Pokérap GS is the rap made for Johto Pokémon. It included 99 Pokémon of Johto while missing Celebi.
♪ P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon!
Sunflora, Igglybuff, Piloswine, Slugma, Crobat, Politoed, Noctowl, Houndour, Heracross, Natu, Tyrogue, Ariados, Lugia, Steelix, Phanpy, Ampharos
P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon!
Sudowoodo, Corsola, Teddiursa, Sneasel, Forretress, Mantine, Pichu, Larvitar, Hoothoot, Miltank, Totodile, Gligar, Lanturn, Skarmory, Spinarak, Tyranitar
Chikorita, Dunsparce, Aipom, Pupitar, Porygon2, Cyndaquil, Elekid, Raikou, Wobbuffet, Typhlosion, Granbull, (Pokémon!) Stantler, Espeon, Ledyba, Togepi
I turn to you whenever I need you - You've got the power to protect us all. One thing is true: you're kind of magic At the tip of my fingers whenever I call.
Gotta catch 'em, Gotta catch 'em, Gotta Catch 'em All! Pokémon!
P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon!
Qwilfish, Ho-Oh, Azumarill, Croconaw, Snubbull, Ursaring, Yanma, Smoochum, Slowking, Blissey, Scizor, Donphan, Houndoom, Octillery, Wooper, Mareep, Hitmontop, Marill, Umbreon, Bayleef
P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon!
Sunkern, Ledian, Girafarig, Murkrow, Remoraid, Jumpluff, Quilava, Smeargle Swinub, Magcargo, Furret, Bellossom Flaaffy, Entei, Meganium, Magby
Xatu, Misdreavus, Togetic, Shuckle, Quagsire, Pineco, Chinchou, Feraligatr, Hoppip, Kingdra, Unown, Cleffa, Suicune, Delibird, Sentret, Skiploom
Gotta catch 'em, Gotta catch 'em, Gotta catch 'em all Pokémon!
Gotta catch 'em, Gotta catch 'em, Gotta catch 'em all! Sing it!
P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! P-O-K-É-M-O-N! Pokémon! ♪