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Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!: Volume 8 is the 8th and final volume of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!.


Pokémon Showdown!

If Hareta and his new rival Koya can't agree on how to rescue Cyrus and a group of mind-controlled Pokémon, they might never get saved! Then Koya is attacked by a long-lost Pokémon friend… And when Hareta finally gets his chance to battle the legendary Pokémon Giratina, two unexpected allies arrive to fight by our hero's side![3]

The Story So Far[]

Hareta and his friends are in search of the Legendary Pokémon Giratina. They hope to find Hareta's father, Kaisei, with the rare Pokémon. During their journey, they find out that Neo-Team Galactic intends to capture Giratina. To stop the team's new leader, Charon, our friends head for Team Galactic's headquarters. There they discover that Charon is turning Pokémon into "living weapons"! Hareta is furious and confronts Charon…[5]

Message from Shigekatsu Ihara[]

The battle reaches its climax!

The action moves from Team Galactic headquarters to the Distortion World, where Hareta finally meets the Legendary Pokémon Giratina. The time for the ultimate showdown has arrived!

Plus, this volume has another special bonus episode.

I enjoyed this series all the way to the end… I hope you did too![5]


Info below, bar "Supporting", is retrieved from Internet Archive.[5]


  • Hareta - A wild boy who has a special bond with Pokémon! He's more enthusiastic about Pokémon battles than any other Trainer!
  • Mitsumi - Hareta's traveling companion. She was the strongest member of Team Galactic—until she left it.
  • Koya - A mysterious young man with incredible Trainer skills. He is cold and calculating and always has a battle plan.
  • Kaisei - Hareta's long-lost father, who loves to travel the world.
  • Professor Rowan - The Pokémon Professor who raised Hareta.
  • Looker - An International Police detective committed to bringing Team Galactic to justice.
  • Jun - A true friend who always rushes to Hareta's aid.
  • Team Galactic (Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter) - An evil organization that seeks to exploit Pokémon.
  • Charon - The leader of Neo Team Galactic. He's searching for Giratina
  • Cyrus - Former leader who went missing after losing his position to Charon.




  • Minun - Hareta's new partner! Minun is a super cute Pokémon whose charm move is irresistible.




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Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!: Volume 8 chapter list
038DPA038The Birth of the Greatest Tag Team?! 最強(さいきょう)のコンビ誕生(たんじょう)!?
Saikyou no Konbi Tanjou!?
(The Ultimate Combination is Formed!? )
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039DPA039Koya's Sad Reunion コウヤ、 (かな)しき再会(さいかい)
Kouya, Kanashiki Saikai
(Koya's Sorrowful Reunion )
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040DPA040Enter the Distortion World! 突入(とつにゅう)! やぶれたせかい!!
Totsunyuu! Yaburetasekai!!
(Break in! The Distortion World!! )
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041DPA041Hareta's Fierce Battle! ハレタ、 (たましい)激突(げきとつ)!!
Hareta, Tamashii no Gekitotsu!
(Hareta's Clash of Souls!! )
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042DPA042Gathering of the Legendary Pokémon! 伝説(でんせつ)のポケモン集結(しゅうけつ)!!
Densetsu no Poketto Monsutaa Shyuuketsu!!
(The Legendary Pokémon Gather!! )
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043DPA043Hareta's Future ハレタの()かう(さき)
Hareta no Mukau Saki
(Hareta's Journey Continues )
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