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Pokémon: Advanced Challenge is the seventh season of Pokémon the Series, and the second season of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire. It features 52 episodes of Ash Ketchum and his friends May, Max and Brock's adventure through Hoenn from Mauville City to Lilycove City.


A shadow hovers over Ash, May, and friends as they continue their journey through the Hoenn region, and it's not just that of Mt. Chimney—both Team Magma and Team Aqua put plans into action with our heroes caught in the middle! When not foiling evil schemes, Ash and May chase their personal goals, with Ash battling for three more Gym Badges and May winning her first three Contest Ribbons. The group also gains new Pokémon like Torkoal and Bulbasaur, but could they be too much to handle?[1]

Major characters[]







Team Rocket's[]


Pokémon: Advanced Challenge list
Overall №Ep. CodeTitle(s)Airdates(s)Image(s)
  • Flag of Japan: September 4, 2003
  • Flag of United States: September 11, 2004
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Ash and friends are leaving Mauville City, but Ash wants to go to the Pokémon Gym in Lavaridge Town while May wants to compete in a Pokémon Contest at Fallarbor Town. Max discovers the two towns are close to each other, so they decide on Fallarbor Town first.
  • Flag of Japan: September 11, 2003
  • Flag of United States: October 16, 2004
Ash and friends are still on their way to Fallarbor Town and stop by Lake May for a rest, where they spot an Illumise and some Volbeat practicing for the May Festival. The Volbeat Trainer, Romeo, is a big klutz, and he causes an accident that sends all of the Pokémon crashing into the water. Ash and Brock send out their Water-type Pokémon to save them.
  • Flag of Japan: September 18, 2003
  • Flag of United States: September 18, 2004
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Ash and friends are headed to Fallarbor Town when they are nearly hit by a Bagon jumping off a cliff. Ash sends out Taillow to attack the Bagon, but a girl named Michelle leaps out to accuse them of launching a sneak attack. After learning Bagon was at fault, Michelle apologizes and explains that her Bagon is trying to learn how to fly.
  • Flag of Japan: September 25, 2003
  • Flag of United States: September 25, 2004
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Ash and friends welcome an old friend—Misty! She's received an invitation to a Togepi Festival, and is soon greeted by Team Rocket disguised as the operating committee for the festival. They escort Misty and Togepi inside a large building, which turns out to be a concealed zeppelin. Ash and friends climb aboard before takeoff, and the aircraft makes its way to the Mirage Kingdom.
  • Flag of Japan: October 2, 2003
  • Flag of United States: October 2, 2004
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Shedinja attacks Misty and friends, but they are protected by Togepi using Safeguard. Everyone is then transported into the Togepi Paradise, located inside the mirage floating above the temple. There they find a group of sick Togepi. It is explained that Togepi are only well based on the emotions of those around them, and the evil plotting of Colonel Hansen is making them sick.
  • Flag of Japan: October 9, 2003
  • Flag of United States: October 9, 2004
Ash and his friends are walking through the desert when they pass out because of the heat. They are rescued by the Winstrate Family, who in return for the hospitality offered, want to have a Pokémon battle between the four Winstrates and all four of the kids.
  • Flag of Japan: October 16, 2003
  • Flag of United States: October 23, 2004
May is practicing for her next Pokémon Contest, when Torchic finds a Skitty in the bushes. May wants to catch it, but it's too sick to battle. Brock leads the group to the Greenhouse, where Skitty can be healed using Aromatherapy.
  • Flag of Japan: October 23, 2003
  • Flag of United States: October 23, 2004
Ash and friends are traveling when a Zangoose runs up in front of them. It is followed by its Trainer, their old friend Nicolai. Ash challenges Nicolai to a Pokémon battle.
  • "Maxxed Out!"
  • マサトとマサト!アメタマを守れ!
  • Flag of Japan: October 30, 2003
  • Flag of United States: October 30, 2004
Ash and friends stop at a Pokémon Center where May's Skitty pops out of its Poké Ball and causes trouble. A kid that looks a lot like comes up to yell at them—and his name is also Max! The two Maxes get into a fight.
  • Flag of Japan: November 6, 2003
  • Flag of United States: October 30, 2004
May and friends finally arrive in Fallarbor Town, ready for the next Pokémon Contest. There are already a lot of coordinators there, including one named Grace with a Medicham. Grace already has 3 ribbons, and shows off her Medicham's special combo.
  • "Come What May!"
  • VSチャーレム!コンテストバトル!!
