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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki

Tangled Feet is an Ability introduced in Generation IV. It was an exclusive ability to Normal-type Pokémon until Generation VIII.


Tangled Feet increases the Pokémon's evasion stat when confused.


Generation IV Raises evasion if the Pokémon is confused.
Generation V
Generation VI
Generation VII
Generation VIII
Generation IX


PokémonTypeFirst AbilitySecond AbilityHidden Ability
0016Pidgey Pokémon HOMEPidgeyType Normal HOME Normal / Type Flying HOME FlyingKeen EyeTangled FeetBig Pecks
0017Pidgeotto Pokémon HOMEPidgeottoType Normal HOME Normal / Type Flying HOME FlyingKeen EyeTangled FeetBig Pecks
0018Pidgeot Pokémon HOMEPidgeotType Normal HOME Normal / Type Flying HOME FlyingKeen EyeTangled FeetBig Pecks
0327Spinda Pokémon HOMESpindaType Normal HOME NormalOwn TempoTangled FeetContrary
0441Chatot Pokémon HOMEChatotType Normal HOME Normal / Type Flying HOME FlyingKeen EyeTangled FeetBig Pecks
0866Mr. Rime Pokémon HOMEMr. RimeType Ice HOME Ice / Type Psychic HOME PsychicTangled FeetScreen CleanerIce Body
0973Flamigo Pokémon HOMEFlamigoType Flying HOME Flying / Type Fighting HOME FightingScrappyTangled FeetCostar
0084Doduo Pokémon HOMEDoduoType Normal HOME Normal / Type Flying HOME FlyingRun AwayEarly BirdTangled Feet
0085Dodrio Pokémon HOMEDodrioType Normal HOME Normal / Type Flying HOME FlyingRun AwayEarly BirdTangled Feet
