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Sun and Moon: Crimson Invasion  is a TCG expansion set of the Sun and Moon series. It was released on 15 September 2017 in Japan and on 3 November 2017 in the US. This expansion set contains 111 cards in English and 124 cards in Japanese.

Card list[]

List of cards from Crimson Invasion
Name Type Rarity
1 Weedle Grass Energy Common
2 Kakuna Grass Energy Uncommon
3 Beedrill Grass Energy Rare
4 Exeggcute Grass Energy Common
5 Cacnea Grass Energy Common
6 Cacturne Grass Energy Rare
7 Karrablast Grass Energy Common
8 Shelmet Grass Energy Common
9 Accelgor Grass Energy Uncommon
10 Skiddo Grass Energy Common
11 Gogoat Grass Energy Holo Rare
12 Alolan Marowak Fire Energy Holo Rare
13 Numel Fire Energy Common
14 Camerupt Fire Energy Rare
15 Staryu Water Energy Common
16 Starmie Water Energy Rare
17 Magikarp Water Energy Common
18 Gyarados GX Water Energy Ultra Rare
19 Swinub Water Energy Common
20 Piloswine Water Energy Uncommon
21 Mamoswine Water Energy Rare
22 Remoraid Water Energy Common
23 Octillery Water Energy Rare
24 Corphish Water Energy Common
25 Crawdaunt Water Energy Rare
26 Feebas Water Energy Common
27 Milotic Water Energy Rare
28 Regice Water Energy Holo Rare
29 Shellos Water Energy Common
30 Pikachu Lightning Energy Common
31 Alolan Raichu Lightning Energy Holo Rare
32 Alolan Geodude Lightning Energy Common
33 Alolan Graveler Lightning Energy Uncommon
34 Alolan Golem GX Lightning Energy Ultra Rare
35 Emolga Lightning Energy Uncommon
36 Gastly Psychic Energy Common
37 Haunter Psychic Energy Uncommon
38 Gengar Psychic Energy Rare
39 Misdreavus Psychic Energy Common
40 Mismagius Psychic Energy Rare
41 Spoink Psychic Energy Common
42 Grumpig Psychic Energy Uncommon
43 Chimecho Psychic Energy Common
44 Pumpkaboo Psychic Energy Common
45 Gourgeist Psychic Energy Rare
46 Salandit Psychic Energy Common
47 Salazzle Psychic Energy Holo Rare
48 Oranguru Psychic Energy Rare
49 Nihilego GX Psychic Energy Ultra Rare
50 Mankey Fighting Energy Common
51 Primeape Fighting Energy Rare
52 Cubone Fighting Energy Common
53 Regirock Fighting Energy Rare
54 Gastrodon Fighting Energy Uncommon
55 Stufful Fighting Energy Common
56 Bewear Fighting Energy Holo Rare
57 Buzzwole GX Fighting Energy Ultra Rare
58 Houndour Darkness Energy Common
59 Houndoom Darkness Energy Rare
60 Deino Darkness Energy Common
61 Zweilous Darkness Energy Uncommon
62 Hydreigon Darkness Energy Rare
63 Guzzlord GX Darkness Energy Ultra Rare
64 Mawile Metal Energy Uncommon
65 Aron Metal Energy Common
66 Lairon Metal Energy Uncommon
67 Aggron Metal Energy Holo Rare
68 Registeel Metal Energy Rare
69 Escavalier Metal Energy Rare
70 Kartana GX Metal Energy Ultra Rare
71 Jigglypuff Fairy Energy Common
72 Wigglytuff Fairy Energy Rare
73 Xerneas Fairy Energy Holo Rare
74 Alolan Exeggutor GX Dragon Energy Ultra Rare
75 Jangmo-o Dragon Energy Common
76 Hakamo-o Dragon Energy Uncommon
77 Kommo-o Dragon Energy Rare
78 Miltank Colorless Energy Uncommon
79 Swablu Colorless Energy Common
80 Altaria Colorless Energy Rare
81 Starly Colorless Energy Common
82 Staravia Colorless Energy Uncommon
83 Staraptor Colorless Energy Rare
84 Regigigas Colorless Energy Holo Rare
85 Minccino Colorless Energy Common
86 Cinccino Colorless Energy Uncommon
87 Bunnelby Colorless Energy Common
88 Diggersby Colorless Energy Uncommon
89 Type: Null Colorless Energy Holo Rare
90 Silvally GX Colorless Energy Ultra Rare
91 Counter Catcher Item Uncommon
92 Dashing Pouch Item Uncommon
93 Devoured Field Stadium Uncommon
94 Fighting Memory Item Uncommon
95 Gladion Supporter Uncommon
96 Lusamine Supporter Uncommon
97 Peeking Red Card Item Uncommon
98 Psychic Memory Item Uncommon
99 Sea of Nothingness Stadium Uncommon
100 Counter Energy Energy Uncommon
101 Gyarados GX Water Energy Ultra Rare
102 Alolan Golem GX Lightning Energy Ultra Rare
103 Nihilego GX Psychic Energy Ultra Rare
104 Buzzwole GX Fighting Energy Ultra Rare
105 Guzzlord GX Darkness Energy Ultra Rare
106 Kartana GX Metal Energy Ultra Rare
107 Alolan Exeggutor GX Dragon Energy Ultra Rare
108 Silvally GX Colorless Energy Ultra Rare
109 Gladion Supporter Ultra Rare
110 Lusamine Supporter Ultra Rare
111 Olivia Supporter Ultra Rare
112 Gyarados GX Water Energy Rare Secret
113 Alolan Golem GX Lightning Energy Rare Secret
114 Nihilego GX Psychic Energy Rare Secret
115 Buzzwole GX Fighting Energy Rare Secret
116 Guzzlord GX Darkness Energy Rare Secret
117 Kartana GX Metal Energy Rare Secret
118 Alolan Exeggutor GX Dragon Energy Rare Secret
119 Silvally GX Colorless Energy Rare Secret
120 Counter Catcher Item Rare Secret
121 Wishful Baton Item Rare Secret
122 Counter Energy Energy Rare Secret
123 Warp Energy Energy Rare Secret
124 Water Energy Energy Rare Secret