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The Homecoming Crown! (Japanese: モーンとリーリエ、雪原(せつげん)再会(さいかい)HepburnMoon to Lillie, Setsugen no Saikaitrans. Mohn and Lillie, Tundra Reunion) is the 21st episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


Ash, Goh, and Chloe visit the frigid mountains of the Crown Tundra to investigate a report of an unusual Pokémon. Coincidentally, Lillie and Gladion are there, too, still searching for their missing father, Mohn. Along with Lusamine, they press on and find Mohn living in a cabin, but he has amnesia and doesn’t recognize them. It turns out he’s been living with a Nihilego who he believes to be his human daughter. Worried that Mohn would send it away, Nihilego did everything possible to keep him from remembering his previous life. But his memory finally returns, and the happy family asks Nihilego to join them![1]

Episode plot[]

At the Cerise Laboratory, Professor Cerise is informing Ash and Goh about a mysterious Pokémon appearing in the Crown Tundra in the Galar region and wants them to investigate. Ash and Goh invite Chloe, who was with them in the same room, to join them and she happily accepted accompanying her friends. Ash and his friends set off for the Galar region with Professor Cerise wishing them good luck on their investigation.

Meanwhile, Lillie and her family have arrived in the Crown Tundra as Magearna pin pointed Mohn's location. After arriving in the Crown Tundra, Ash, Chloe and Goh met a mayor at a local town as he informed them about the Pokémon he saw. Seeing a blizzard, the mayor offers Ash and his friends to stay at his place for the night, which they accepted. Meanwhile, Lillie and her family try to travel through the blizzard, but a pile of snow falls from a tree, scaring Magearna as it curls into a ball and rolls down a hill, but is saved by Mohn's Zoroark. Lusamine decides to set camp for the night as she had a tent they could use that the Aether Foundation made.

The next day, Lillie and her family see a cabin in the distance as Magearna points to it, which suggests that Mohn is there. Lillie immediately ran to the cabin to see her father. However, Lillie couldn't hear anyone there but a piano playing as she goes to where it was coming from. When the door at the cabin opened, Lillie sees a man coming out and realized that it was her father, Mohn. Lillie embraced her father but Mohn asked her who she was. Hearing this, Lillie believes that Mohn doesn't recognize her because she was a baby when he disappeared and tells him that she his daughter, much to his confusion.

Lusamine and Gladion arrived with their Pokémon as they see Mohn, much to their surprise. Mohn's Zoroark immediately nuzzled up to its long lost Trainer, but Mohn doesn't remember his Pokémon partner nor his family, much to the group's shock. Despite this, Mohn invited his family inside the cabin, where Lusamine explains to Lillie and Gladion that their father has lost his memory. Mohn fixed something warm for his family to drink and some food for the Pokémon. Hearing piano music, Mohn told his family that it was his daughter playing music, much to their shock. Mohn tells his family that his daughter is also named Lillie and wanted to go get her to introduce them to her. Lillie asked if she and her family could come with Mohn, which he accepted.

Upon meeting the other Lillie, Lillie and her family were shocked to see that this one is an Ultra Beast, a shiny Nihilego. After remembering what its species put them through, Gladion went to attack Nihilego using Zoroark, but Lusamine stopped him as Nihilego disappeared, which led Mohn to go look for it. After Mohn left, Gladion asked his mother as to why he stopped him from attacking the Ultra Beast. Lusamine explained to Gladion that because Mohn believes that the Nihilego is his daughter, he would act in a certain way if Gladion attacked it. Hearing this, Gladion feels guilty that he didn't consider how his father would feel. Lusamine decided to talk to Mohn while Lillie and Gladion decided to investigate the cabin.

Meanwhile, Ash, Chloe and Goh are walking in the snow looking for the mysterious Pokémon. After Pikachu picked up a familiar scent, Ash and his friends follow the Mouse Pokémon to the cabin. Lillie is at the piano room as she plays some notes on it while Nihilego is watching her from a distance. Lillie opened the window for some light and discovered a dresser in the room. Gladion has found no mirrors around the cabin and realized that someone removed them. At the piano room, Lillie opens a drawer as she discovers Mohn's old clothes and a mirror in it.

