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"Paring Pokémon While Parrying!"
◄ PJ130 |PJ132 ►
Staff credits
脚本( きゃくほん ) (Screenplay)冨岡( とみおか ) 淳広( あつひろ ) (Atsuhiro Tomioka)絵( え ) コンテ (Storyboard)浅田( あさだ ) 裕二( ゆうじ ) (Yūji Asada)助手( じょしゅ ) 監督( かんとく ) (Assistant director(s))浅田( あさだ ) 裕二( ゆうじ ) (Yūji Asada)作画( さくが ) 監督( かんとく ) (Animation director(s))岩根( いわね ) 雅明( まさあき ) (Masaaki Iwane)志村( しむら ) 泉( いずみ ) (Izumi Shimura)
Ash ,
Tracey Sketchit ,
Dawn ,
Clemont ,
Bonnie ,
Lana ,
Mallow ,
Sophocles ,
Lillie ,
Kiawe ,
Chloe Cerise
Delia Ketchum ,
Professor Oak ,
James ,
Jessie ,
Cynthia ,
Korrina ,
Gurkinn ,
Diantha ,
Professor Kukui ,
Samson Oak ,
Lusamine ,
Professor Burnett ,
Professor Magnolia ,
Leon ,
Sonia ,
Bea ,
Lei ,
Wikstrom ,
Ash's Pikachu ,
Dawn's Piplup ,
Clemont's Dedenne ,
Lana's Primarina ,
Mallow's Tsareena ,
Sophocles' Togedemaru ,
Lillie's Vulpix ,
Kiawe's Turtonator ,
Chloe's Eevee ,
Jessie's Wobbuffet ,
James' Morpeko (Hangry Mode),
Team Rocket's Meowth ,
Ash's Dragonite ,
Ash's Gengar ↔ Gigantamax Gengar ,
Ash's Sirfetch'd ,
Ash's Lucario ↔ Mega Lucario ,
Ash's Dracovish ,
Leon's Charizard ,
Leon's Dragapult ,
Leon's Rillaboom ,
Leon's Cinderace ,
Leon's Inteleon ,
Dan's Aegislash Other Pokémon belonging to Ash Ash's Bulbasaur , Ash's Charizard , Ash's Muk , Ash's Snorlax , Ash's Bayleef , Ash's Quilava , Ash's Totodile , Ash's Heracross , Ash's Donphan , Ash's Torkoal , Ash's Corphish , Ash's Infernape , Ash's Buizel , Ash's Gible , Ash's Gliscor , Ash's Snivy , Ash's Pignite , Ash's Oshawott , Ash's Krookodile , Ash's Hawlucha , Ash's Noivern , Ash's Rowlet , Ash's Incineroar , Ash's Lycanroc , Ash's Melmetal
Pokémon belonging to Trainers Alolan Raichu , Wooper , Munchlax , Meowstic , Dottler , Flapple , Toxel , Pincurchin
Major event(s)
Energy created from the match between Ash and Leon causes Eternatus to escape and appear over
Wyndon Stadium .
South Korea
Title ファイナルⅢ「最強( さいきょう ) 」 Official Final III: "Saikyou" Literal Fainaru III: "Saikyou" (Final III: "The Strongest") Airdate November 4, 2022
Title 파이널 III「최강( 最強 ) 」 Official Final III: "Choegang" Literal Paineol III: "Choegang" (Final III: "Strongest") Airdate February 15, 2023
Netherlands and Belgium
France and Quebec
Title Onheilspellend Tromgeroffel! (Ominous Drum Roll!) Airdate(s) June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023
Spain and Hispanic America
Paring Pokémon While Parrying! (Japanese : ファイナルⅢ「最強( さいきょう ) 」, Hepburn : Final III: "Saikyou" , trans. Final III: "The Strongest") is the 41st episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series) , and Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series .
Synopsis [ ]
During the finals of the Pokémon World Coronation Series Masters Eight Tournament, Ash and Leon continue to enjoy their fierce battle! Noticing the match’s back-and-forth rhythm, Dawn points out that both Champions have similar battling styles. The battle action is as intense as can be. First, Leon’s Rillaboom takes down Ash’s Dragonite and Sirfetch’d, but Dracovish gets revenge. Then, Leon brings out Cinderace, who eliminates Dracovish. With Ash down to only Pikachu, Leon switches in his Charizard, who was his first partner Pokémon, just like Pikachu was Ash’s. After Gigantamaxing, Charizard attacks, while Ash and Pikachu counter with a Z-Move—and the combined power causes Eternatus to appear! But why? [1]
Episode plot [ ]
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Debuts [ ]
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Trivia [ ]
The Team Rocket trio scared about the situation around them
"Side story ": Jessie あんた、 この状況( じょうきょう ) でよく食( た ) べてられるわね (Anta, kono joukyou de yoku tabete rareru wa ne , You can eat well in this situation)
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