Going for Choke! (Japanese: ハルカVSムサシ!最後のコンテスト!!, Hepburn: May VS Jessie! The Final Contest!!) is the 30th episode of Pokémon: Battle Frontier.
The competition is underway at the Mulberry Town Pokémon Contest, where Harley has teamed up with Team Rocket to plot May's downfall. While May is getting ready for her first opponent, Team Rocket lures her friends into a sealed transport container and sends them up, up and away with a Meowth balloon! But they didn't count on Drew being there to save the day. He frees Ash and the others, only for all them to then fall into one of Team Rocket's old-fashioned pit traps. While James and Meowth gloat, our heroes realize Team Rocket is working with Harley, and they have to get back to the Contest to help May.
Up on stage, May and her Squirtle are preparing to face Jessie, who's disguised as Jessebella and using Harley's Cacturne. Below the stage, Harley and Team Rocket are preparing some more tricks when our heroes catch up to them. Harley points out that there's no rule against using someone else's Pokémon in a Contest, but his plans are foiled for now.
Meanwhile, Jessie's initial delight wears off when even Banette can't easily win her the match. Banette gets annoyed by Jessie's complaints, and it looks like the odds are back in May's favor. But as time runs out, the two Coordinators are matched in points, and it goes into overtime! Jessebella is eager to win, but she's snapping at Banette and without a good understanding between Coordinator and Pokémon, it's only a matter of time before May wins and the ribbon is hers. Harley gives up on Team Rocket in disgust. May meets Drew and the two are looking forward to a match-up at the Indigo Plateau. As for Ash, he's looking forward to the Battle Pyramid![1]
Episode plot[]
The Contest continues. Jessie and May are not going to battle each other... yet. Brock is impressed and tells May to stay relaxed and she will win. Ash supports her, telling her she will win the last ribbon. Jessie (as Jessiebella) tells May she has no chance after the performance she gave. May says (angrily) that she will win and insults her. Jessie tells that she can tell that to Harley and quickly gets out, so as not to be recognized as Jessie. Drew comes, but leaves when the heroes support May. However, James and Meowth in disguise tell Ash he has a phone call from home, so Drew follows them.
Next is Jessie. She sends Banette. Ash, Brock and Max arrive in a room where the phone should be, but realize they have been trapped - James and Meowth locked them inside. A more shocking revelation is they trapped them inside a cage and the balloon is filled with air, so they go higher and higher. Harley is pleased with such news, and even more when he sees Jessie won against her opponent. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, but the attack bounces back. Suddenly, they begin to fall down, as the balloon popped. Flygon uses Sandstorm to bring them down. Meanwhile, it is May's turn - she sends Squirtle and her opponent his Skarmory. Skarmory starts with Steel Wing, but Squirtle counters with Rapid Spin. Ash, Brock and Max are free - Drew's Flygon used Flamethrower to free them, but they need to come back, as May is in danger.
Squirtle uses Ice Beam, but Skarmory dodges. Skarmory uses Swift, though Squirtle uses Bubble to counter. May's the winner, as the time stopped and she lost less points. Ash, Brock, Max and Drew hurry to get to the Contest building, but fall in a hole. James and Meowth block the hole with steel bars and are pleased they co-operated with Harley. The heroes hear this and Team Rocket leaves them. So, Brock sends Forretress, who uses Rapid Spin to break the bars. Later, the only two Contestants are May and Jessiebella. James and Meowth return to Harley. Harley demands the Pokémon they got, as they stand under May. James sends Cacnea and Mime Jr. to help Harley. Harley tells them to wait for signal and the plan will commence.
