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Pokémon Wiki
For the Korean ending theme, see Smile.

Smile (Japanese: スマイル, HepburnSumairu) is the third Japanese ending song of the Advanced Generation series.



TV Size[]

♪ こらえきてずに (いま)(なが)した (きみ)(なみだ)(ひか)って それでも()わらずに ()ままな(かぜ)(むね)()さぶるよ

頑張(がんば)ることは大切(たいせつ)だけど 正直(しょうじき)(きみ)(よわ)さを (かく)すためだけにある (つよ)さなら なくていいから

(いま)()えなくても (たし)かに(きみ)(むね)(なか)にある (なに)かを(しん)()(つよ)さは (きみ)笑顔(えがお)()ってる ♪

RS062 - RS082, RS092 - RS098[]

♪ ひとはみな(だれ)も 今日(きょう)をさまよう ちいさな旅人(たびひと) (とき)には(まよ)い (とき)にははぐれ 明日(あした)(さが)してる

(きず)つくことから ()()して 今日(きょう)()ちすくんだとしても (なに)()くしてしまうものなど きっと ないはずさ

(いま)()えなくても (たし)かに(きみ)(むね)(なか)にある (なに)かを(しん)()(つよ)さは (きみ)笑顔(えがお)()ってる ♪

Full Version[]

{{Lyrics|こらえきてずに (いま)(なが)した (きみ)(なみだ)(ひか)って それでも()わらずに ()ままな(かぜ)(むね)()さぶるよ

頑張(がんば)ることは大切(たいせつ)だけど 正直(しょうじき)(きみ)(よわ)さを (かく)すためだけにある (つよ)さなら なくていいから

(いま)()えなくても (たし)かに(きみ)(むね)(なか)にある (なに)かを(しん)()(つよ)さは (きみ)笑顔(えがお)()ってる

ひとはみな(だれ)も 今日(きょう)をさまよう ちいさな旅人(たびひと) (とき)には(まよ)い (とき)にははぐれ 明日(あした)(さが)してる

(きず)つくことから ()()して 今日(きょう)()ちすくんだとしても (なに)()くしてしまうものなど きっと ないはずさ

明日(あした)のはじまりに ぼくらは()っているから

(ちい)さくても大事(だいじ)一歩(いっぽ)(きみ)未来(みらい)(えが)()すよ (なに)かをつかんだ その(よご)れた()は (きみ)勲章(くんしょう (いま)()えなくても (たし)かに(きみ)(むね)(なか)にある (なに)かを(しん)()(つよ)さは (きみ)笑顔(えがお)()ってる



TV Size[]

♪ The tears you shed now, Unable to hold them back, are shining Even so, that doesn't change The unrestrained wind that moves your heart

It's important to try hard, but If your strength only exists To hide your honest weakness, You're better off without it.

Even if you can't see it now, It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile. ♪

RS062 - RS082, RS092 - RS098[]

♪ All people wander through today, Little travelers Sometimes getting lost, sometimes straying As they search for tomorrow

Escape from being hurt, Even if you can't move today There's nothing to lose, Surely

Even if you can't see it now, It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile. ♪

Full Version[]

♪ The tears you shed now, Unable to hold them back, are shining Even so, that doesn't change The unrestrained wind that moves your heart

It's important to try hard, but If your strength only exists To hide your honest weakness, You're better off without it.

Even if you can't see it now, It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile.

All people wander through today, Little travelers Sometimes getting lost, sometimes straying As they search for tomorrow

Escape from being hurt, Even if you can't move today There's nothing to lose, Surely

Because we are standing At the beginning of tomorrow

A step so small, yet important Will depict your future Grab hold of something Your own dirty hands are your medal

Even if you can't see it now It is certainly there in your heart: The strength to keep believing in something Awaits your smile ♪
