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Pokémon Wiki

Serene Grace is an Ability introduced in Generation III.


Serene Grace doubles the chance that a move will have additional effects. For example, Fire Punch has a 20% chance that it will burn the opponent, and Steel Wing has a 60% chance of raising the user's Defense stat by 1.


Generation III Boosts the likelihood of additional effects occurring when attacking.
Generation IV
Generation V
Generation VI
Generation VII
Generation VIII
Generation IX


PokémonTypeFirst AbilitySecond AbilityHidden Ability
0113Chansey Pokémon HOMEChanseyType Normal HOME NormalNatural CureSerene GraceHealer
0175Togepi Pokémon HOMETogepiType Fairy HOME FairyHustleSerene GraceSuper Luck
0176Togetic Pokémon HOMETogeticType Fairy HOME Fairy / Type Flying HOME FlyingHustleSerene GraceSuper Luck
0206Dunsparce Pokémon HOMEDunsparceType Normal HOME NormalSerene GraceRun AwayRattled
0242Blissey Pokémon HOMEBlisseyType Normal HOME NormalNatural CureSerene GraceHealer
0385Jirachi Pokémon HOMEJirachiType Steel HOME Steel / Type Psychic HOME PsychicSerene Grace
0440Happiny Pokémon HOMEHappinyType Normal HOME NormalNatural CureSerene GraceFriend Guard
0468Togekiss Pokémon HOMETogekissType Fairy HOME Fairy / Type Flying HOME FlyingHustleSerene GraceSuper Luck
0492AShaymin Pokémon HOMEShaymin (Sky Forme)Type Grass HOME Grass / Type Flying HOME FlyingSerene Grace
0648Meloetta Pokémon HOMEMeloettaType Normal HOME Normal / Type Psychic HOME PsychicSerene Grace
0982Dudunsparce Pokémon HOMEDudunsparceType Normal HOME NormalSerene GraceRun AwayRattled
0585Deerling Pokémon HOMEDeerlingType Normal HOME Normal / Type Grass HOME GrassChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
0586Sawsbuck Pokémon HOMESawsbuckType Normal HOME Normal / Type Grass HOME GrassChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace

