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Pokémon Wiki

This Gallade is a psychic/fighting-type Pokémon owned by Rinto.


Gallade appeared alongside his trainer, Rinto, as they watch Ash's Farfetch'd battling against a Gurdurr. After the battle, Rinto and Gallade introduce themselve to Ash and Goh, Gallade was called into battle when Rinto challenged Ash and his Farfetch'd to a match. Gallade managed to quickly end the battle after severely weaken Farfetch'd using a False Swipe. Following the battle, Farfetch'd seemingly developed a rivalry with Gallade.

Rinto’s Gallade defeated

Gallade suffers a humiliating defeat

Gallade appeared again when Ash and Goh encountered Rinto in the Vermilion City Pokémon Center. When an official World Coronation Series battle was initiated between Ash and Rinto, Gallade was selected to battle Ash's Farfetch'd once again. Using a combination of Psycho Cut, Feint, and Close Combat, Gallade managed to quickly overpower Farfetch'd and knock it off its balance. With the opening, Gallade used Psycho Cut and cut through Farfetch'd's leek. Ash improvised by having Farfetch'd mimic Wikstrom's Aegislash and use the remaining part of the leek as a shield. With this strategy, Farfetch'd was able to land several critical hits on Gallade and evolve into a Sirfetch'd, as a result. Rinto intentionally let Gallade receive Sirfetch'd's Night Slash, in order to activate Gallade's Ability, Justified. With the power boost, Gallade charged at Sirfetch'd using Close Combat, but was countered by Brutal Swing, which ultimately knocked him unconscious. Following the battle, Rinto and Gallade admitted defeated, and agree to keep on training.

Known moves[]


  1. ^ All Gallade are male.
  2. ^ "Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to Be a Leek Master!", When Ash's Sirfetch'd struck Gallade with Night Slash, it caused it to activate its Ability.

