Crazy as a Lunatone (Japanese: 神秘!宇宙から来たポケモン!?, Hepburn: Mystery! Pokémon From Outer Space?!) is the 47th episode of Pokémon: Advanced Challenge.
Ken and Mary of the Pokémon Mystery Club (PMC) are once again looking for a Pokémon from outer space, checking the site of a meteor crash. A Lunatone emerges and zaps them, erasing their memories of the encounter.
Meanwhile, Ash and friends reach Volley Town, finding it strangely deserted. They walk into the Pokémon Center for assistance but Nurse Joy is zoned out and unhelpful. Brock doesn't believe it's the real Nurse Joy.
Team Rocket sneaks into the Pokémon Center, but bump into Ash and friends. When Nurse Joy approaches, they all run, and hide in a storage room. There, they run into the frightened Lunatone. It tries to use Psychic on them, but passes out instead.
Nurse Joy returns to normal and treats Lunatone. It needs moonlight to survive, so they decide to take it up to nearby Camerupt Point where the full moon shines. They hide the Pokémon from the PMC in a cart and pull it up the hill, but are cut off by Team Rocket. Team Rocket gets into a fight with the Pokémon Mystery Club.
The PMC sends Team Rocket blasting off. Pikachu, Mudkip, and Beautifly team up to drive off the PMC, but they won't be defeated. The full moon rises and Lunatone charges up and send the pair off with Hidden Power. The kids then bid farewell to Lunatone.[1]
Episode plot[]
A meteorite flies to Earth, which crashes and explodes. A man and a woman are going to inspect the meteorite, so they ride inside a vehicle. They find the meteorite and launch the rockets, which crash into the rock. A Pokémon floats out with a blue light. They go to capture it, but the Pokémon evades and uses Psychic, levitating the vehicle. A beam from the vehicle is fired, hurting the Pokémon. Just then, the Pokémon glows with a red light, calming the man and the woman, whose eyes are red. The Pokémon, however, floats off to the nearest village. The heroes are walking to Lilycove City, while Max notices they are close to Volley Town. May already imagines having a hot bath, while Ash states their Pokémon would have some rest as well. Team Rocket eats some rice balls and Meowth heard of a meteor that fell somewhere near them. They plan to steal it and give it to the boss to earn a promotion.
The heroes arrives to Volley Town, although it is unusually very quiet. They go inside the Pokémon Center, but see nobody. Nurse Joy appears, with red eyes. The heroes ask for a room for the night and to rest their Pokémon, but Nurse Joy declines in a strange tone. During the night, the heroes are walking around town. Max thinks Nurse Joy was acting somewhat odd. Brock thinks that Nurse Joy was a "fake" one, she was acting very weird and did not have a romantic tone, unlike the other Nurse Joy that he met. Brock states she did not have a perfume on, but Max wishes to have dinner first. During the dinner, Lombre goes away, as it sensed something. Suddenly, Lombre is captured. The men claim Lombre is an extraterrestrial Pokémon, though the heroes tries to convince the men that it is Brock's Pokémon. Brock calls Lombre back to its Poké Ball, proving the men. The men undisguise themselves, revealing to be Ken and Mary, the ones who tried to "investigate" the Clefairy spaceship.
Ken says they went to capture the Pokémon from outer space and went to get the meteorite, but don't remember anything. They think the Pokémon erased their memories through a shock wave and suspect the same Pokémon erased the villagers' memories, so they put some special helmets to protect them from psychic activities. They run off to find that Pokémon. Brock tells he heard stories that Clefairy and Starmie are from outer space, but is concerned for what it did on villagers, including Nurse Joy. The heroes go inside the Pokémon Center to investigate. Team Rocket appear as well, since they found nothing at the meteorite site and think something in the meteorite is in the Pokémon Center now. While the heroes are tiptoeing, Meowth unlocks the window, but he, James and Jessie fall down. The heroes heard that and go towards that place. James finds his flashlight (which he lost) and turns it on, so the heroes sees some movements. Team Rocket appears before them and Meowth suspects the twerps are after the meteorite. The heroes wonder about this meteorite, so Jessie scolds Meowth for giving away the info. Hearing Nurse Joy's voice, everyone hides in a room.
Suddenly, they hear something; James turns the flashlight on and sees the Pokémon, a Lunatone. Jessie comes to Lunatone, but is affected by its red light and orders everyone to get out. James and Meowth shake her, making her come to her senses. Lunatone used Hypnosis on her and the other villagers. Meowth translates Lunatone was scared. Nurse Joy comes to the room, saying they should be nicer to Lunatone. Team Rocket plan on catching Lunatone, so James sends Cacnea (who hugs its Trainer) to use Needle Arm and Jessie her Seviper to bite Lunatone. Lunatone uses Psychic, but after a while, fails and falls down. Nurse Joy comes to her senses. Meowth translates it used so much psychic attacks it got its energy depleted, but mostly because of the attack from Ken and Mary. Lunatone says it needs moonlight to be healed.