  • Flag of Japan: November 13, 2003
  • Flag of United States: November 6, 2004
May is competing in her second Pokémon Contest and manages to make it to the next round along with Drew, Grace, and a disguised Jessie. Jessie has attached a device to her Dustox that produces beautiful rainbows when it performs an attack, making the attack even more beautiful.
  • Flag of Japan: November 20, 2003
  • Flag of United States: November 6, 2004
Ash meets an old friend: Thatcher from Mt. Lighthouse! He's a member of a pep squad school that cheers at Pokémon battles, led by a man named Sheridan.
  • Flag of Japan: November 27, 2003
  • Flag of United States: November 13, 2004
Ash and friends are fleeing a group of rampaging Slugma along the Fiery Path, when they escape down a hill and end up on a Numel ranch. They are greeted by the owner Julie and her Furret.
  • Flag of Japan: December 4, 2003
  • Flag of United States: November 13, 2004
The gang rushes to the cable car headed up Mt. Chimney, boarding it just in time along with a disguised Team Rocket. As the car travels upward, they spy both a red helicopter and a gray helicopter.
  • "Poetry Commotion!"
  • 新人ジムリーダー・アスナ!穴だらけのバトルフィールド!?
  • Flag of Japan: December 11, 2003
  • Flag of United States: November 20, 2004
Ash and friends arrive in Lavaridge Town. Ash heads straight for the Gym, where the Gym Leader Flannery is running around on fire. Brock uses Mudkip to douse the flames, and everyone goes inside for the Gym battle. The battlefield is a mess, so they need to clean up first.
  • Flag of Japan: December 18, 2003
  • Flag of United States: November 20, 2004
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Ash uses Corphish in his Gym battle with Flannery. Flannery chooses Magcargo first, which is defeated by Corphish's Crabhammer.
  • "Going for a Spinda"
  • パッチールがいっぱい!幸せさがして山の彼方に!?
  • Flag of Japan: December 25, 2003
  • Flag of United States: November 27, 2004
Ash decides to head to Petalburg City for his next Gym battle. On the road, the gang runs into a group of Spinda. A pretty girl named Claire approaches, and Brock's reaction to her scares all the Spinda away. She is looking for her lucky Spinda, which has a heart-shaped mark on its face. Ash and friends offer to help her.
  • Flag of Japan: Jan-8-2004
  • Flag of United States: Nov-27-2004
Ash and friends are walking through the Valley of Steel on their way to Petalburg Gym when they encounter a Torkoal being attacked by a Skarmory and several Magnemite. May's Skitty and Torchic drive the Steel-type Pokémon away.
  • Flag of Japan: January 15, 2004
  • Flag of United States: December 4, 2004
Ash and friends return to Mauville City, where they encounter a carnival run by Team Rocket. They let all their Pokémon out to enjoy the festivities, and Team Rocket tries to steal them. Wattson and Watt arrive to help fight off the thieves, and after the battle Wattson's Electrike evolves into a Manectric.
  • Flag of Japan: January 22, 2004
  • Flag of United States: December 4, 2004
The kids are on their way to Verdanturf Town when they are waylaid by another Team Rocket scheme. May and friends successfully fight them off, but during the battle Skitty is blasted by Torkoal's smoke, losing its voice.
  • Flag of Japan: January 29, 2004
  • Flag of United States: December 11, 2004
Drew loses a Pokémon battle to the mysterious "Phantom," a masked Pokémon Trainer using a Dusclops. Because of the injuries sustained by his Roselia, Drew has to drop out of the Pokémon Contest in Verdanturf Town.
  • Flag of Japan: February 5, 2004
  • Flag of United States: December 11, 2004
Timmy (aka "Phantom") arrives late to register for the Pokémon Contest, because his mother gave him lots of homework to do. His father let him go, and confronts the mother when she comes to check on Timmy.
  • Flag of Japan: February 12, 2004
  • Flag of United States: January 29, 2005
Ash and friends are headed to Petalburg City so he can earn his fifth Gym badge. They fall into yet another Team Rocket scheme to steal Pikachu but are saved by a wild Solrock.
  • Flag of Japan: February 19, 2004
  • Flag of United States: February 5, 2005
A tree inhabited by Swablu and Altaria is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, and one of the Swablu fails to fly away before the tree crashes.
  • Flag of Japan: February 26, 2004
  • Flag of United States: February 12, 2005
Ash and friends are in a town close to Petalburg City, when their picnic is gobbled up by a passing Gulpin. They overhear an emergency announcement instructing everyone to evacuate.
