These Beldum are multiple steel/psychic-type Pokémon owned by Steven Stone.
Steven used his Beldum in the Granite Cave when Ruby was in it. Ruby was attacked by several Mawile and the group the Beldum battled them and succeeded in protecting Ruby and his Pokémon.[1]
Due to the ritual to awaken Regirock, Regice and Registeel, Steven's Beldum made a formation between Sapphire's Wailord, Lorry, and Relicanth, Relly.[2][3] However, after Kyogre and Groudon disappeared, Steven took a great strain and died, causing the Beldum to disappear and lose the formation.[4]
Beldum accompanied Steven, who sold the villa at Sinnoh's Battle Zone before he left.[5]
Known moves[]
None of Beldum's moves are known.