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Pokémon Wiki

This Venusaur is Palace Maven Spenser's main Grass/Poison-type Pokémon, although it has been mentioned that he is not as powerful as Claydol.


Venusaur was usually seen outside his Poké Ball and Spenser was frequently seen riding on it. It handed a bunch of fruits to Ash, who got separated from his friends. When a group of Beedrill went to attack them, Venusaur emitted a Sweet Scent to calm them down.[1] During his battle with Ash, after his Shiftry was defeated, Spenser sent Venusaur in battle. Ash's Heracross was sent out, who licked Venusaur's flower, being attracted to its scent, but the annoyed Venusaur pushed it away (similar to Ash's Bulbasaur). Heracross started off with Horn Attack, ignoring Venusaur's Razor Leaf and striking it. It then went to use Fury Attack, yet Venusaur pushed it away with Vine Whip and damaged it. As the two sides clashed by tackling each other, Heracross executed a Horn Attack, pushing Venusaur away.

The latter went to launch Solar Beam, whereas Heracross went to execute Megahorn. However, Heracross was too late and was defeated by Solar Beam. Ash sent Swellow, and the group went to the coast to take their battle there. Venusaur launched Razor Leaf and Vine Whip, but missed. As they arrived to the sea, Swellow evaded Venusaur's Razor Leaf and executed Double Team. Venusaur banished the illusions with Vine Whip, but was struck by the real Swellow. Due to the clouds covering the sky, Venusaur could not execute Solar Beam, and was defeated by Swellow's Aerial Ace.[2]

Known moves[]

