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Excitement From the Ultra-Shocking Start! (Japanese(ちょう)電磁(でんじ)ハイパークラスバトル!, HepburnChoudenji Hyper Class Battle!trans. Super-Electromagnetic Hyper Class Battle!) is the 29th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


Ash is ready for his first Ultra Class battle, and he’s especially excited because his opponent is one of the strongest Gym Leaders in Sinnoh, Volkner! Ranked 99th, Ash is in for a challenge, and it’s soon obvious how formidable Volkner is. But as the three-on-three battle unfolds, Volkner expresses his admiration for Ash and his strength. Things are neck and neck until Ash and Pikachu invoke their 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt Z-Move! Ash clinches the victory, and he climbs even higher in the Ultra Class. But he still has to battle hard if he wants to face the Trainers in the Masters Eight—including Sinnoh Champion Cynthia![1]

Episode plot[]

Ash, at the World Coronation series, is currently ranked 99th, just entering the Ultra Class. It is then revealed, as shown in the previous episode, that Ash's next World Coronation Series opponent will be Volkner from the Sinnoh region's Sunyshore Gym. Ash and Volkner are seen heading to the battlefield while Volkner states that he is glad the two will have another battle. Ash says he is also excited to battle, brandishing his Z-Ring with a Pikashunium Z inserted. The ring catches the attention of Volkner, asking if it is an Electrium Z, though Ash states it is a special Z-Crystal made especially for him and Pikachu. Volkner is intrigued by the Z-Crystal but otherwise is excited to battle.

Goh is seen with his Grookey, sitting in the audience and waiting for their friend to appear. The announcer introduces the two opponents as they are lifted into the stadium. Volkner is introduced, making the crowd go wild, though when Ash is introduced, little cheers are heard. A Rotom Drone flies in and counts down before the two send out their Pokémon. Ash sends out Lucario while Volkner sends out Luxray. The Rotom Drone then announces the beginning of the battle, which is followed by Luxray immediately using Electric Terrain. Though the terrain is already in Volkner's favor, Goh still has confidence in Ash, especially considering he plans to use his Z-Ring.

Lucario uses Aura Sphere, launching a large ball of aura towards Luxray. Luxray uses Rising Voltage to disrupt the sphere's path, causing it to explode after the electricity hits it. The voltage then starts to travel towards Lucario, though it withstands the attack easily. Ash calls back Lucario and instead uses Gengar due to it floating above the electrified terrain. Luxray uses Snarl in an attempt to hit Gengar with a super-effective move, though the Shadow Pokémon easily floats out of the way of the attack. Ash then tells Gengar to use Psychic as it floats behind Luxray, lifting it with psychic power and slamming it into the ground. While Luxray is down, Gengar uses Night Shade and blasts Luxray back as smoke fills the battlefield. The crowd is amazed, especially Goh's Grookey who leaps in excitement. Gengar teleports around the field, confusing Luxray until Volkner calls the Gleam Eyes Pokémon back. Gengar waits in anticipation for the next Pokémon as Volkner comments on its skills. The Shadow Pokémon prepares for battle as the next Pokémon, Volkner's Fan Rotom, is sent out.

Gengar teleports around the battlefield in an attempt to escape Rotom, though Rotom easily flies over to the spots it appears in. Rotom uses Air Slash while spinning around as Gengar uses Night Shade once again. The two attacks clash until Gengar is told to use Ice Punch. The Shadow Pokémon attempts to hit Rotom with the Ice-type attack, but it easily flies out of the way to use Thunder Wave, hitting Gengar and paralyzing it as it falls to the ground. Rotom then proceeds to use Hex, taking advantage of Gengar's paralysis as Gengar yelps in pain from the attack. The attack suddenly combusts as Gengar emerges from the smoke clouds, standing confidently. However, the Shadow Pokémon quickly drops to the ground as the Rotom Drone flies over. Gengar has fainted, leaving Ash with two Pokémon and Volkner still with three.

Gengar is called back to its Poké Ball as Ash thanks it while stating it did well. After Ash calls back his Pokémon, the Electric Terrain set up by Luxray disappears and Pikachu alerts Ash that he wants to battle. Ash allows Pikachu to step forward onto the battlefield while Fan Rotom remains to take on its opponent. Pikachu uses Electroweb to capture Fan Rotom, restricting its swift movement. As Fan Rotom is captured, Pikachu prepares to use Thunderbolt while Volkner calls back Rotom. As Rotom returns, Volkner quickly throws Electivire into the battle. Pikachu's Thunderbolt hits Electivire, activating its Motor Drive ability and raising its Speed. Electivire is fully charged and prepares Fire Punch, leaping above Pikachu to attack. Pikachu jumps away from the attack, though the fiery collision caused by hitting the attack hitting the ground blasts Pikachu back. Despite the blow, Pikachu lands on its feet, ready to continue the battle. Both Pikachu and Electivire use Iron Tail, leaving Pikachu to twist and turn midair to avoid Electivire's two tails. It seems as though Pikachu can hit Electivire with its attack, though one of Electivire's tails collides with Pikachu's attack, leaving the Mouse Pokémon to tumble towards the ground. The attacks from the opposing Pokémon begin to become too difficult for Pikachu to handle, so Pikachu heads back to Ash's side as Lucario is sent back out.

