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Pokémon Wiki
Team Galactic Grunts

Team Galactic Grunts

Galactic Grunts are the low-leveled agents of Team Galactic. They work under their commanders and Cyrus. They are men and women with turquoise hair and are dressed in space suits. They appear in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. They may be battled in single, but also with an option of fighting them in a double battle. They mostly battle alone, but, on occasion, can team up in double battles, where the player will fight them alongside Lucas/Dawn.


Male Grunt Sprite

Female Grunt Sprite
Galactic Grunt(M)DPPtsprite

Galactic Grunt(F)DPPtsprite



Diamond and Pearl[]

0041Zubat DP 0042Golbat DP 0265Wurmple DP 0266Silcoon DP 0267Beautifly DP 0268Cascoon DP
Zubat Golbat Wurmple Silcoon Beautifly Cascoon
0269Dustox DP 0431Glameow DP 0434Stunky DP 0436Bronzor DP 0453Croagunk DP
Dustox Glameow Stunky Bronzor Croagunk


0041Zubat Pt 0042Golbat Pt 0198Murkrow Pt 0228Houndour Pt 0431Glameow Pt 0434Stunky Pt
Zubat Golbat Murkrow Houndour Glameow Stunky
0453Croagunk Pt


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