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In the Palms of Our Hands! (Japanese: つかみとる未来(みらい)!, HepburnTsukamitoru Mirai!trans. Grasp the Future!) is the 44th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


Project Mew is embarking on its most important mission—finally encountering Mew! After the rampaging Groudon and Kyogre are revealed to actually be Mew, the Mythical Pokémon shows Goh and the other Chasers a vision of the beginning of the universe. It then starts to battle them with overwhelmingly powerful attacks, but Goh thinks it’s only playing around. He tells Mew that it’s been the inspiration for so much of his life and adventures and that he’s grateful. Vowing to see it again someday, he’s shocked when Mew suddenly appears in the palm of his hand—literally! Mew then departs, and the Chasers return to a grateful Professor Amaranth.[1]

Episode Plot[]

Following the events of the previous episode, Quillon has Weavile try to fight off Groudon, who initially uses Mud Shot. Weavile uses Quick Attack to dodge the shots and manages to hit Groudon, although it doesn't even flinch at the move. Groudon then attempts to attack with its claw, but Weavile uses Ice Shard, forcing Groudon to cancel the attack. Groundon instead charges up Fire Blast, which Weavile tries to stop with Dark Pulse but is unsuccessful and sent flying, with Quillon barely catching his Pokémon in time.

As Groundon prepares to charge up another attack, Gary swings on a vine and splashes water on its face, causing it to stop and roar before leaving. On the other side, Danika has her Azumarill use Hydro Pump, but Kyogre's Hydro Pump proves to be far stronger. Goh and Horace then light some fireworks to get its attention to no avail as they're struck by its attack. Grookey then proceeds to attack with Wood Hammer, landing a direct hit on its head. Instead of attacking, Kyogre simply turns away and leaves.

Following Kyogre, Goh thanks Grookey. Both groups eventually end in an open area where the two Pokémon collide and transform into Mew, surprising them all. Mew flies above a small crystal and begins sending pulses, attracting the local Pokémon to the area. As a blinding light engulfs the area, Goh finds himself in space where he witnesses the creation of world. Left stunned, a wild Rayquaza flies by, sending Goh crashing into the seas where he sees many ancient Pokémon. As he surfaces, Mew picks him up and they fly back to Faraway Island before it disappears, sending Goh crashing back down and ending the vision.

Goh tells his fellow Chasers what he saw, who likewise confirm the same dream. Danika goes to touch the stone as it loses power. As Mew appears and takes a look before leaving, the wild Pokémon begin fighting each other. They then realize that they could use their equipment again while Professor Amaranth informs them of Mew's powers. The Pokémon begin fighting, with an Armaldo nearly hitting Mew with its Hydro Pump. Mew barely dodges the attack before unleashing Thunderbolt on everyone, which the Chasers barely dodge. Quillion and Danika take out their Urshifu to try and stop Mew, but both are quickly overpowered and faint.

The Chasers take out their next set of Pokémon; Weavile, Azumarill, Gardevoir, Cinderace and Blastoise. The Pokémon attack Mew, who launches a massive Shadow Ball at them that overpowers their attacks and careens towards them. Gardevoir sets up a Light Screen, but the attack still powers through anyways that sends them flying and leaves all the wild Pokémon battered.

Mew laughs as it sets up a powerful Fire Blast. Gardevoir tries to block it with Light Screen, but the attack breaks it and sends all the Pokémon flying and collapses the exits. The Chasers recall their Pokémon and send out another batch apart from Goh, who try to attack Mew again. Mew attacks again and defeats the Pokémon with ease before Goh recalls his time with Ash and realizes he had forgotten about his original goal. Goh tells Mew that he had admired it from the start. Mew appears to ignore it as it launches Hyper Beam, but when Goh thanks it, Mew stops the attack. As it looks around, Mew uses its powers to restore all of the Pokémon and the crystals before teleporting the Chasers away, following up with them.

At another part of the island, Goh raises his hand up as he decides to continue making a path to the future, just as Mew inexplicably appears and lands on the palm of his hand, stunning everyone. Mew laughs before teleporting away, while Goh is left delighted as while he may have not caught Mew, he was able to touch it. The island begins to rain and the Chasers return to Amaranth. Reporting the dream they saw, they conclude that Mew must be the only one who truly knows the origins of Pokémon as Horace remarks that the more they try to understand Mew, the more mysterious it becomes.

Returning to civilization, Amaranth decides to temporarily disband the Chasers, although Quillon and Danika still choose to remain. Amaranth asks Goh, Horace and Gary if they intend to stay, but the three boys respond that they're not quite sure yet. Amaranth respects their decision and they depart. At the docks, the boys say farewell to each other, with Goh giving Gary a fistbump and wishing Horace luck in finding all the Psychic-types to reach Celebi.

Goh boards the ship back to Galar; on the way back, he calls Ash, asking him how his match with Leon went.



PM('19)134 After Story

Goh remembering his previous missions

  • The title is a reference to the expression "in the palm of our hands".



  1. ^ (n.d.) . "In the Palms of Our Hands! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 14, 2024.
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