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Breaking the Ice! (Japanese(こおり)女王(じょおう)とグレイシア, HepburnKoori no Joou to Glaciatrans. The Ice Queen and Glaceon) is the 39th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


A new student arrives at Chloe and Goh’s school—her name is Regina, and her partner is Mirche, a Glaceon. But they both seem reserved and aloof, and when the students attempt to befriend them, Mirche responds with a powerful Blizzard attack! The Pokémon eventually collapses from expending too much power, and as it recovers under the care of Professor Cerise, Regina reveals that it uses Blizzard in an attempt to protect her from bullies. The next day, Regina and Mirche apologize to the students for the misunderstanding, and then they create a miniature amusement park made of ice for everyone to enjoy together![1]

Episode plot[]

At night, an airplane descends down into Vermilion City as an unknown man talks to Regina and states that she'll make plenty of friends. Regina only looks at the city, seemingly disappointed as she holds onto a Poké Ball.

The following day, Goh has Ash come along with him and Chloe to school to present him to the class, since his assignment had been regarding friends and he immediately thought of him. Ash is nervous but Goh reassures him it'll be fine. As Chloe holds her Eevee, they spot a girl with her Glaceon. Eevee is delighted to see another of her evolved forms. Goh and Ash then notice Chloe is falling behind and tell her to hurry up, which she does. However, she fails to find the girl or her Glaceon.

At school, Goh finishes up his presentation on Ash. The teacher allows Ash to stay at school for the remainder of the day when the girl walks in with Glaceon, who Chloe immediately recognizes as the person she saw earlier. The teacher introduces the girl as Regina, a transfer student who would be staying shortly as her parents are working in the city. The teacher tells her that they leave their Pokémon at the Pokémon Garden and wonders who should show her when Chloe volunteers.

As the two girls walk to the garden, Chloe remarks on how Mirche is pretty, surprising Regina. Chloe tells her that she saw them on the way to school. When they arrive, Pikachu, Grookey and Eevee greet Mirche, although it appears distant before they begin to welcome it, causing it to become agitated. However, it becomes shocked when the Pokémon play with it, but Regina tells Mirche to stay until she gets back during lunch break. As they walk off, Mirche only watches.

Returning back to the building, Chloe tells Regina that Goh and Ash live at her father's research lab, the Cerise Laboratory. Regina immediately recognizes this as her parents had been talking to Professor Cerise about Mirche. As they arrive back at the classroom, the entire class is curious about Mirche, overwhelming Regina with their questions; coincidentally, Mirche appears. Seeing its trainer in apparent danger, it immediately uses Blizzard on the entire class, but Pikachu, Grookey and Eevee, who had been following it, shatter the ice. Regina apologizes for freezing them, but Ash and Goh tell her there's no need to.

Back at the laboratory, Regina's parents ask Professor Cerise to examine Mirche, explaining that Mirche was her only friend who would freeze anything that seemingly posed a danger to her, causing them to transfer schools repeatedly and that she couldn't get any more friends if Mirche was with her. At school, Chloe invites Regina and Mirche to lunch, but Regina declines, going to the teacher to what she believed would be an expulsion. At the office, the teacher talks with Regina just as Ash, Goh and Chloe barge in, believing that Regina was going to be expelled. The teacher tells them that she wasn't going to do that; instead, she was talking about the school itself. The students are left surprised and Chloe offers the invitation to lunch again, which Regina accepts and she calls Mirche out. Chloe offers her hand to Mirche, who immediately attempts to use Blizzard; however, Regina orders it to stop and it promptly collapses.

Rushing Mirche to the laboratory, Professor Cerise examines it. Regina is worried, but Chloe and the others reassure her that it's in good hands. Professor Cerise then finishes up his examination and tells Regina that while she had been taking good care of Mirche, its body temperature was far too low compared to other Glaceon. He states that he had heard Mirche had been performing more powerful Blizzards recently and that as a result, it was over-exerting itself and unable to maintain its body temperature. Regina states that it was her fault for not being there for Mirche, as it had only meant to protect her to the point that it was on edge, believing that she was not a good friend for it. Chloe tells her that she hasn't done anything wrong before Regina's parents arrive, having learned of the incident from the school. Regina explains to her parents of Mirche's true intentions, causing them to realize that she did have a friend all along. Mirche then regains consciousness, relieving Regina as she pets it, causing it to lick her arm.

The following day, the teacher assembles the class as Regina had something for them. Regina apologizes to the class for yesterday's incident before stating that she would make an ice park for them to enjoy in. Ash and Goh also help out, bringing Dracovish, Arctozolt and Dewgong to assist in its construction. As the students enjoy the park, Regina decides to create a skating rink and has Mirche use Ice Beam. Eevee notices this and uses Copycat to assist, surprising Regina. Chloe explains that her Eevee is sometimes able to pull off the moves of her evolved forms at times. As the skating rink is created, the students enjoy it.

Several days pass before a package arrives at Cerise Laboratory, sent by Regina to Chloe. Chloe calls Ash and Goh over, where they find a snow globe with Mirche inside along with a letter. Reading the letter, they learn that Regina is doing well, with Mirche's mood greatly improving as it hadn't used the strong Blizzards from before since their departure. She also states that she's become fond of Pokémon battling, shown with her at another school battling another trainer's Victreebel and successfully defeating it. As an ending note, Regina states that she and Mirche would be coming to visit her during school break.




  1. ^ (n.d.) . "Breaking the Ice! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 13, 2024.
