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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki

Southern Jungle is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. It can only be accessed during the fourth Special Episode "Here Comes Team Charm!" The Player controls Lopunny and travels with the other members of Team Charm, Gardevoir and Medicham.

The weather will turn to Sandstorm if a Hippopotas is on the floor due to its Sand Stream Ability.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0085Dodrio MD Dodrio 1-6 20-21 Unrecruitable
0303Mawile MD Mawile 1-6 23-24 Unrecruitable
0189Jumpluff MD Jumpluff 1-10 33-35 Unrecruitable
0398Staraptor MD Staraptor 1-10 24-26 Unrecruitable
0089Muk MD Muk 2-5 30 Unrecruitable
0336Seviper MD Seviper 2-5 24 Unrecruitable
0205Forretress MD Forretress 2-6 30-31 Unrecruitable
0449Hippopotas MD Hippopotas 3-6 26-27 Unrecruitable
0431Glameow MD Glameow 4-8 28-29 Unrecruitable
0416Vespiquen MD Vespiquen 6-10 36 Unrecruitable
0198Murkrow MD Murkrow 7-10 23-24 Unrecruitable
0421Cherrim MD Cherrim 8-10 36-37 Unrecruitable