Lucario once again uses Aura Sphere as Electivire retries its Fire Punch attack. As Electivire leaps towards Lucario, the two attacks from the Pokémon collide, causing an explosion that sends both of them back. As Electivire quickly recovers from the blast, it prepares Wild Charge, surrounding itself with electricity as it charges towards Lucario. Lucario charges towards Electivire as well, using Double Team to create doubles of itself. Electivire charges past the Lucario and looks up, seeing them all use Aura Sphere. To avoid getting hit, Electivire spins, having its tails deflect the attacks. Lucario returns to the ground and Electivire then uses Thunder Punch, punching Lucario as it guards itself with its hands. Lucario is able to endure the Electric-type attack, though it becomes paralyzed. Now that Lucario has been paralyzed, Volkner decides to take advantage of this and calls back Electivire to send out Fan Rotom. Rotom is immediately told to use Hex, surrounding Lucario with a dark aura that shortly combusts into a cloud of smoke. The attack surprises Goh, leaving everyone to wait for the smoke to clear. As the battlefield becomes clear again, Lucario is revealed to be still standing despite the attacks it experienced from Electivire and Rotom. While it is still left standing, Ash tells Lucario to use Reversal as Lucario roars and an orange aura surrounds it. Rotom attempts to use Air Slash to attack, but the aura surrounding Lucario stops the attack from hitting. The Aura Pokémon then jumps into the air, hitting Rotom with Reversal as the Plasma Pokémon falls to the ground, unable to battle. Ash has defeated one of Volkner's Pokémon, leaving each of the Trainers with two remaining Pokémon.

Ash asks Lucario if it is still able to battle, to which Lucario gives an assuring grunt. Volkner sends out Luxray to face Lucario again to continue the battle as Ash plans out his strategy to defeat Volkner's two remaining Pokémon. Luxray once again uses Electric Terrain as its first move while Lucario uses Aura Sphere. Luxray follows up with Rising Voltage, seemingly recreating the first moments of the battle, though Lucario instead jumps above Luxray and slams the sphere onto Luxray's head, causing another explosion due to attack collision. The collision causes a bright light to emerge from the battlefield as the electricity from Rising Voltage subsides. Both Ash and Volkner worry for their Pokémon, anticipating who will remain after the smoke clears. Both Lucario and Luxray are shown to be left standing, angrily facing each other before they both collapse, disqualifying both Pokémon and leaving the opposing Trainers with one Pokémon left. The crowd bursts into cheers as both Trainers call back their Pokémon.

Lucario is returned to its Poké Ball and Ash thanks it for its effort. Ash then turns towards Pikachu as it prepares to battle Volkner's last Pokémon: Electivire. Pikachu is told to use Iron Tail while Electivire uses Wild Charge, charging towards Pikachu in the air and hitting it back before it can attack. As Pikachu gets up from the blow, the Electric Terrain disappears once again. Goh waits for the next move in battle as he looks at Ash's Z-Ring, still leaving his one Z-Move unused. Volkner tells Electivire to use Iron Tail and Pikachu uses the same move. The two clash their tails together in the air before Pikachu lands the attack directly on Electivire's head, causing it to fall to the ground, though it lands on its feet to get its balance. Volkner comments on Ash and Pikachu being fierce opponents, only making him stronger through their intensity of battle. After the comment from Volkner, Ash finally decides it is time to use his Z-Ring. He throws his cap into the air for Pikachu to wear and the two begin to perform their Z-Move dance. Goh looks on, amazed at Ash using the move. The two partners perform the Z-Move dance for 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt and colored streams of electricity fly towards Electivire. Volkner tells Electivire to absorb the attack with its Motor Drive ability, creating a standoff between the Pokémon and the attack. Despite Electivire's sturdiness, the attack causes a large explosion of electricity that ends in Electivire collapsing to the ground. Volkner's three Pokémon have been defeated, leaving Ash as the winner! The Rotom Drone flies over the field and announces Ash's win, causing the crowd to once again cheer. Thanks to Ash defeating Volkner's Pokémon in battle, Ash's World Coronation Series rank rises to 64th place.

Volkner helps up his Electivire, saying to it that it battled well. Goh and Grookey yell from the audience, cheering on Ash and Pikachu for their victory. Volkner and Electivire approach Ash with Volkner complimenting Ash's 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt move and how it was able to even overpower Electivire's Motor Drive ability. He goes on, stating that Ash may be able to even go to the Master Class where Cynthia ranks. Broadcasts from all over the Pokémon world are shown, showing the screens being watched by some of the high-ranking World Coronation series individuals.




  • This marks the first time a Z-Move has been used outside of the Alola and Kanto region.
  • This is the first time Ash performs a Z-Move outside of Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon.
  • This is the first time the Pikashunium Z has been referred to by name in the anime.
  • When Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu were synchronizing their Z-Move, "Let's Go Fight Back - Pokémon Master Journeys" was play in the background music.


  • While Volkner's Rotom uses Air Slash on Lucario, the background is yellow, showing Electric Terrain to be active despite wearing off much earlier. This is likely just due to the footage being recycled during the episode.


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  1. ^ (n.d.) . "Excitement From the Ultra-Shocking Start! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 13, 2024.