  • Flag of Japan: March 4, 2004
  • Flag of United States: February 19, 2005
Ash and friends are eating lunch in the woods when they notice that Treecko has wandered off. After failing to convince the Grass-type to come down from a tree, lunch is disrupted by a rampaging Loudred. Its Trainer, Guy finally catches up with his Pokémon and makes it stop.
  • Flag of Japan: March 11, 2004
  • Flag of United States: February 26, 2005
Ash and friends are almost to Petalburg City. Ash can't wait to battle Gym Leader Norman, while May and Max look forward to seeing their parents again. They remind Ash that he needs to pick three Pokémon to battle with, so Ash calls all of his out to decide.
  • "A Double Dilemma"
  • パパはアイドル!?いつわりのジムリーダー!!
  • Flag of Japan: March 18, 2004
  • Flag of United States: March 5, 2005
The friends arrive in North Petalburg and stop by the Pokémon Center, where May and Max are quickly recognized as the children of Norman. The siblings are swamped by an adoring crowd. Ash and Brock manage to escape and wander off.
  • Flag of Japan: March 25, 2004
  • Flag of United States: March 12, 2005
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Ash and friends finally arrive in Petalburg City. Ash heads to the Pokémon Center (PC) to take care of his team while everyone else visits May and Max's house. At the PC, Ash sees Norman talking to Nurse Joy.
  • Flag of Japan: April 1, 2004
  • Flag of United States: March 19, 2005
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Ash challenges Gym Leader Norman for a badge. While they battle, Team Rocket is busy digging a tunnel under the Gym.
  • Flag of Japan: April 8, 2004
  • Flag of United States: March 26, 2005
Ash and friends decide to visit Professor Birch. On the road they are nearly run over by Birch in his jeep, on his way to the port to pick up Professor Oak. Ash and Brock join him, while May and Max head to his lab.
  • Flag of Japan: April 15, 2004
  • Flag of United States: April 2, 2005
The kids are on their way to Fortree City, but May is delaying them. Ash starts to argue with her, and the two kids continue to bicker as they walk. They are interrupted by a couple named Andi and Oscar, who challenge May and Ash to a tag battle.
  • Flag of Japan: April 22, 2004
  • Flag of United States: April 9, 2005
Ash and friends are lost in a forest when they are attacked by a Skarmory that kidnaps May. It drops May on the other side of a tall fence, and several hooded men prevent Ash, Brock, and Max from pursuing.
  • "Hokey Poké Balls"
  • フシギダネとフシギダネ!モンスターボールを取り返せ!!
  • Flag of Japan: April 29, 2004
  • Flag of United States: April 9, 2005
The kids arrive in a city where May lets her Bulbasaur to enjoy the scenery. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is at the Pokémon Center (PC) making "repairs" to the transporter machine.
  • Flag of Japan: May 6, 2004
  • Flag of United States: April 23, 2005
The kids have stopped at a lakeside camp site on their way to Fortree City. Ash trips and drops his badge case into the lake, where it is eaten up by a giant Whiscash. Ash dives in after the Pokémon but gets caught in some reeds instead.
  • Flag of Japan: May 13, 2004
  • Flag of United States: April 30, 2005
The kids are crossing a mountain in the fog, and Ash trips and slides down a cliff with Pikachu. He encounters a mysterious woman singing a strange song.
  • Flag of Japan: May 20, 2004
  • Flag of United States: May 7, 2005
May is headed for the Rubello Town Pokémon Contest, where at least one ribbon is needed to enter. She runs into Drew, and both of them are mobbed by the Mothers for Pokémon—a group of women who adore Pokémon Coordinators. One of them, Savannah, is a Coordinator herself, and will be competing in the upcoming contest, but she is really nervous.
  • Flag of Japan: May 27, 2004
  • Flag of United States: May 14, 2005
The Rubello Pokémon Contest begins! Savannah is still nervous, but May is overconfident. Both of them do well in the first round performances, and while waiting in the locker room, May brags that once you have at least one ribbon, all the rest come easily. Drew tells her off.
  • Flag of Japan: June 3, 2004
  • Flag of United States: May 21, 2005
Team Rocket talks to Giovanni on the video phone, and he yells at them for not making progress, threatening to replace the three of them.
  • Flag of Japan: June 10, 2004
  • Flag of United States: May 28, 2005
Outside Crossgate Town, the kids meet a Trainer named Shane and his Swablu. He is practicing for the PokéRinger competition, a contest where flying Pokémon battle in the sky to capture a ring and place it on the goal post.
