gen. II Female
Team Rocket Grunt RB
Jessie and James Yl
Team Rocket Grunt Male II
Team Rocket Grunt Female II
Gen. III Male

Gen. III Female

Gen. IV Male

Gen. IV Female
Team Rocket Grunt Male FRLG
Team Rocket Grunt Female FRLG
Team Rocket Grunt Male HGSS
Team Rocket Grunt Female HGSS


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0019Rattata FRLG 0020Raticate FRLG 0023Ekans FRLG 0024Arbok FRLG 0027Sandshrew FRLG 0028Sandslash FRLG 0041Zubat FRLG 0042Golbat FRLG 0066Machop FRLG
Rattata Raticate Ekans Arbok Sandshrew Sandslash Zubat Golbat Machop
0067Machoke FRLG 0088Grimer FRLG 0096Drowzee FRLG 0097Hypno FRLG 0104Cubone FRLG 0105Marowak FRLG 0109Koffing FRLG 0110Weezing FRLG
Machoke Grimer Drowzee Hypno Cubone Marowak Koffing Weezing

Jessie and James[]

0023Ekans Yl 0024Arbok Yl 0052Meowth Yl 0109Koffing Yl 0110Weezing Yl
Ekans Arbok Meowth Koffing Weezing

Sevii Islands[]

0019Rattata FRLG 0020Raticate FRLG 0023Ekans FRLG 0027Sandshrew FRLG 0028Sandslash FRLG 0041Zubat FRLG 0042Golbat FRLG 0044Gloom FRLG 0066Machop FRLG
Rattata Raticate Ekans Sandshrew Sandslash Zubat Golbat Gloom Machop
0067Machoke FRLG 0088Grimer FRLG 0089Muk FRLG 0097Hypno FRLG 0104Cubone FRLG 0105Marowak FRLG 0109Koffing FRLG 0110Weezing FRLG 0228Houndour RS
Machoke Grimer Muk Hypno Cubone Marowak Koffing Weezing Houndour


0019Rattata HGSS 0020Raticate HGSS 0023Ekans HGSS 0024Arbok HGSS 0041Zubat HGSS 0042Golbat HGSS 0043Oddish HGSS
Rattata Raticate Ekans Arbok Zubat Golbat Oddish
0044Gloom HGSS 0048Venonat HGSS 0088Grimer HGSS 0089Muk HGSS 0096Drowzee HGSS 0109Koffing HGSS 0110Weezing HGSS
Gloom Venonat Grimer Muk Drowzee Koffing Weezing



On hand[]

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Cubone (multiple)

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Ledian (multiple)

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Sentret (multiple)

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Furret (multiple)

The Golden Boys[]

Pocket Monsters[]

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Pokémon Zensho[]

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HGSS Jō's Big Adventure[]

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Zubat → Golbat

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Main series[]

These Tauros were seen running towards Mewtwo. However, Mewtwo was too strong for them and were easily defeated. They were then levitated in the air, allowing the Team Rocket Grunts to capture them with ease.
Tauros (multiple)

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Dusclops (2x)

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