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Pokémon Wiki
Sky battle

Sky Battle is the type of battle introduced in Generation VI. Sky Battle allows only the Flying Type and Pokémon with Levitate to take part in battles. That is why Sky Trainer asks the player before battling.


As mentioned before, Sky Battle allows on the Flying Type and Pokémon with Levitate to take part in battles.However, there is an exception in case of Pokémon who are not flying in their natural sprite, like Starly or Pidove. Those Pokémon which can't fly such as Dodrio and Hawlucha are not able to take part in battle.

Gengar is the only Pokémon with Levitate not allowed to take part.


Ineligible Pokémon in the player's party are ignored for the duration of the battle.

In addition to ineligible Pokémon, some moves, such as Bulldoze, Dig, and Earthquake, are unusable in Sky Battles. You can find the complete banlist here, in the section "In-eligible Moves."

If all of the player's eligible Pokémon in the battle faint, the player will lose the battle and black out. This black out will not send the player back to the Pokémon Center, but rather, the player resumes in place from where they were before the battle.

See also[]
