The Pokéwalker is a device that was released with Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version. This pedometer based virtual pet allows the player to take any one Pokémon that they have captured in the game and download it onto the Pokéwalker from their in-game storage PC. Players can also get Pokémon and items that can be transferred and used in their game.
To access the Pokéwalker, the player must have at least one Pokémon in a PC Box and select the CONNECT TO Pokéwalker option from the start menu. From there, the player must select a Pokémon from their PC Boxes and select a path. Once the transfer is completed, they will be able to walk around with the Pokémon that they downloaded onto the Pokéwalker.
Every time the built in pedometer device records 10 steps taken by the player, they receive a Watt (W). Watts are a type of currency that can be used to play minigames and unlock new routes in the Pokéwalker. Every time a Pokémon is transferred into the Pokéwalker after a long walk, it gains one level. Its happiness increases as you walk with it as well.
To use the PokéRadar a player is charged 10 Watts. Once PokéRadar mode is selected 4 patches of grass are shown on screen. One patch of grass is then highlighted at random with an exclamation point. The number of exclamation points range from 1-3 and the aim is to select a higher number of exclamation points. Once selected, a battle will commence or another highlighted section of grass may show up with a higher number of exclamation points. In battle if the player is defeated or defeats the enemy Pokémon without capture, the game will end. Both Pokémon will have only 4 HP, and the player is given three options: Attack, Evade, and Catch which effect the game as follows.
- Attack means that the players Pokémon does 1 HP damage to their enemy. Critical hits can occur at random, resulting in 2 HP damage.
- Evade is a preemptive dodge of an enemies attack and can be used by either side. If the player uses evade it can heighten the risk of a wild Pokémon running away.
- Catch allows the player to throw a Poké Ball at the Pokémon, which will either capture it or cause it to run away. Pokémon with lower health are easier to catch.
Dowsing Machine[]
To use the Dowsing Machine a player is charged 3 Watts. The player is shown six patches of grass and has two guesses to find an item hidden in one of them. if the player is unsuccessful, the game will end. If the player is one patch away from finding the item the Dowsing Machine will show a message saying "It's near". if the item is farther than one patch away a message will appear on screen saying "It's far away".
Routes are earned when a player meets certain criteria such as gaining a certain number of watts. In every route, when a player chooses the PokeRadar or Dowsing Machine, they have a chance to fight or find one of six Pokémon or 10 specific items associated with that route.
Refreshing Field (Already unlocked)[]
Here a player can find:
- Doduo (F-8) - Kangaskhan (F-8) - Nidoran (F-5) - Nidoran (M-5) - Pidgey (M-5) - Sentret (F-5).
- Revive - Full Heal - Burn Heal - Ice Heal - Chesto Berry - Awakening - Cheri Berry - Parlyz Heal - Oran Berry - Potion.
Noisy Forest (Already unlocked)[]
Here a player can find:
- Bellsprout (F-8) - Wobbuffet (F-15) - Paras (F-5) - Venonat (M-5) - Spearow (M-5) - Oddish (F-5).
- Net Ball - Revive - Green Shard - Ether - Energy Root - EnergyPowder - Big Mushroom - Pecha Berry - TinyMushroom - Cheri Berry.
Rugged Road[]
Here a player can find:
- Onix (M-9) - Magby (M-9) - Machop (F-7) - Ponyta (F-7) - Geodude (F-8) - Hoothoot (F-6)
- PP Up - Hard Stone - Red Shard - Star Piece - Full Heal - Super Repel - Burn Heal - Antidote - Escape Rope - Repel
Beautiful Beach[]
Here a player can find:
- Psyduck (F-10) - Staryu (n/a-10) - Poliwag (M-7) - Slowpoke (M-7) - Sunkern (F-8) - Wooper (M-6)
- Dive Ball - Big Pearl - Blue Shard - Heart Scale - Leppa Berry - Full Heal - Aspear Berry - Soda Pop - Rawst Berry - Fresh Water
Suburban Area[]
Here a player can find:
- Magnemite (n/a-11) - Elekid (M-11) - Magnemite (n/a-80) - Murkrow (F-11) - Rattata (F-7) - Hoothoot (F-7)
- PP Up - Guard Spec. - X Sp. Def - X Special - Dire Hit - X Accuracy - X Speed - X Defend - X Attack - Potion
Dim Cave[]
Here a player can find:
- Gastly (F-15) - Smoochum (F-12) - Gastly (F-10) - Onix (M-10) - Zubat (F-8) - Machop (F-8)
- TM18 (Rain Dance) - Silver Powder - Yellow Shard - Elixir - Persim Berry - Max Potion - Max Ether - Hyper Potion - Ether - Sitrus Berry
Blue Lake[]
Here a player can find:
- Poliwag (F-15) - Dratini (F-10) - Shellder (F-12) - Krabby (M-12) - Tentacool (F-9) - Goldeen (F-9)
- TM11 (Sunny Day) - Net Ball - Dive Ball - Lum Berry - Star Piece - Stardust - Sitrus Berry - Pearl - Leppa Berry - Fresh Water
Town Outskirts[]
Here a player can find:
- Abra (F-15) - Voltorb (n/a-15) - Grimer (M-13) - Koffing (F-13) - Rattata (F-16) - Furret (M-15)
- TM37 (Sandstorm) - Guard Spec. - X Sp. Def - Ultra Ball - Lum Berry - X Attack - Great Ball - X Accuracy - Dire Hit - Poké Ball
Hoenn Field (all of the following routes can only be obtained after a player has earned the National Pokédex unless otherwise noted)[]
Here a player can find:
- Linoone (F-30) - Skitty (F-30) - Volbeat (M-25) - Illumise (F-25) - Zigzagoon (F-17) - Wurmple (F-15)
- Ganlon Berry - Wacan Berry - Passho Berry - Occa Berry - Qualot Berry - Kelpsy Berry - Pomeg Berry - Nanab Berry - Bluk Berry - Razz Berry
Warm Beach[]
Here a player can find:
- Azurill (F20) - Wailmer (F-31) - Horsea (F-20) - Carvanha (F-26) - Goldeen (F-22) - Magikarp (F-15)
- Liechi Berry - Fire Stone - Yellow Shard - Blue Shard - Heart Scale - Big Pearl - Revive - Pearl - Wepear Berry - Fresh Water
Volcano Path[]
Here a player can find:
- Slugma (F-31) - Meditite (M-32) - Rhyhorn (M-20) - Houndour (M-26) - Geodude (M-29) - Ponyta (F-19)
- Apicot Berry - Sun Stone - Moonstone - Flame Orb - Lava Cookie - Revive - Pinap Berry - Red Shard - Ice Heal - Potion
Here a player can find:
- Castform (F-30) - Kecleon (M-30) - Girafarig (F-28) - Stantler (F-28) - Gloom (F-14) - Weepinbell (M-13)
- Salac Berry - Calcium - Max Elixir - Max Potion - Max Ether - Ether - Revival Herb - Heal Powder - Energy Root - EnergyPowder
Scary Cave[]
Here a player can find:
- Marowak (F-30) - Tauros (M-30) - Golbat (M-33) - Natu (F-24) - Machop (M-13) - Gastly (F-15)
- Petaya Berry - Iron - Thick Club - Dusk Ball - Blue Shard - Old Gateau - Green Shard - Yellow Shard - Red Shard - Repel
Sinnoh Field[]
Here a player can find:
- Combee (M-30) - Mime Jr. (F-29) - Shinx (F-33) - Budew (M-30) - Bidoof (F-13) - Kricketot (M-15)
- Rare Candy - Full Restore - Max Potion - Repeat Ball - Timer Ball - Revive - Hyper Potion - Full Heal - Nest Ball - Super Potion
Icy Mountain Rd.[]
Here a player can find:
- Snorunt (F-28) - Snover (M-31) - Sneasel (M-28) - Bronzor (n/a-20) - Mareep (F-15) - Swinub (F-16)
- TM07 (Hail) - Yache Berry - Rindo Berry - Icy Rock - Smooth Rock - Heat Rock - Damp Rock - Max Repel - Full Heal - X Defend
Big Forest[]
Here a player can find:
- Tropius (F-35) - Bonsly (M-30) - Tangela (F-30) - Bibarel (F-30) - Exeggcute (F-17) - Mareep (M-19)
- Hondew Berry - Qualot Berry - Bluk Berry - Durin Berry - Big Mushroom - Belue Berry - Honey - Tamato Berry - Grepa Berry - TinyMushroom
