Stand Tall is the opening theme song for Pokémon the Series: XYZ, and the nineteenth opening theme song of Pokémon the Series.
TV version[]
♪ I stand tall 'cause I know I'm a winner Knock me down, I'll just get up again You've met your match, yeah, I'm no beginner
Pokémon, Pokémon, Gotta catch 'em all!
I stand tall 'cause I know I'm a winner
Pokémon, Pokémon, Gotta catch 'em all! ♪
Movie version[]
♪ I stand tall 'cause I know I'm a winner You've met your match, yeah, I'm no beginner No beginner Gotta catch 'em all!
I stand tall 'cause I know I'm a winner Knock me down, I'll just get up again You've met your match, yeah, I'm no beginner Pokémon, Pokémon, Gotta catch 'em all!
You've met your match, yeah, I'm no beginner Pokémon, Pokémon, Gotta catch 'em all!
I've got my friends beside me I'm keeping my eye on the ball! With the wisdom of years to guide me I'm gonna catch 'em all! ♪
- Ash's Pikachu
- Ash's Hawlucha
- Ash's Talonflame
- Ash's Greninja
- Ash's Noibat
- Clemont's Dedenne
- Team Rocket's Meowth
- Jessie's Wobbuffet
- Jessie's Gourgeist
- James' Inkay
- Sawyer's Sceptile
- Alain's Charizard
- Squishy
- Z-2