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Everybody's Doing the Underground Shuffle! (Japanese地下(ちか)迷宮(めいきゅう)でシャッフルパニック!?, HepburnChika Meikyuu de Shuffle Panic!?trans. Shuffle Panic in the Underground Labyrinth!?) is the 24th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


Ash and Goh are in Driftveil City, disappointed that a rumor of a new Pokémon is a hoax. Joined by Chloe, they start eating some cookies, but their snack time ends when Grookey and Eevee jump down a huge hole! Our heroes chase after them, and Team Rocket follows, too. But it’s not long before everyone gets separated into different groups…and when Meowth realizes how nice Chloe is, he decides he wants her to catch him! After reuniting, everyone manages to escape—including a friendly Durant who agrees to join Goh’s team. Although it didn’t work out for Meowth, he still thinks back fondly on Chloe’s kindness.[1]

Episode plot[]

Ash and Goh visit Driftveil City to investigate a supposed new evolution of Klink. However, the duo are surprised to find that the "evolution" is simply a model created by a cookie salesman at a local market of many Klink linked together. As the two boys find out about the model, they leave the stand disheartened. Team Rocket are also disgruntled by the discovery as they eat the Klink-shaped cookies given by the salesman. Chloe finishes her shopping and meets back with Ash and Goh while Team Rocket spot the three together, prepared to once again snatch Pikachu.

The three children all sit together with their Pokémon, eating the Klink-shaped cookies. Goh's Grookey and Chloe's Eevee are intrigued by a nearby hole that catches the attention of Ash, Goh and Chloe. Grookey and Eevee suddenly jump down the hole, much to the three's surprise. They decide that they must go down the hole to retrieve Grookey and Eevee. As everyone goes down the hole, Team Rocket leaps out from nearby to follow the children and their Pokémon. The team gives Wobbuffet a net and assigns him to stay by the entrance to catch any Pokémon that may crawl out as the rest of Team Rocket follows Ash and company.

Ash, Goh and Chloe call out for the two Pokémon in the dark tunnel as they occasionally hear the echoes of their Pokémon. As they finally find their Pokémon, they find themselves lost in the winding tunnels of the cave as Team Rocket watches over them. As they prepare to go for Pikachu, Jessie and Meowth begin to argue while attempting to stay quiet as to not alert the three children. James attempts to defuse the fight but accidentally drops Morpeko's Poké Ball while it is in Hangry Mode. Team Rocket is alarmed by Morpeko, though James attempts to keep everyone quiet. Despite this, Ash and his friends find Team Rocket. To escape, Jessie throws down a smoke bomb that fills the cave with smoke, scrambling up Team Rocket and the children as they stumble around in an attempt to find each other. The people and Pokémon eventually end up scattered around the cave with unsuspected partners. Ash ends up with Morpeko, Jessie and James accidentally steal Eevee, Goh is paired with Pikachu, Chloe finds herself with Meowth and Grookey finds itself alone in the cave, wandering through the tunnels.

Morpeko travels through the tunnels as Ash calls out for his friends. Morpeko's angered state intimidates Ash, so he offers Morpeko a leftover Klink-shaped cookie. Goh finds a fork in the cave and contemplates which direction to go in before heading down a tunnel that Pikachu went through, getting himself lost as a putrid smell fills the air. Chloe and Meowth discuss why Team Rocket steals Pokémon as Chloe cleans sand and dirt off Meowth, making Meowth form a crush on Chloe. Suddenly, a wild Trubbish leaps from the rocks as Meowth uses Scratch to scare it away. Due to Meowth's protection, Chloe feel gratitude for Meowth saving her. Jessie and James are stuck with Eevee, contemplating what to do with it as they are unsuccessful in catching Pikachu once again. The two realize they do not have Meowth with them and they should attempt to make Eevee into a member of Team Rocket. Grookey continues to wander the tunnels alone before coming across a tunnel with a slight wind. Pikachu and Goh continue through the tunnels until they come across a sewage tunnel, the source of the awful smell. The two follow the tunnel due to the water possibly leading to the exit of the tunnel, though as they continue, a wild Seismitoad comes from the sewage to confront the two.

The wild Seismitoad uses Gastro Acid to partially melt the floor below Goh and Pikachu. Goh identifies the Seismitoad with his Rotom Phone while Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on the Vibration Pokémon, though it is unaffected due to its Ground type. Seismitoad returns with Bubble Beam, hitting Pikachu with bubbles all around it. Goh tells Pikachu to use Iron Tail which temporarily dazes the Seismitoad. Goh prepares a Poké Ball to catch Seismitoad, though Pikachu uses Iron Tail once more to send the Seismitoad into the water as it swims away.

