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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki
Not to be confused with Pokémon Nursery, the successor featured in Generation VII and Generation VIII.

The Pokémon Day Care is a type of location introduced in Generation I.


The player can leave up to two Pokémon here under the care of the Day-Care Couple. Pokémon left here receive one experience point for each step taken by the player, leveling up automatically as it reaches the necessary experience points. Dropping a Pokémon off at a Pokémon Day Care is free, but the player is charged Poké Dollar100 to receive their Pokémon back, plus an additional Poké Dollar100 for each level the Pokémon has gained while at the Pokémon Day Care.

Prior to Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version, taking a Pokémon out of the Pokémon Day Care causes the Pokémon to lose any experience points it had gained at the current level from when it was withdrawn, leaving its experience bar, including if the Pokémon has not leveled up at the Day Care at all.

At a Pokémon Day Care, a Pokémon does not evolve, even if it is a species that evolves by level and has reached the required level. However, Pokémon do learn new moves in the Pokémon Day Care. When a Pokémon reaches the level at which it learns a certain move, it forgets the first move it knows and adding the new move at the very end, also making it possible for a Pokémon to forget a HM without having to go to the Move Deleter. In the Generation I and Generation II, the Day Care owner does not accept Pokémon that know a HM.

Since Generation II, the Pokémon Day Care is where Pokémon are raised, so by leaving two Pokémon of the same egg group and of a different gender there, or any Pokémon capable of breeding with a Ditto, the Pokémon is able to produce a Pokémon Egg.


Core series[]

Generation I[]

Pokémon Day Care interior RB screenshot

The player in the Pokémon Day Care in Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version

Pokémon Day Care Kanto interior FRLG screenshot

The player inside the Pokémon Day Care at Kanto in Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version

In Generation I and the remakes Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version and Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, the Pokémon Day Care is located at Route 5, but the player can drop off Pokémon.

In Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version, once the player has obtained the National Pokédex, they can visit the Pokémon Day Care on Four Island. The player can drop off two Pokémon here, making it the Pokémon Day Care for breeding.

Generation II[]

Route 34 - Day Care Center

The player outside the Pokémon Day Care in Johto

The Pokémon Day Care of Johto in Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version, Pokémon Crystal Version, and the remakes Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version is located at Route 34. In the original Generation II, the player can visit the outside area where the Pokémon is, but in the remakes, the area is to the right inside of the Pokémon Day Care.

The Pokémon Day Care of Kanto does not appear, and is replaced by a house where the player can obtain the Cleanse Tag.

Generation III[]

Pokémon Day Care interior E screenshot

The player inside of the Pokémon Day Care in Pokémon Emerald Version

Pokémon Day Care ORAS screenshot

The player inside of the Pokémon Day Care in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

The Pokémon Day Care of Hoenn in Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version, Pokémon Emerald Version, and the remakes Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire is located at Route 117. The remakes also add a second Day Care at the Battle Resort, east of the Pokémon Center.

Generation IV[]

Pokémon Day Care exterior DP screenshot

The player standing outside of the Pokémon Day Care in Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version

Day-Care Lady interior DP screenshot

The player speaking to the Day-Care Lady in Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version

The Pokémon Center of Sinnoh in Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version, Pokémon Platinum Version, and the remakes Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl is located in Solaceon Town. There is a corresponding Pokétch application titled the Day-Care Checker that allows the player to view the progress of their Pokémon. At the Day Care Center, Pokémon are taught moves by the Day Care Couple based on their level.

Generation V[]

Pokémon Day Care interior BW screenshot

The Pokémon Day Care of Unova in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version

Pokémon Day Care interior B2W2 screenshot

The redesigned Pokémon Day Care in Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2, featuring a more detailed interior design

The Pokémon Day Care of Unova in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version and Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 is located on Route 3, near Striaton City. Only one Pokémon can be left at the Pokémon Day Care, but after obtaining the Bicycle in Majolica City, it is possible to leave two Pokémon in the care of the Pokémon Daycare.

In Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2, the Pokémon Day Care is redesigned to be more detailed and has more objects. The location can only be accessed after completing the Pokémon League, since access to the Skyarrow Bridge is blocked in Castelia City.

Pokémon X and Pokémon Y[]

The Pokémon Day Care of Kalos in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y is located on Route 7, near Camphrier Town. It becomes accessible after awakening the Snorlax who blocks the route.


The Pokémon Day Care of Orre in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness is located in Agate Village. Like the Pokémon Day Care in Kanto, only one Pokémon can be dropped off, so it is not possible to do breeding here.

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness only, the Pokémon Day Care remains closed until the owner's granddaughter is rescued, since she runs the location. The Day Care is also used to help purify the Shadow Pokémon.


Pokémon the Series features several Pokémon Day Cares. Similar to the core series, Pokémon can are left under their care temporarily, but most of the Pokémon Day Cares are specialized with Pokémon Eggs.

Pokémon the Series: Gold and Silver[]

During Ash's journey, the first Pokémon Day Care he encounters is in Eggseter within "Extreme Pokémon!". There are several Pokémon Day Cares, one of which is run by Mr. Shellby and Mrs. Shellby. Every Pokémon Day Care in the episode looks after Pokémon Eggs and the baby Pokémon that hatch from them. The winner of the annual Extreme Pokémon Race receives an egg at the Pokémon Day Care as a prize. Ash ended up winning the competition and received an egg that later hatched a Phanpy.

Some of the Pokémon Day Cares have fenced-in meadows where the eggs are kept and cared for. The Shellbys also have a shelf where the eggs lie on a nest-like surface. There are also large baskets that can be used to transport and store several eggs. The eggs are regularly wiped clean and stroked.

Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire[]

Ash visits a Pokémon Day Care within a marshland, near Dewford Town, in "A Mudkip Mission!" that is run by Old Man Swamp, whose specialty is to breed Mudkips. The location receives their eggs from the Pokémon League to hatch them there and later make them available to give to new Pokémon Trainers as first partner Pokémon. Brock gets his Mudkip at the day care.

There is a Pokémon Day Care in the Kanto region, near Saffron City, that appears in "May's Egg-cellent Adventure". It is run by Nicolette and her parents and is a lot more modern in design than the Pokémon Day Cares in Eggester. The Pokémon Day Care here features large storage rooms with shelves full of eggs, as well as teleportation devices with which the eggs can be sent to and from the location. The Pokémon Day Care is where May received an egg, which would later hatch an Eevee.

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl[]

In "If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!", there is a Pokémon Day Care run by Angie's mother and father. It is near Solaceon Town, so it is the show's counterpart of the same location in the Generation IV games.

Pokémon the Series: Black & White[]

There are several Pokémon Day Cares in the Unova region.

The first Pokémon Day Care appears in "Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!". It is located near Nacrene City. The Pokémon Day Care owned by Karena, and it is where Ash receives an egg that which a Scraggy would later hatch.

The second Pokémon Day Care appears in "The Lonely Deino!". It is located near Driftveil City, and the location is run by Bobby.

The third Pokémon Day Care appears in "Unrest at the Nursery!". It is located near Humilau City and is run by Layla and a principal. The location also features a large playground for the Pokémon.


Pokémon Adventures[]

Gold & Silver Chapter[]

The first Pokémon Day Care in Pokémon Adventures appears in "Gligar Glide". Gold is taken to the location by the Day-Care Lady. Besides the main building, there is a garden where the Pokémon that inhabit the location can play. In addition to the living and sleeping areas, the boarding house also has a library belonging to the Day-Care Lady and a training room. An egg produced by Jasmine's two Togetics was found and kept by Gold, and it would later hatch a Togepi.

The following chapter, "Quilava Quandary", the manager uses the training room to train Gold and his Pokémon. As a result of the training, Gold's Cyndaquil, Exbo, evolves into Quilava. The Day-Care Lady gives Gold a King's Rock as a reward for his training. She is worried about Jasmine and asks Gold to check on her in Ecruteak City, since an earthquake had occurred there and Jasmine had to travel through the city to access the Pokémon Day Care.

Crystal Chapter[]

In "Popular Pupitar", Yellow and Wilton had been brought to the Pokémon Day Care, near Route 34, to recover after they had been attacked by Lugia at the Whirl Islands. Yellow wakes up by the end of the chapter.

In the next chapter, "Playful Porygon2", Yellow notices that her two Pikachus, Chuchu and Pika, have produced an egg together. Wilton only wakes up when he is kicked by the Day-Care Lady.

In "The Last Battle VII", some Team Rocket Grunts appear at the Pokémon Day Care because they want to steal the Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing from Yellow's hat, but Yellow sends her Pokémon to distract them, while the others in the Pokémon Day Care are able to escape. After Yellow ensures the others' safety, she also flees in the direction of Ilex Forest.

The Day-Care Couple continues to run the Pokémon Day Care after the Masked Man's defeat in "The Last Battle XIV", now with the assistance of Wilton.