White Lake[]
Here a player can find:
- Misdreavus (F-32) - Chingling (F-31) - Haunter (M-25) - Buizel (M-28) - Chinchou (F-17) - Remoraid (F-19)
- TM68 (Giga Impact) - Kebia Berry - Chople Berry - Watmel Berry - Pamtre Berry - Spelon Berry - Nomel Berry - Rabuta Berry - Magost Berry - Cornn Berry
Stormy Beach[]
Here a player can find:
- Shellos (F-30) - Finneon (F-26) - Seel (F-27) - Magikarp (F-30) - Psyduck (F-22) - Shellder (M-30)
- PP Up - Payapa Berry - Coba Berry - Shuca Berry - Tanga Berry - Charti Berry - Heal Ball - Quick Ball - Heart Scale - Fresh Water
Here a player can find:
- Pikachu (F-30) - Pachirisu (F-33) - Clefairy (F-31) - Jigglypuff (F-30) - Marill (F-25) - Hoppip (F-25)
- Luxury Ball - Poké Doll - Fluffy Tail - Moomoo Milk - Honey - Soda Pop - Max Repel - Lemonade - Green Shard - Fresh Water
Quiet Cave[]
Here a player can find:
- Spiritomb (M-31) - Munchlax (M-33) - Feebas (M-30) - Chingling (F-26) - Golbat (M-33) - Noctowl (F-30)
- TM15 (Hyper Beam) - Nugget - TM10 (Hidden Power) - Max Elixir - Big Pearl - Heart Scale - Dusk Ball - Stardust - Pearl - Elixir
Beyond the Sea (Obtained through a Pokémon trade in the Global Trade Station)[]
Here a player can find:
- Staryu (n/a-14) - Octillery (F-19) - Horsea (M-15) - Corsola (F-16) - Chinchou (F-12) - Remoraid (M-14)
- Chilan Berry - Babiri Berry - Colbur Berry - Haban Berry - Kasib Berry - Kelpsy Berry - Pamtre Berry - Spelon Berry - Pomeg Berry - Stardust
Night Sky's Edge (Obtained from a special event Jirachi)[]
Here a player can find:
- Clefairy (M-8) - Jigglypuff (M-10) - Zubat (M-9) - Hoothoot (F-6) - Geodude (M-5) - Onix (F-5)
- TM29 (Psychic) - Moonstone - Rare Bone - Star Piece - Green Shard - Yellow Shard - Red Shard - Blue Shard - Pearl - Stardust
Yellow Forest (Obtained through an event)[]
Here a player can find:
- Pikachu (M-15) - Pikachu (F-14) - Pikachu (M-13) - Pikachu (F-12) - Pikachu (M-10) - Pikachu (F-10)
- Light Ball - Thunder Stone - Miracle Seed - Big Root - Aspear Berry - Rawst Berry - Pecha Berry - Chesto Berry - Cheri Berry - Big Mushroom
Rally (Obtained through an event)[]
Here a player can find:
- Chatot (M-15) - Sableye (F-15) - Pikachu (F-10) - Croagunk (M-10) - Buneary (F-5) - Pachirisu (M-5)
- Yellow Flute - Max Repel - Elixir - Pearl - Max Repel - Super Potion - Escape Rope - Paralyz Heal - Oran Berry - Potion
Sightseeing (Obtained through an event)[]
Here a player can find:
- Eevee (M-10) - Torchic (M-10) - Poliwhirl (F-15) - Pelipper (M-15) - Pikachu (F-8) - Meowth (M-10)
- Rare Candy - Old Gateau - Energy Root - EnergyPowder - Moomoo Milk - Fresh Water - Soda Pop - Lemonade - Lava Cookie - Honey
Winner's Path (Obtained through an event)[]
Here a player can find:
- Beldum (n/a-5) - Munchlax (M-5) - Horsea (M-5) - Duskull (M-5) - Magikarp (M-5) - Bronzor (n/a-5)
- Focus Sash - Choice Scarf - Choice Band - Choice Specs - Power Herb - White Herb - Sitrus Berry - Lum Berry - Persim Berry - Chesto Berry
Amity Meadow (Obtained through an event)[]
Here a player can find:
- Elekid (M-5) - Magby (M-5) - Smoochum (F-5) - Happiny (F-5) - Cleffa (F-5) - Igglybuff (M-5)
- Electirizer - Magmarizer - Sun Stone - Moonstone - Oval Stone - Star Piece - Moomoo Milk - Lemonade - Soda Pop - Fresh Water
- The Pokéwalker is often compared to the Pokémon Pikachu pedometer series.
- Alternate versions of all Pokémon are shown on the Pokéwalker including Giratina's origin form and the Notch Eared Pichu. Shaymin's sky form is the only alternate form that's omitted because of the requirements for its activation.
- The Pokéwalker comes with two backings, with one being a belt clip and the other as just a plain backing with copyright information.
- The Pokéwalker works very similarly to the Poké Ball Plus, which came out in 2017 for the Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee games.