Nevertheless, Seviper goes to bite and Cacnea uses Needle Arm, but Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, blasting Team Rocket away. Nurse Joy treats Lunatone, saying it will feel better, but it needs moonlight to get its energy back. The full moon is tonight, but the deal is that moon can't be seen from Volley Town, as it is surrounded by mountains and cliffs. Nurse Joy mentions the Camerupt Point where they could place Lunatone to restore its energy. Max states they just need to find a way to carry Lunatone to that point. However, Brock reminds that Ken and Mary are still after the Pokémon. The heroes are pushing a cart, while inside Lunatone and Pikachu are to hide it from Ken and Mary. They encounter Mary and Ken and play dumb, saying they are going to Camerupt Point where they'll have a Moon party there. Ken and Mary let them pass, but suspect they hide something, so they assemble a machine to get a mystical Pokémon. The gang reaches the Camerupt Point, all they need is to wait for the moon to show. Pikachu and Lunatone go out and they see the moon going up.
However, it is only Team Rocket in the balloon. They use a mechanical a hand to get Lunatone, but another one goes to negate theirs. Inside the vehicle, Ken and Mary have stopped Team Rocket from taking Lunatone. Team Rocket recalls these are the PMC weirdos, but they state Team Rocket is the weird one. Ken and Mary's vehicle begins to spin Team Rocket's balloon and releases an electric surge, blasting them off. Next, they go after Lunatone. Pikachu uses Iron Tail, but the attack is cancelled when the vehicle's arm hurts him. Brock sends Mudkip to use Water Gun, but nothing happens, so the mechanical arm knocks Mudkip out. May sends Beautifly to use Silver Wind, stopping Ken and Mary. Mudkip uses Water Gun and Pikachu Thunderbolt, shutting the vehicle down. Soon after, the moon rises, which powers Lunatone up. However, Ken and Mary's machine is not stopped. They go to capture Lunatone, but Lunatone uses Hidden Power, blasting Ken and Mary off.
After the battle, May wonders if Lunatone does come from outer space. Max and Brock do not know the answer, but admit they like a good mystery. The heroes waves goodbye to Lunatone as it floats away.
- "What are you Twerps following us for?!" - Jessie
- "Uh, sorry." - Ash
- "I guess we all got scared." - May
- "Hey, hold on. What just happened to me?" - Jessie
- "You turned into some sorta crazed robotic freak." - James
- "While it's upsetting that we didn't get ahold of that meteorite..." - Jessie
- "A Lunatone should go a long way towards healing the pain!" - James
- "I'm startin' ta' feel betta already!" - Meowth
- "Lunatone was only controllin' da villagers, so dey'd protect it just until da moon came back out." - Meowth
- "I can see why it's so scared." - Nurse Joy
- "It makes sense now." - Brock
- "What REALLY makes sense is to catch a Pokémon while it's weak!" - Jessie
- "Well, that didn't go as planned." - Jessie
- "I wasn't aware that there was a plan!" - James
- "Well, if ya really wanna know, I can tell ya what you should plan for next!" - Meowth
- "Wobbuffet!" - Wobbuffet
- "We're blasting off again!" - Jessie, James, and Meowth
- "Wobbuffet!" - Wobbuffet
- "Chime, Chime!" - Chimecho
- "Sorry, but all mysterious Pokémon belong to us." - Ken
- "You! Aren't you those Cleffa-chasing weirdos?" - Jessie
- "Ha! That's rich. Someone from Team Rocket calling US weird." - Ken
- "Take that back! You're much weirder than we are!" - Jessie
- "Afraid not. When you look up weird, your picture's in the dictionary." - Ken
- "If you're weird enough to be seen as weird by weirdos like us, YOU'RE WEIRD!!" - Jessie
- "So, you're admitting that you really ARE weird. I got ya!" - Ken
- "Wait! Uh, let's back up..." - Jessie
- "Dat was kinda weird!" - Meowth
- "Who are you calling weird?!" - Jessie
- "Perhaps there are more important things to worry about!" - James
- "But I'm not weird!" - Jessie
- "Chime, Chime!" - Chimecho
- "Am I?" - Jessie
- "Unlike Team Rocket, the PMC doesn't just 'blast off!'" - Ken
- "But this isn't our thing!" - Ken
- "Only WEIRDOS blast off!" - Mary
- "Bon voyage from the PMC!!" - Ken and Mary
- Featured Pokémon: Illumise, Gulpin, Parasect, Lanturn
- The design of Mary's Pokédex is based on the Game Boy Advance SP. It uses the "Dexter" voice rather than the "Dextette" of Ash's Hoenn Pokédex.
- The episode name is a play on the phrase, "crazy as a lunatic" or "crazy as a loon."
- At the beginning of the episode, a classic Pokémon identification can be seen. In this case, it is a Venonat.
- When Chimecho appears during Team Rocket's motto, it seems to have two "spikes" on its "back" rather than one.
- During the battle between Team Rocket and the Lunatone the 'R' on Jessie's shirt is reversed.
- Either there are two Pokémon Centers, or the scenario of the Pokémon Center changes from one place to another during the episode. At first, when the group enters the Center, there's a building behind them. Later, they are hiding behind a bush, right where the building was.
- ^ (n.d.) . "Crazy as a Lunatone | Pokémon TV (". From The Official Pokémon Website | Archived from the original on January 27, 2024.
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See also | ||
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire |