Overall № | Ep. Code | Title(s) | Airdates(s) | Image(s) |
1234 | PJ137 | - "The Road Most Traveled!"
- はじまりのかぜ! むげんのみち!!
- Hajimari no Kaze! Owari no Nai Michi!!
- (Winds of Beginning! The Eon Road!!)
| : January 13, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Ash and Pikachu are on their own, visiting new places and meeting different Pokémon, and their discoveries have them bursting with excitement! Professor Oak and Delia approve, too. The Professor previously loved to wander and discover new things, and Delia is excited about her son's goal to make more Pokémon friends. While Team Rocket plots to steal Pikachu, Ash comes across the Legendary Pokémon Latias, and it's injured! Our hero administers first aid, but Latias remains wary. The next day, Team Rocket targets Latias, but Ash and Pikachu put an end to their plan, and the trio blasts off. As Latias departs, Ash wonders if he'll ever see it again… |
1235 | PJ138 | - "A Fated Face-Off!"
- サトシVSカスミ! うみべのいっきうち!!
- Satoshi VS Kasumi! Umibe no Ikki-uchi!!
- (Satoshi VS Kasumi! Seaside Combat!!)
| : January 20, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Ash and Pikachu continue their journey with a trip to an ocean beach. Pikachu fishes up a Clauncher with its tail, and Ash becomes determined to catch it—but someone else wants it, too! Misty appears and explains that she's been after the Clauncher for a while, so the two Trainers decide to battle for the chance to catch it. Unfortunately, Team Rocket is ravenous and sees Clauncher's claw as a potential meal, but Corphish and Clauncher work together to send them blasting off. Then, Ash and Misty finally battle, and Misty wins! Clauncher joins her team, and soon after, Misty rejoins Ash's traveling party, too! |
1236 | PJ139 | | : January 27, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Ash and Misty stop at a restaurant where they're surprised to learn Brock is the chef! He's helping out a woman who works there, but when he finds out she's engaged to someone else, his mood turns sour. Outside, the group runs into Cilan, and they all take Brock to a flower field to cheer him up. Brock suddenly runs into the woods, so our heroes ask a Hatenna for help. It turns out a Hatterene is trying to trap Brock in the forest so it can feed on his negative emotions. A confrontation ensues, but when Hatterene sees Ash and Brock helping Hatenna, it has a change of heart! |
1237 | PJ140 | | : February 3, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Our heroes are on a mountain hoping to see Magikarp jumping up a waterfall, but they find the water has been frozen over! It turns out a wild Beartic is responsible—it's been having trouble using its Ice-type powers, and it accidentally freezes its surroundings when it gets startled. After seeing the sadness in Beartic's eyes, Ash becomes determined to help with some special training. Beartic becomes frustrated, but when it and Ash fall into a crevasse in the ice, it learns to control its power to return them to safety. Ash declares Beartic an Ice Master, and all the Pokémon who live on the mountain are happy again! |
1238 | PJ141 | | : February 10, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Continuing their journey, our heroes come across an ad for a Squirtle Firefighting Squad Show. Ash recognizes his Squirtle, the squad's leader, so he brings out Bulbasaur and Charizard to see their friend. Everyone is excited for the show, and Squirtle is overjoyed when it sees Ash in the audience. But Team Rocket's actions cause a misunderstanding, and Squirtle is upset when it meets up with Ash and friends. Just when it looks like the friendship is over, a fire breaks out, and our heroes join forces with Squirtle to put out the blaze. Friends again, Ash and Squirtle share a hug before the squad heads to the next town! |
1239 | PJ142 | | : February 17, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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What starts as a nap for our heroes ends up going horribly wrong when Team Rocket fires a net at Ash and Pikachu! Ash manages to send Team Rocket blasting off, but Pikachu is sent along with them! Pikachu and Meowth then find themselves in a dangerous situation and must team up in the search for their friends. Meanwhile, Ash, Misty, and Brock must deal with a flock of Spearow, a clutch of Venipede, and Ash's sadness over his missing partner. Jessie and James feel the same way about being apart from Meowth—but luckily Ash is reunited with Pikachu, and Meowth is picked up by the Team Rocket balloon shortly after! |
1240 | PJ143 | | : February 24, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Ash, Pikachu, Misty, and Brock are watching Wailmer when they see a Lapras speeding toward them from across the sea. It's Ash's friend Lapras from his journey in the Orange Islands! Lapras leads them to a cavernous island where a Wailmer is stuck in a hole. Our heroes free Wailmer, but it's so happy that it bounces back into a hole and evolves into Wailord. Now it's really stuck! With Team Rocket's help, everyone gets Wailord out, but Ash becomes trapped inside a cave. The water is rising, but Lapras and Wailord make an escape tunnel. Grateful, Ash once again says farewell to Lapras as it returns to its group. |
1241 | PJ144 | | : March 3, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Ash, Misty, and Brock are enjoying the sights in a town when the calm is interrupted by a scream! The cause? A Banette who seems determined to steal as many heart-shaped items as possible, including Misty's new hair tie. After some investigation, our heroes discover the Banette used to be a plush doll with a heart-shaped hair tie, and now it wants to find the little girl who accidentally left it behind. With an old photo as a clue, Brock realizes something—the little girl grew up to become the town's Nurse Joy! Banette and Nurse Joy have a tearful reunion, and they vow to stay together going forward. |
1242 | PJ145 | - "Rocket Revengers!"
- 逆襲のロケット団!
- Gyakushyuu no Rocket-dan!
- (Team Rocket Strikes Back!)
| : March 10, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet get a big surprise when Delibird arrives from Team Rocket Headquarters to deliver their Pokémon friends! After a sweet reunion, they devise a clever plot to steal Pikachu. Pretending to flee from Team Rocket, James's Mime Jr. deceives Ash, Misty, and Brock, but Pikachu remains skeptical. Team Rocket's other Pokémon manage to split up our heroes, leaving Pikachu alone, but Ash and friends arrive just in time—and so does Latias! It helps defeat Team Rocket, then shows our heroes a vision of a Latios in danger. Meanwhile, Team Rocket's Pokémon start to panic as an angry Jessie, James, and Meowth part ways… |
1243 | PJ146 | | : March 17, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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After Latias shows our heroes a mysterious vision of Latios in trouble, Ash and his friends decide to help. They discover that Latios is attempting to flee a Pokémon hunter! Latias starts to panic when its sight sharing power loses contact with Latios, but Brock and Ash convince it to settle down for the night. In the morning, the group follows Latias to a cave where Latios is hiding. Latios is distrustful of humans, but before Ash can convince it of his goodwill, the hunter appears! Despite a fierce battle, Latias is captured. Now Latios must work together with Ash to save Latias and bring the hunter to justice. |
1244 | PJ147 | | : March 24, 2023 : September 8, 2023
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The time has come for Ash, Misty, and Brock to part ways and head home. In Pallet Town, Ash eagerly tells Delia about his adventures and then helps find a wayward Charmander. During the search, he encounters Gary, who asks Ash if he's closer to becoming a Pokémon Master. Later, in Viridian Forest, a regrouped Team Rocket attacks, but their strategy is unexpectedly thwarted by Ash's Pidgeot! Team Rocket blasts off, and Pidgeot rejoins Ash's team. Then, Ash thinks about Gary's question and realizes that he still hasn't achieved his goal. Vowing to become a Pokémon Master someday, he sets off on a new journey with Pikachu by his side. |