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Pokémon Wiki

Psychic is a Trainer class consisting of young men and women who control Poké Balls using Psychic powers. They specialize in the use of Psychic-type Pokémon.


RB Battle Sprite

GSC Battle Sprite

RSE Male Battle Sprite

RSE Female Battle Sprite

FRLG Male Battle Sprite
Psychic RB

Psychic (Trainer class) II

Psychic Male III

Psychic Female III

Psychic Male FRLG

FRLG Female Battle Sprite

DPPt/HGSS Male Battle Sprite

DPPt/HGSS Female Battle Sprite

BW Male Battle Sprite

BW Female Battle Sprite
Psychic Female FRLG

Psychic Male HGSS

Psychic Female HGSS

Psychic Male BW

Psychic Female BW


  • According to Sabrina, all humans have psychic ability but are unaware of it.
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