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This Chandelure is a ghost/fire-type Pokémon owned by Rood.


As Lampent[]

Bronius sent Amoonguss to attack the trainers, who were confronting them during the invasion at the Pokémon League. Lampent used Hex to attack the trainers' Pokémon.[1] Once the Gym Leaders appeared, the Seven Sages and their Pokémon disappeared from the battlefield.[2]

As Chandelure[]

Rood and Chandelure awaited Hugh, who woke up. Realizing they were his enemy, white Team Plasma, Hugh sent Eelektross to attack Rood, who explained his mission. As the other, black Team Plasma, arrived, Hugh let Rood and Chandelure to his room, where the former found the chip for his mission.[3] Rood has his Chandelure assist Hugh, by using Inferno on Team Plasma grunts' Pokémon, defeating them all.[4]

Known moves[]

