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Pokémon Wiki
Route 3 (Galar) Routes Route 5 (Galar)
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Route 4 is the fourth route in the Galar region.


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Trainer Tips[]

Trainer Tips
A Pokémon's moves can be physical moves or special moves.
A high Attack stat makes physical moves deal more damage, and a high Sp. Atk stat makes special moves deal more damage!



Wild Pokémon
Walking; Overworld
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0309Electrike Pokémon HOME Electrike SW/SH 14-16 30%
0052BMeowth Pokémon HOME Meowth SW/SH 14-16 23%
0710Pumpkaboo Pokémon HOME Pumpkaboo SW/SH 14-16 20%
0835Yamper Pokémon HOME Yamper SW/SH 14-16 20%
0710Pumpkaboo Pokémon HOME Pumpkaboo SW/SH 14-16 5%
0710Pumpkaboo Pokémon HOME Pumpkaboo SW/SH 14-16 5%
0710Pumpkaboo Pokémon HOME Pumpkaboo SW/SH 14-16 1%
0025Pikachu Pokémon HOME Pikachu SW/SH 14-16 *
0133Eevee Pokémon HOME Eevee SW/SH 14-16 *


Two Diglett spawn near the north-western field.

0050Diglett VI
Sand Veil
Arena Trap
Held item:


Wild Pokémon
Walking; Random
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0052BMeowth Pokémon HOME Meowth SW/SH 13-15 35%
0831Wooloo Pokémon HOME Wooloo SW/SH 13-15 25%
0868Milcery Pokémon HOME Milcery SW/SH 13-15 20%
0595Joltik Pokémon HOME Joltik SW/SH 13-15 10%
0742Cutiefly Pokémon HOME Cutiefly SW/SH 13-15 5%
0406Budew Pokémon HOME Budew SW/SH 13-15 4%
0597Ferroseed Pokémon HOME Ferroseed SW/SH 13-15 1%

Berry Tree[]

These Pokémon can be shaken from the Berry tree instead of Berries. After the battle, some of the Berries will be lost.

Wild Pokémon
Shaking Berry Tree
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0819Skwovet Pokémon HOME Skwovet SW/SH 13-15 100%


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0129Magikarp Pokémon HOME Magikarp SW/SH 13-15 70%
0833Chewtle Pokémon HOME Chewtle SW/SH 13-15 20%
0118Goldeen Pokémon HOME Goldeen SW/SH 13-15 10%



Item Games Location/Method
  Energy Powder SW/SH Near the crates west of the Berry tree (hidden)
  Paralyze Heal SW/SH Southeastern field; in the north end of the small clearing east of Poké Kid Shane
  Nest Ball SW/SH Southeastern field; next to the round rock far east of Poké Kid Shane (×3)
  Rare Candy SW/SH Southeastern field; southeastern corner
  Energy Powder SW/SH Southeastern field; next to the crate in the northeast corner (hidden)
  Cleanse Tag SW/SH Southeastern field; north clearing
  Ether SW/SH Southeastern field; northwestern corner
  Sharp Beak SW/SH Northeast of the southeastern field, next to the water
  Revival Herb SW/SH Northeastern field; southwest corner (hidden)
  Paralyze Heal SW/SH Northeastern field; on top of the narrow fallen stone pillar that serves as a ledge (hidden)
  TM07 SW/SH Northeastern field; at the end of the clearing road, just behind Poké Kid Rhys
  Energy Root SW/SH Western field; west clearing (hidden)
  Silver Powder SW/SH Western field; under the tree at the northwestern corner

Shaking Berry tree[]

Item Games Location/Method
  Cheri Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Leppa Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Oran Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree
  Pecha Berry SW/SH Can fall by shaking the Berry tree