Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team is a manga by Makoto Mizobuchi, based off Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. The series consists of one volume, containing six chapters.
A Chimchar named Honō wakes up on a beach and is found by the cowardly Totodile, who failed to join the local Wigglytuff Guild. Totodile's treasure gets stolen, so Honō joins Totodile to retrieve it and soon they join the Wigglytuff Guild. Soon enough, they are sent on a mission to stop Grovyle, who is stealing the Time Gears, which leave an area, where time does not flow. After capturing Grovyle, Honō and Totodile are being pushed by a Dusknoir, into the dark future. Chimchar, Totodile and Grovyle the thief have to work together to stop the dark future, created by Dialga, but have to be alert on its servant, Dusknoir, who will not let them change the history.
- Chimchar
- Totodile
- Grovyle
- Dusknoir
- Sableye
- Dialga
- Celebi
- Lapras
- Torkoal
- Wigglytuff
- Chatot
- Bidoof
- Loudred
- Spiritomb
- Koffing
- Ekans
- Azelf
- Mesprit
- Uxie
№ | Code | English | Japanese | Image |
001 | BET001 | The Birth of Team Flame! | 誕生!炎の探検隊! Tanjou! Honou no Tanken-tai! (Birth! Blazing Exploration Team!!) | |
002 | BET002 | Take Back the Time Gears!! | 時の歯車をとりもどせ!! Toki no Haguruma o Torimodose!! (Take Back the Time Gears!!) | |
003 | BET003 | The Shocking Dark Future! | 衝撃!暗黒の未来 Shougeki! Ankoku no Mirai (The Shocking Dark Future!) | |
004 | BET004 | Partners Reunited Once More | 再びめぐりあった相棒 Futatabi Meguriatta Aibou (Partners Reunited Once More) | |
005 | BET005 | Aim for the Hidden Land | 目指せ!幻の大地!! Mesase! Maboroshi no Daichi!! (Aim for the Phantom Land!) | |
006 | BET006 | The Final Battle for the Fate of the World!! | 世界をかけた最後の戦い!! Sekai o Kaketa Saigo no Tatakai!! (The Final Battle for the Fate of the World!!) |