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Phenac City is an oasis in the desert of Orre. It is the first town Wes arrives at in Pokémon Colosseum. The town is plentiful in flowing water and lush plants, creating the feeling of a tropical paradise.

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the town is the subject of an attack by Cipher that involved the Cipher peons disguising themselves as the townsfolk while the real residents were locked away.

Trainers in Pokémon Colosseum[]

  • Shady Guy Folly: Whismur LV 24, Whismur LV 24
  • Fun Old Man Drig: Hoothoot LV 25, Sentret LV 25
  • Roller Boy Kaib: Wurmple LV 25, Silcoon LV 25
  • Team Snagem Wakin: Corphish LV 25, Koffing LV 27
  • Miror B Peon Folly: Lotad LV 25, Whismur LV 28
  • Miror B Peon Trudly: Duskull LV 25, Spinarak LV 25, Makuhita (shadow) LV 30
  • Mystery Troop: Spoink LV 24, Grimer LV 28, (shadow) LV 30

Phenac Stadium[]

  • Rich Boy Flitz: Azurill LV 40, Sentret LV 40
  • Roller Boy Greb: Doduo LV 40, Tentacool LV 40
  • Athlete Adel: Psyduck LV 41, Pineco LV 41
  • CoolTrainer Rewn: Mudkip LV 42, Zubat LV 41, Cacnea LV 41
  • Guy Lang: Igglybuff LV 40, Wingull LV 40
  • Athlete Bilal: Taillow LV 40, Snorunt LV 40
  • Fun Old Lady Oris: Snubbull LV 41, Horsea LV 41
  • CoolTrainer Buna: Luvdisc LV 41, Hoothoot LV 41, Treecko LV 42
  • Lady Rima:
  • Fun Old Man Varl:

Trainers in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness[]

During Cipher's invasion[]

  • Cipher Peon Exinn: Snorunt (shadow) LV 20, Seviper LV 20, Mightyena LV 21, Golbat LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Gonrag: Pineco (shadow) LV 20, Murkrow LV 22, Ariados LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Forgs: Duskull LV 21, Corphish LV 21, Qwilfish LV 21
  • Cipher Peon Pellim: Sudowoodo LV 20, Clamperl LV 21
  • Cipher Peon Fenton: Goldeen LV 21, Mightyena LV 21, Carvanha LV 21, Koffing LV 21
  • Cipher Peon Ezoor: Teddiursa LV 21, Shuppet LV 21, Corsola LV 21
  • Cipher Peon Kapen: Illumise LV 20, Volbeat LV 20, Spoink LV 21, Seviper LV 21, Wailmer LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Eloin: Linoone LV 22, Kirlia LV 22, Natu (shadow) LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Fasin: Remoraid LV 22, Golbat LV 23, Roselia (shadow) LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Fostin: Sneasel LV 22, Kadabra LV 22, Misdreavus LV 22, Meowth (shadow) LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Greck: Nuzleaf LV 23, Torkoal LV 22, Swinub (shadow) LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Ezin: Pelipper LV 23, Electrike LV 23, Spearow LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Falty: Stantler LV 23, Chimecho LV 23, Grimer (shadow) LV 22
  • Cipher Peon Egrog: Hoothoot LV 25, Gulpin LV 26, Seel (shadow) LV 23
  • Cipher Admin Snattle: Lunatone (shadow) LV25, Lanturn LV26, Quagsire LV26, Castform LV27, Metang LV28

After being freed from Cipher[]

  • Fun Old Man Eroll: Sentret LV 23, Hoothoot LV 23, Zubat LV 23
  • CoolTrainer Equin: Spoink LV 23, Sneasel LV 23, Spinda LV 22

Shadow Pokémon[]


Gale of Darkness[]
