Salveyo Weed is a special weed in the Pokémon Anime found at the bottom of lakes that can cure those afflicted by a Stun Spore attack. It can only be found by Poliwag.
In "The Stun Spore Detour", Ash and Tracey are made ill by inhaling the Stun Spore of a Vileplume that was acting in self-defense over an accident, and Misty has to find Salveyo Weed to cure them, but only a Poliwag knows where to find them.
At around the same time, Jessie is also afflicted by Stun Spore and James and Meowth have to find the same weed to cure her, too.
Misty manages to find a Poliwag and it leads her to the Salveyo Weed. After a minor battle with James and Meowth, she leaves them with some of the weed to help Jessie.