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Pokémon Wiki

This Rhydon is a Ground/Rock-type Pokémon appearing in "Nightfall? Nightmares!".


This tired Rhydon appeared when Chloe and Dawn were walking through the woods on the way to Eterna City. Affected by Darkrai's ability to cause nightmares, she grew sleepless and went on a rampage through the woods.

Chloe and Dawn decides to calm the Rhydon by battling herself. Chloe's Eevee attempted to use Tackle, though Rhydon easily took the blow from the attack. Dawn's Piplup used Bubble Beam, hitting Rhydon with a super effective move, though Rhydon quickly used Rock Blast to stop Piplup's attack. Chloe's Eevee jumped in to Piplup's defense and used Copycat, copying Piplup's Bubble Beam and hitting Rhydon until she collapsed and fell asleep.

Known moves[]
