"A Flood of Torrential Gains!"
◄ PJ128 |PJ130 ►
Staff credits
脚本( きゃくほん ) (Screenplay)冨岡( とみおか ) 淳広( あつひろ ) (Atsuhiro Tomioka)絵( え ) コンテ (Storyboard)清水( しみず ) 聡( さとし ) (Satoshi Shimizu)助手( じょしゅ ) 監督( かんとく ) (Assistant director(s))小柴( こしば ) 純弥( じゅんや ) (Jun'ya Koshiba)作画( さくが ) 監督( かんとく ) (Animation director(s))広岡( ひろおか ) トシヒト (Toshihito Hirōka)倉員( くらかず ) 千晶( ちあき ) (Chiaki Kurakazu)
Delia Ketchum ,
Gary Oak ,
Professor Oak ,
Jessie ,
James ,
Lance ,
Steven Stone ,
Cynthia ,
Professor Sycamore ,
Diantha ,
Alain ,
Mairin ,
Leon ,
Sonia ,
Raihan ,
Professor Amaranth ,
Danika ,
Quillon ,
Horace ,
Allister ,
Marnie ,
Piers ,
Hop ,
Team Yell Grunts
Ash's Pikachu ,
Dawn's Piplup ,
Goh's Grookey ,
Chloe's Eevee ,
Jessie's Wobbuffet ,
Team Rocket's Meowth ,
Ash's Dragonite ,
Ash's Gengar → Gigantamax Gengar ,
Ash's Sirfetch'd ,
Ash's Lucario ,
Ash's Dracovish ,
Lance's Dragonite ,
Marnie's Morpeko ,
Dan's Aegislash Other Pokémon belonging to Ash Ash's Charizard , Ash's Kingler , Ash's Muk , Ash's Snorlax , Ash's Corphish , Ash's Infernape , Ash's Gliscor , Ash's Krookodile , Ash's Noivern
Pokémon belonging to Trainers Venonat , Psyduck , Slowpoke , Ditto , Lotad , Wooper , Spinda , Bonsly , Munchlax , Meowstic , Pyukumuku , Dottler , Toxel , Pincurchin
Major event(s)
The Masters Tournament Finals begin with Ash allowed to use Mega Evolution, Dynamax and Z-Moves in the same battle. Goh arrives in the Hoenn region , meeting up with Gary, Horace, Danika, Quillon and Professor Amaranth. Dawn and Chloe meet up with Ash, arriving in Wyndon to cheer for him Dawn travels to the Galar region for the first time. Ash's Genger's Ability is revealed to be Cursed Body . Leon allows Ash to use all three of Mega Evolution , Z-Moves and Dynamax for their match.
South Korea
Title ファイナルⅠ「激流( げきりゅう ) 」 Official Final I: "Gekiryuu" Literal Fainaru I: "Gekiryuu" (Final I: "Torrent") Airdate October 21, 2022
Title 파이널 I 「격류」 Official Final I: "Gyeokryu" Literal Paineol I: "Gyeokryu" (Final I: "Torrent") Airdate February 8, 2023
Netherlands and Belgium
France and Quebec
Title Een Stortvloed aan Tactische Zetten! (A Deluge of Tactical Moves!) Airdate(s) June 1, 2023 June 1, 2023
Spain and Hispanic America
For other title cards, see
A Flood of Torrential Gains! (Japanese : ファイナルⅠ「激流( げきりゅう ) 」, Hepburn : Final I: "Gekiryuu" , trans. Final I: "Torrent") is the 39th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series) , and Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series .
Synopsis [ ]
Following an emergency communication from Project Mew, Goh is off to Hoenn, while Ash battles Leon in the Masters Eight Tournament finals. It’s a six-on-six Full Battle, and although each Trainer can typically use Dynamax, a Z-Move, or Mega Evolution only once, Leon insists that Ash use all three. Leon first sends out his Cinderace, who spars with Pikachu, and then Leon’s Inteleon battles Ash’s Gengar. After Gigantamaxing, Gengar takes down Inteleon, but Leon’s Mr. Rime manages to defeat it. Ash and Leon are now back on equal footing, and this massive battle promises to keep going strong! [1]
Episode plot [ ]
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Debuts [ ]
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Moves [ ]
Trivia [ ]
Hop, Sonia, Chloe and Dawn cheering on Ash and Leon, respectively
"Side story ": Hop アニキ、絶対( ぜったい ) 勝( か ) つよな! (Aniki, zettai katsu yo na! , Big brother, you will win for sure!) Sonia ダンデくん! (Dande-kun! , Leon!) Dawn がんばれ! がんばれ! (Ganbare! Ganbare! , Do your best! Do your best!) Chloe がんばれ! がんばれ! (Ganbare! Ganbare! , Do your best! Do your best!) Piplup ポチャ! ポチャ! (Pocha! Pocha! , Piplup! Piplup!) Eevee ブイ! ブイ! (Bui! Bui! , Vee! Vee!)
Gallery [ ]
References [ ]