Meanwhile, with Ash and Morpeko, the two fight over the bag of Klink-shaped cookies and begin to wildly eat and compete for the treat. Chloe and Meowth continue through the tunnel as the two begin to talk again. Meowth is reminded of the quarrel he had with Jessie earlier, though Chloe reminds him that he will have to make up with Jessie eventually due to them being a team. The words move Meowth as the sparkle in his eyes grow, relieving him with Chloe's presence. However, the calming moment is quickly interrupted by Team Rocket's intro, which is revealed to be Jessie and James showing Chloe's Eevee the motto on their Rotom Phone. The three continue by practicing the motto in the cave. Grookey continues to wander alone in the cave as it finally sees light from above ground. As Grookey rushes out of the tunnel, it is immediately caught in Wobbuffet's net. However, Wobbuffet realizes that the caught Pokémon isn't Pikachu, so he frees Grookey. The Chimp Pokémon is intrigued by the net, so it snatches it from Wobbuffet and runs around with the net, pestering Wobbuffet as he chases after Grookey.

Goh and Pikachu continue through the sewer until they hear some noise nearby. They rush through a nearby tunnel and find a group of Durant burrowing through the tunnels. One of the Durant steps forward, though Goh tells Pikachu to use Electroweb, snaring the Durant. The other Durant come out from their tunnels, scaring Goh as he takes off with Pikachu. Ash and Morpeko continue to fight over the cookie bag until the Durant colony also finds them. Ash comes up with a plan and begins to tease Morpeko with the bag, angering Morpeko greatly. Morpeko begins to use Stomping Tantrum, throwing the wild Durant colony into a fray as Ash grabs Morpeko and flees. Meanwhile, Meowth picks up a shiny green gemstone to give to Chloe as a gift. As he is about to present his gift, the wild Durant colony emerges from the ground and the two also flee. Jessie, James and Eevee are also seen running from a large group of Durant chasing after them. Meanwhile, above ground, Grookey and Wobbuffet continue to run with the net until Grookey senses rustling from some nearby bushes. Grookey uses the net to catch a Pokémon, which turns out to be a group of Heatmor that have become very angry at Grookey's disturbance. The underground tunnels all eventually meet up to one cave where all of the characters meet up and reunite with their proper cohorts. However, there is no time to properly reunite, as all of the Durant emerge from the tunnels and surround the group.

Wobbuffet and Grookey suddenly jump in the tunnel with the three Heatmor following them. As the Heatmor and Durant confront each other, they begin to fight while Ash, Goh, Chloe and Team Rocket all watch the events unfold. The group realizes that the fighting Pokémon give them a chance to escape the tunnel, so everyone runs for the tunnel exit. Once above ground, the group lies of the ground exhausted. Goh also realizes one of the Durant from the tunnel has followed him out, so he catches the timid Durant, successfully registering it in his Pokédex. As Chloe is distracted by Ash and Goh's excitement, Meowth realizes that it is the perfect time to confess his love to Chloe. Meowth pulls out the green gem from before and confesses his love, though he quickly realizes he is facing Jessie instead of Chloe. Jessie takes the gem from Meowth as James and Wobbuffet happily watch while Meowth is left confused. Chloe sees the events and is happy for Meowth and how he was eventually able to make up with Jessie. Morpeko has also escaped the tunnel, though it is still in its Hangry Mode. Ash realizes he dropped the bag filled with cookies in the tunnel, so Morpeko uses Aura Wheel and sends everyone blasting off.

Ash, Goh and Chloe are shown walking home with them discussing their experience in the tunnel, including Goh's new Durant walking alongside them. Meanwhile, Morpeko has satisfied its hunger with a bunch of Berries as Team Rocket lies in a tree. Meowth looks out to the setting sun and reminisces about his time with Chloe.




  • Who's That Pokémon?: Seismitoad
  • This is the first time someone listens to Meowth's reason for learning human speech.
  • This is the first time that Meowth developed a crush on a supporting traveling companion of Ash.
  • The alleged new evolution of Klink that actually was only a joke for the shop owner to advertise his shop is based on a fake leak of Mega Klinklang that existed years ago.



  1. ^ (n.d.) . "Everybody's Doing the Underground Shuffle! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 13, 2024.