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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki

Team Magma Grunts are the lowest-rank members of Team Magma, whose goal is to evaporate water and expand the land. They serve under Tabitha, Courtney, and their leader, Maxie. In Pokémon Ruby, they are primary antagonists, in which their goal is to expand the world's land mass for more space and further advancement of both Pokémon and people. In Pokémon Sapphire, they assist the player to prevent Team Aqua's plans from succeeding in expanding the sea. In Pokémon Emerald, they share the roles of Team Aqua Grunts. They mostly use Fire-type and Ground-type Pokémon like Numel (and Baltoy in Emerald), but also use Dark-type and Poison-type Pokémon as well.


Gen. III Male

Gen. III Female
Team Magma Grunt Male III
Team Magma Grunt Female III
Gen. VI Male

Gen. VI Female
Male Team Magma Member
Female Team Magma Member



In Ruby[]

0041Zubat RS 0261Poochyena RS 0322Numel RS
Zubat Poochyena Numel

In Emerald[]

0041Zubat E 0261Poochyena E 0262Mightyena E 0322Numel E 0343Baltoy E
Zubat Poochyena Mightyena Numel Baltoy

In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire[]

0041Zubat VI 0042Golbat VI 0109Koffing VI 0110Weezing VI
Zubat Golbat Koffing Weezing
0261Poochyena VI 0262Mightyena VI 0322Numel VI 0323Camerupt VI
Poochyena Mightyena Numel Camerupt


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See also[]