Seeing that Lillie was close to discovering the truth, Nihilego attacked her, which it would have done unnoticed, had she not use the mirror, and panics because she didn't have Snowy to defend her. However, Ash and Pikachu rush to Lillie's rescue, after seeing their friend in danger. Although Pikachu's attack missed, Nihilego disappeared again and Lillie was safe. Hearing Ash's voices, Lillie was happy to see her friend again. Then, Gladion arrives and was surprised to see Ash again and asked what he was doing in the Crown Tundra. While Goh and Chloe get inside the cabin, Ash explained to Gladion that he went looking for Pikachu and saw Lillie in danger and they managed to save her. Pikachu nuzzled Lillie as he was happy to see her again. Hearing Lillie's name, Goh recognized her as Ash's other Alolan friend that he and the rest of their friends told him about before. Lillie then shows Gladion what she found.

Meanwhile, Lusamine tried to help Mohn get his memory back by showing the family picture of them with their children when they were younger. However, Mohn failed to see that he was the man in the picture. Despite this, he tells Lusamine that the family in the picture looked like a happy family. Lusamine then tries to tell Mohn the truth, but Nihilego tried to attack her. Gladion pushed his mother out of the way before Nihilego attacked as Zoroark caught it and held it down. Lillie came into the room as she thanked Nihilego for saving her father. Lusmaine becomes confused when she hears this. Ash, Goh and Chloe enter the room with the items that Lillie and Gladion found. Lillie and her family explained to Mohn about the accident he had a long time ago and that Nihilego found him and saved him. However, when Nihilego brought Mohn through an Ultra Wormhole, it brought both of them to the Crown Tundra in the Galar region instead of Alola.

Hearing Mohn's family explanation, Nihilego remembers when it saved Mohn. Nihilego then brought him through an Ultra Wormhole that took them to the Crown Tundra and nursed him back to health. However, Nihilego enjoyed being with Mohn and didn't want him to leave it, so it made Mohn think that it was his daughter, Lillie. Nihilego also dirtied the windows and kept the mirrors so that Mohn would not see his reflection and get his memory back, as it was worried that Mohn would leave it if he did. Lillie told Nihilego that she understands how much it cherish Mohn. Gladion then shows Mohn his reflection through the mirror. Seeing his reflection for the first time in years, Mohn remembers who he is and his family as he acknowledges each of them by name. Hearing that her husband remembers her and her family, Lusamine breaks down crying as they both embrace each other with their children and Pokémon joining in.

Ash, Goh and Chloe are happy to see the family reunion. Mohn was surprised to see Magearna moving as Gladion tells him that Lillie was the one who got it to work, much to his amazement. Nihilego gets ready to leave, but Lillie stopped it as Mohn tells it that he wanted it to stay with them, as it is thanks to it that he was able to reunite with his family. Lusamine and Gladion agree to this, and Lillie tells Nihilego that there are now two Lillies. The family holds out a Beast Ball to Nihilego, who allows itself to be caught in it, accepting their offer in coming back to Alola with them, who were happy to have a new member of the family. Chloe then took a group photo of the newly reunited and expanded family.




  • This episode marks the very first media to show that Ultra Wormhole can appear outside Alola, which the concepts and ideas were never been included during Generation VII, both Sun and Moon games and during Sun and Moon anime airing. However, the concepts and ideas about the wormhole's further nature of being able to appear outside Alola was shown in the game expansion chapter of Pokémon Sword and Shield: The Crown Tundra.
  • The English dub was released on the iTunes Store in Australia on October 18, 2022, 11 days before the episode aired in Canada.
  • This episode does not contain any eyecatches, instead having the series logo on the screen before and after the commercial break.
  • Ash, Goh, and Chloe read the title card for this episode.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of Mohn in person, as his previous appearances were either in flashbacks, illusions, or photos.
  • This episode marks the first time an Ultra Beast has appeared outside of Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon.
  • As of this episode, Goh has met all of Ash's classmates.
  • Scenes from A Masked Warning!, Rescuing the Unwilling!, The Secret Princess!, and Dreams of the Sun and Moon! are reused as flashbacks in this episode.
  • This episode marks the first time one of Ash's main rivals other than Gary has appeared outside of the series they debuted in, not counting flashbacks.
  • Nihilego turns into Lillie in this episode. Ironically, before Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon came out, many fans suspected that Lillie was actually Nihilego in human form due to her clothes. Though it was revealed after the game's release that Lusamine chose those clothes for her due to her obsession with the Ultra Beasts.



  1. ^ Originally to air on January 12, but due to problems relating to "The Future Is Now, Thanks to Strategy!", it aired a day later than intended.
  1. ^ (n.d.) . "The Homecoming Crown! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 14, 2024.