  • Flag of Japan: June 17, 2004
  • Flag of United States: June 4, 2005
Team Rocket crash lands in front of a mansion, and start to argue. But a beam fired by a Shuppet hidden in the bushes calms them down. They enter the mansion in search of food, but the door locks behind them. They start to argue again, but are again calmed by Shuppet.
  • Flag of Japan: June 24, 2004
  • Flag of United States: June 11, 2005
Ash and friends have stopped for lunch, and Brock has made food for all of their Pokémon. Corphish eats up its share quickly, so it snatches up Torchic's food. Corphish and Torchic start to fight, firing furious blasts of Bubblebeam and Ember at each other.
  • Flag of Japan: July 1, 2004
  • Flag of United States: June 18, 2005
Ash and the gang are headed to Fortree City when it starts raining and then snowing. They run for shelter and meet a Castform who leads them onward. The gang is greeted by two scientists from the nearby Weather Institute, Bart and Millie. Brock feels absolutely nothing for the attractive Millie, which puzzles him.
  • Flag of Japan: July 8, 2004
  • Flag of United States: June 25, 2005
Ash and friends climb the steps to the Fortree City Gym—only to find out that the Gym Leader is busy in town with the Feather Carnival. Ash quickly heads to the carnival, where Winona is riding her Skarmory above the city.
  • Flag of Japan: July 15, 2004
  • Flag of United States: July 9, 2005
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Ash begins his Gym battle with Winona by sending out Grovyle against her Altaria. Grovyle takes out Altaria with Leaf Blade. Next up is Pelipper, a Water-and-Flying-type so Ash counters with the Electric-type Pikachu. Pelipper uses Steel Wing on the ground, and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt with no effect. Team Rocket arrives to steal Pikachu, but the force of Pikachu's continued Thunderbolt sends them blasting off.
  • Flag of Japan: July 22, 2004
  • Flag of United States: July 16, 2005
Ash is ready for his next badge—which means heading to Mossdeep City. To get there, Ash and friends will need to take the ferry in Lilycove City. On their way there, the kids encounter a Trainer named Elijah and his Camerupt, stuck in a river. They help get Camerupt out, and Elijah explains that he travels around, showing movies to the small towns in the area.
  • Flag of Japan: July 29, 2004
  • Flag of United States: August 20, 2005
Ken and Mary of the Pokémon Mystery Club (PMC) are once again looking for a Pokémon from outer space, checking the site of a meteor crash. A Lunatone emerges and zaps them, erasing their memories of the encounter.
  • Flag of Japan: August 5, 2004
  • Flag of United States: August 27, 2005
The kids have stopped by the Banana Slakoth Garden on their way to Lilycove City, but the gate is closed and the trees have no fruit on them. When they meet the director, a man named Marcel, they find out a Snorlax came down from the mountains looking for food, and has been eating all of the bananas.
  • Flag of Japan: August 12, 2004
  • Flag of United States: September 3, 2005
As Ash and friends walk to Lilycove City, a tree comes crashing down in front of them—pushed over by Team Rocket in their newest giant robot! They have Pikachu in hand, when the robot begins to sink into the ground and crumple. It explodes, sending everyone flying.
  • Flag of Japan: August 19, 2004
  • Flag of United States: September 3, 2005
The kids finally arrive in Lilycove City, and Ash is starving. They decide to head to a restaurant that serves omelets, but Pikachu runs off, leading them to the berry market. In the berry market, they meet a Pokémon Coordinator named Kelly and her Grumpig. Kelly is buying berries to make PokéBlocks with, and she plans to enter the Lilycove Pokémon Contest. Kelly invites them to her home, which is attached to a PokéBlock store that her mother runs. Kelly's mom teaches May and Brock how to make PokéBlocks in the Berry Blender.
  • Flag of Japan: August 26, 2004
  • Flag of United States: September 10, 2005
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Combusken's Fire Spin is spiraling out of control in the Lilycove Contest Hall. Combusken protects May, who takes control by having the Fire- and Fighting-type unleash a fireball and perform Sky Uppercut. The performance earns May a decent, but lowered score for losing control in the first place.
  • Flag of Japan: September 2, 2004
  • Flag of United States: September 10, 2005
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The kids are running for the ferry to Lilycove and jump on the boat they see leaving only to discover it's actually a boat to Bomba Island. Once they arrive on the island, they meet a young Trainer named Jimmy and his Wartortle, Charmeleon, and Ivysaur. Jimmy is a student at the Pokémon Battle Judge Training Institute, located on the island.


  • This was Tara Jayne's final season of Pokémon, with her last role being May's Bulbasaur.

See also[]