Still, the heroes come to break the plans. James tells Jessie wants just fame, to which is concluded Jessiebella is Jessie. Harley goes to work out his plan, though Max tells them Banette and Cacturne are his, so it is against a rule. However, Harley corrects them that there is no rule for lending Pokémon. Harley clarifies to Drew that he shouldn't make him mad at the Grand Festival and Drew tells him the same. Harley, James and Meowth go away. Ash thanks for Drew for rescuing them, though Drew tells it was just to have someone supporting May. Meanwhile, May has her battle - she sends Squirtle and Jessie Banette. Banette uses Thunder, knocking Squirtle down. Squirtle uses Ice Beam, freezing Banette. However, Banette unfreezes itself and uses Will O' Wisp. However, Squirtle goes inside its shell, so little damage has been done. Still, everyone is amazed by the attack Banette made.
Banette uses Thunder, though Squirtle uses Bubble to negate the attack and hit Banette. Jessie is not amazed and yells at Banette. Banette uses Frustration, which deals serious damage, though Squirtle goes inside its shell. Squirtle uses Rapid Spin, spinning Banette a lot. Jessie insults Banette, who uses Will O' Wisp, though Squirtle spins to dodge them all. Banette uses Thunder, though Squirtle evades and tackles Banette and knocks it out, angering Team Rocket and Harley. Banette uses Frustration, so Squirtle goes to use Ice Beam, but the time stopped. Surprisingly, both Jessie and May have the exact amount of points left. Since it is a tie, May or Jessie have to reduce their opponent's points to zero, though there is no time limit.
While May and Squirtle stand proudly, Jessie tells Banette it is going to win or else. Banette uses Thunder, though Squirtle uses Ice Beam, but Banette dodges. Banette uses Will O' Wisp, but Squirtle spins and uses Bubble to negate the attack. Squirtle uses Ice Beam, freezing Banette and tackles it. Jessie tells Banette to get up, but Jessie lost all her points, so May is the winner. Jessie and Banette are crushed, but the audience still clap for them for such a battle. Raoul gives her the final ribbon and thanks for such an performance. Lilian tells the Grand Festival will be in Indigo Plateau and tells them they need to be there. Harley is angry Jessie did not win and insults Team Rocket. However, he is pleased to know he will be able to beat her at the Grand Festival.
May comes to Ash, Brock and Max with a letter - info about Kanto's Grand Festival. She sees Drew and Ash tells her Drew rescued them. May comes to Drew and tells him she will be at Indigo Plateau. Drew goes away, waving goodbye to her. Ash is pleased to know he will watch them battle, but May reminds him that first they need to be at the Battle Pyramid to see him battle the last Frontier Brain.
- The title is a pun on the expression "Going for broke".
- In the dub, Harley briefly makes a reference to John Lyly's Eupheus when he says "All is fair in love and battle".
- This is the first time a tie happens at a Contest, with the concept of Overtime being first introduced.
- James and Meowth indirectly and accidentally reveal Jessebella's true identity to Ash and co.
- Banette is affected by Squirtle's Tackle and Rapid Spin, though it shouldn't have been, as it is a Ghost-type Pokémon.
- Just before the camera pans back to Ash and the others trapped in Team Rocket's balloon, the sound file of Pikachu yelling briefly overlaps the previous scene when Harley is speaking.
- Pikachu yelling overlaps with another scene after Banette fires its Thunder, right before the camera pans over to Ash and co. again.
- And again when the judges were complimenting Banette's Will O' Wisp.
- And once again when Jessie orders it to rapid fire Will O' Wisp later on.
- And when Squirtle's Tackle lands on Banette; Additionally, when the scene pans over to Ash and Max's reactions, the sound file for Pikachu speaking is present but it doesn't open its mouth.
- And again when May picks up and congratulates her Squirtle.
- And lastly when Drew waves bye to May; Another sound file of Pikachu speaking overlaps when May turns to speak with Ash afterwards.
- Pikachu is the last character to speak for the episode but its mouth is not animated again.
- Despite stopping Ash and co. more than once in the episode, Team Rocket never had the chance to stop May during her turns throughout these times.
- Harley's Banette knowing Frustration makes no sense if it were not the fact that it was borrowed to Jessie.
- ^ (n.d.) . "Going for Choke! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on January 29, 2024.
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See also | ||
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire |