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Pokémon Wiki

Ruby Volcano (Japanese: -, Hepburn-) is the fourth area of Pokémon Rumble World. The area is split into four sections, Dusty Desert, Lake of Tranquility, Giant Redwood and Smoldering Caldera, containing a variety of Pokémon. Each section contains a number of bosses, depending on the number of stars one has.

Dusty Desert[]


Defeat the Boss.


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0027 Sandshrew ground
0107 Hitmonchan fighting
0231 Phanpy ground
0296 Makuhita fighting
0332 Cacturne grass/dark
0529 Drilbur ground


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0297 Hariyama fighting
One Star[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0232 Donphan ground
Two Stars[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0530 Excadrill ground/steel

Lake of Tranquility[]


Defeat the Boss.


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0183 Marill water/fairy
0283 Surskit bug/water
0284 Masquerain bug/flying
0339 Barboach water
0349 Feebas water
0564 Tirtouga water/rock


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0340 Whiscash water/ground
One Star[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0565 Carracosta water/rock
Two Stars[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0350 Milotic water

Giant Redwood[]


Defeat the Boss.


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0265 Wurmple bug
0266 Silcoon bug
0267 Beautifly bug/flying
0347 Anorith rock/bug
0352 Kecleon normal


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0348 Armaldo rock/bug
One Star[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0123 Scyther bug/flying
Two Stars[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0212 Scizor bug/steel
Three Stars[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0380 Latias dragon/psychic

Smoldering Caldera[]


Defeat the Boss.


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0255 Torchic fire
0261 Poochyena dark
0262 Mightyena dark
0554 Darumaka fire
0610 Axew dragon
0611 Fraxure dragon


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0256 Combusken fire/fighting
One Star[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0555 Darmanitan fire
Two Stars[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0257 Blaziken fire/fighting
Three Stars[]
Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Type
0383 Groudon ground

R&S017: Omega Alpha Adventure 16
