The Pyrite Colosseum is a location that appears in the games Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. It is located to the far northside of Pyrite Town.
In this game, visiting the Pyrite Colosseum is needed in order to meet with Miror B.'s henchmen Trudly and Folly. Otherwise, Wes can participate in the Pyrite Colosseum in order to earn prizes.
XD: Gale of Darkness[]
Visiting the Pyrite Colosseum in this game is optional but, sometimes, Miror B. will appear at the colosseum where he can be battle for a random Shadow Pokémon.
In this game, all of the Trainers of the single and double battle tournaments will use Lv. 50 Pokémon.
Single Tournament[]
- Glasses Man Omarl: Delibird, Swablu, Vibrava, Doduo, Hoothoot, Wingull
- Researcher Kukla: Mareep, Magnemite, Voltorb, Chinchou, Skiploom, Gloom
- Bodybuilder Seet: Relicanth, Lairon, Sudowoodo, Beldum, Graveler, Shelgon
- Cooltrainer Charl: Pikachu, Phanpy, Psyduck, Chikorita, Teddiursa, Vulpix
- Athlete Senton: Sunflora, Heracross, Chimecho, Ninjask, Sharpedo, Banette
- Worker Retay: Spinda, Loudred, Linoone, Kecleon, Dunsparce, Furret
- Teacher Carden: Corsola, Sneasel, Kadabra, Shedinja, Hitmontop, Stantler
- Supertrainer Gally: Nosepass, Lombre, Nuzleaf, Clamperl, Lileep, Anorith
Double Tournament[]
- Athlete Busik: Wailmer, Corphish, Snorunt, Swinub, Sentret, Ledyba
- Athlete Tira: Swablu, Feebas, Chinchou, Aron, Barboach, Hoppip
- Lady Sturk: Bagon, Beldum, Staryu, Electrike, Mareep, Larvitar
- Rich Boy Symin: Sandshrew, Slakoth, Abra, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
- Hunter Golog: Masquerain, Nuzleaf, Beautifly, Dustox, Ledian, Ariados
- Worker Laber: Vibrava, Loudred, Graveler, Flaaffy, Skiploom, Pupitar
- Lady in Suit Great: Kirlia, Sealeo, Rhyhorn, Voltorb, Marshtomp, Seadra
- Supertrainer Mauri: Kadabra, Metang, Shelgon, Machoke, Vigoroth, Lairon
XD: Gale of Darkness[]
Unlike with Colosseum, the Pyrite Colosseum in Gale of Darkness features four different rounds with battles against four trainers per round. Also, all trainers will be using Lv. 20 Pokémon.
Round 1[]
- Chaser Resila: Pichu, Pichu, Smoochum, Teddiursa
- Sailor Monar: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
- Chaser Rafert: Poochyena, Duskull, Ralts, Taillow
- Chaser Jupex: Plusle, Minun, Snubbull
The reward for completing this round is TM31 Brick Break.
Round 2[]
- Hunter Haxer: Ledyba, Mareep, Wooper
- Chaser Mestil: Cleffa, Pichu, Smoochum, Togepi
- Chaser Novil: Lotad, Seedot, Castform
- Researcher Orill: Makuhita, Meditite, Magnemite
The reward for completing this round is TM12 Taunt.
Round 3[]
- Hunter Nostal: Wingull, Rhyhorn, Roselia
- Chaser Ostix: Sentret, Skitty, Smeargle
- Chaser Tarbil: Spoink, Trapinch, Spinda
- Sailor Tebu: Stantler, Snubbull, Hitmontop
The reward for completing this round is TM41 Torment.
Round 4[]
- Chaser Sellis: Taillow, Swablu, Xatu, Torchic
- Sailor Mifis: Jigglypuff, Spheal, Marill
- Hunter Tiruk: Gulpin, Doduo, Aipom, Corsola
- Researcher Foss: Bagon, Carvanha, Larvitar
The reward for completing this round is TM05 Roar.
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