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Summerly Slope (Japanese(なつ)めく坂道(さかみち)HepburnNatsumeku Sakamichi) is the final opening song in the Best Wishes series, in the season Best Wishes DA!.

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♪ この(ほし)不思議(ふしぎ)()(もの)ポケットモンスター・・・ちぢめてポケモン!(いま)、サトシとポケモンたちの出会(であ)いと冒険(ぼうけん)(たたか)いの物語(ものがたり)がはじまる! ♪


♪ The mysterious creatures of this plant The incredible world... of "Pokémon"! Now, the story of Ash Ketchum and Pokémon, Their meetings, adventures, and battles Are about to begin! ♪



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()()んだ (くも)のあいだから(のぞ)太陽(たいよう) ()()しのスコール あわてて(くび)()げる向日葵(日ひまわり) (みず)たまり ()()ねた(きみ)()()いて 笑顔(えがお)こぼしながらほら (ぼく)名前(なまえ) ()んでる

たまらず右腕(みぎうで) つかんで ()()がった坂道(さかみち) ()(かぜ)背中(せなか)()してくれる

()きしめたい この(なつ)をぎゅっと そばにいるからね (ぼく)がずっと ()だまりよりも()しいんだ 横顔(よこがお)にキラめく(しずく) 二人(ふたり)なら()()せる 蜃気楼(しんきろう)()こうに()える tomorrow(トゥモロー) ()こえてる?(ぼく)鼓動(こどう)

Full Version[]

()()んだ (くも)のあいだから(のぞ)太陽(たいよう) ()()しのスコール あわてて(くび)()げる向日葵(日ひまわり) (みず)たまり ()()ねた(きみ)()()いて 笑顔(えがお)こぼしながらほら (ぼく)名前(なまえ) ()んでる

たまらず右腕(みぎうで) つかんで ()()がった坂道(さかみち) ()(かぜ)背中(せなか)()してくれる

()きしめたい この(なつ)をぎゅっと そばにいるからね (ぼく)がずっと ()だまりよりも()しいんだ 横顔(よこがお)にキラめく(しずく) 二人(ふたり)なら()()せる 蜃気楼(しんきろう)()こうに()える tomorrow(トゥモロー) ()こえてる?(ぼく)鼓動(こどう)

午後(ごご)(かぜ) どこらで風鈴(ふうり)()らして (きみ)耳元(みみもと)で (せつ)ない音色(ねいろ)(かな)でて()った 夕焼(ゆうや)けに もしも(さび)しさが(あふ)れたら 夜空(よぞら)のカーテンの(した)で (ほし)()()おうよ

はにかんでみたり ときどき ()いたり(おこ)ったりして ()うたび (きみ)()えてゆくよ

()()けたい この(なつ)をもっと フィルムには(のこ)せない(きみ)(いち)フレームだって無駄(むだ)じゃないさ 素顔映(すがおうつ)して いつまでも (だれ)もりも大切(たいせつ)な (きみ)(まも)ると(いま) 約束(やくそく)するよ (ぼく)から()そらさないで 1mm(いちみり)

最後(さいご)花火(はなび)があがって ()ちこめる(けむり)歓声(かんせい) (ぼく)らは言葉(ことば)なくしたまま()()くしてた この季節(きせつ)()わっても(きみ)とはぐれぬように

()きしめたい この(なつ)をぎゅっと そばにいるからね (ぼく)がずっと ()だまりよりも()しいんだ 横顔(よこがお)にキラめく(しずく) 二人(ふたり)なら()()せる 蜃気楼(しんきろう)()こうに()える tomorrow(トゥモロー) ()こえてる?(ぼく)鼓動(こどう)


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♪ The clouds cease their tears, and the sun peeks through the cracks At the squall of sunlight, the sunflowers hurriedly raise their heads Jumping over the puddle, you turned around And with a smile on your face, you're calling out my name

You eagerly grasped my right arm, and we ran up the hill slope As the wind at our backs urges us on

I want to embrace this summer tightly Because I'll be by your side, always The drops on your cheek glitter brighter than anywhere else With the two of us, we can overtake it The tomorrow just visible beyond the mirage Can you hear the beat of my heart? ♪

Full Version[]

♪ The clouds cease their tears, and the sun peeks through the cracks At the squall of sunlight, the sunflowers hurriedly raise their heads Jumping over the puddle, you turned around And with a smile on your face, you're calling out my name

You eagerly grasped my right arm, and we ran up the hill slope As the wind at our backs urges us on

I want to embrace this summer tightly Because I'll be by your side, always The drops on your cheek glitter brighter than anywhere else With the two of us, we can overtake it The tomorrow just visible beyond the mirage Can you hear the beat of my heart?

The afternoon breeze rings wind chimes somewhere Carrying a sorrowful tune to your ears When the sun sets, if you can't contain your loneliness Let's gaze at the stars together under the curtain of the night sky

You may try acting shy, sometimes get angry or sad But each time we met, there's always more of you

I want to engrave more of this summer into my mind More of you, who can't be captured on film Not a frame is wasted Capturing forever our real selves More precious to me than anyone, I promise you now I will protect you Don't take your eyes off me, not even by 1 millimeter

After the last firework rose into the sky, amidst the smoke and cheers We stood where we were, at a loss for words When this season changes, please don't let us be separated

I want to embrace this summer tightly Because I'll be by your side, always The drops on your cheek glitter brighter than anywhere else With the two of us, we can overtake it The tomorrow just visible beyond the mirage Can you hear the beat of my heart? ♪

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